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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. shall know that my tier list of favorite hair colors in Anime/Manga/Games goes: Purple>Blue>Silver>Teal>Orange>Red>Yellow>Blonde>Black>Green.
  2. Shall know I have plenty of DS games I still need to play.
  3. Shall know I'm done with finals. **** YES!!!
  4. knows that Sakuya can do that "Za Warudo" thing.
  5. Knows flandre can get pretty violent when angry. Shall know that if I could I would sooo put all of the FE12 game script in google translate right now.
  6. shall know that I would mess with flandre's head for some violence. Hehehe. FFs
  7. knows you don't mess with benny the cop.
  8. knows that midbosses usually have generic names.
  9. Knows you never mess with benny the cop
  10. Shall know I wouldn't mind wearing a nu patch. I just feel that half eyesight could be annoying.
  11. shall know I love the Legend of Zelda timeline.
  12. Shall know that Gamefaqs houses all the pro players of megaman starforce 3.
  13. shall know I love the tales of the world series remixes of tales battle themes. And GFAQS houses the pros of MMSF3.
  14. >.> <.< It always goes back to that in FFtF. Shoulda posted in general....
  15. Having double eyepatches would look creepy. I recall some manga where some epic dude had two eyepatches. Twas cool~. But in real life.... no.
  16. shall know I can hack e-mails..easily... Bruteforcing ftw.
  17. I need luck to improve my luck growth. I have a big fat zero in both. Apparently anyways.... And yeah, I think I'ma make Nu13's Eyepatch next time I am bored, have free time, and have black and red fabric. Just in case one of my accidents actually takes out an eye.
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