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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. shall know I will troll DLV on blazblue again today...maybe
  2. Shall know I improved my carl and arakune a bit in bbcs2 today:
  3. LOL so far, Dagron, ESR, and you have now said that. Only Dagron has fulfilled that goal...and it was against my white lambda: a sign of the lowest possible caring. Aware that I am awesome at blazblue even though I don't play too often.
  4. Is probably slightly raging towards my all powerful lambchops
  5. Shall know DLV is now the only person on the board to force me to play my best lambda in blazblue. >.<
  6. Think? My good sir, I KNOW so. =3 Knows I suck at using Carl Clover and his sandwich comboes.
  7. I am pro as F*** My carl and kune got better =) And so far, DLV is the only person I legitimately tried against whith lambda. (I used Default Color =O)
  8. Shall know I am pro as **** (Sarcasm about being pro btw)
  9. may or may not wanna play my litchi now. -_-
  10. Shall know I posted a video of my Blazblue training in the blazblue thread.
  11. Shall know that my pokemon rain team consists of pokemon that have fire weaknesses, due to the rain weakening fire attacks. (Ferro is beast in rain)
  12. shall know that I only use itunes as a quick way to sort and rename my sound effects that I use in my videos.
  13. shall know that I am annoyed that in Itunes, when I type, my mouse dissapears, though I turned that off in windows explorer.
  14. Knows I can upload up to an hour per video on youtube. (Hehehe)
  15. Against Ragna, Noel, Jin, Carl, Litchi, Tager, Bang, Haku Mirrors, Tsubaki, Mu, and Makoto use an airdash approach and A Falling attack, normally j.5B or j.2C. Against Tao and Valk, Bait them into a 4D combo. Against Rachel, Arakune, Lambda, Hazama, and Plat, Approach with a j.2C that is used As you are airdashing to orbify their projectiles. (Since those 5 characters have projectiles that get in the way of your airdash) Also, I've seen this used on me way to many times. Corner: 623AA>(JC)>j.2C(Falling)>2C>j.5A>j.5A>airdash>j.5A>j.5C>j.214B>j.5A>j.5C>(Now you have a choice) Option 1: J.214C Option 2: Gold Burst and repeat starting at the 2C Option 3:RC j.5A>j.5C Option 4: Just end the combo. Heres some of my Litchi Practice:
  16. Knows I have a self-made half-finished lambda sculpture in my room. >.> Lacking materials sucks.
  17. shall know my desktop's internet was busted all morning.
  18. knows I am stupid when I'm not in school.
  19. Shall know I have no idea how to check my post count. (Tell me plz?)
  20. Shall know I am re-downloading modern warfare 2.
  21. Shall know I wanna play DLV again. I'm back in the game. No more dropping comboes mid-way >=D
  22. knows spicy things may hurt your mouth a lot sometimes. X_x
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