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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. shall know that I think all mothers don't hesitate to use force to get their way.
  2. Shall know I am listening to the ToTW RM3 ost.
  3. shall know that my parents are annoying too.
  4. knows that my lambda is better than ESR's ragna.
  5. has avvy and sig that will ruin ESR's mind Oh you are on. I wonder if I can actually pull off the new Litchi combo of doom. Hmmm
  6. shall know that pizza was delicious. *Feels ub3r fat*
  7. shall know that for the first month I was on my pokemon clan, everyone there was convinced I was female >.<
  8. shall know my OU team in pokemon takes out even ubers.
  9. shall know I finally have a legal team in pokemon. and it is evil.
  10. shall know I now have a self-made majora's mask hanging on my wall.
  11. shall know that from my experimenting, my EO3 party is the best possible defensive wise.
  12. shall know I'm stuck making backgrounds for my xat's chatroom
  13. Shall know I have a hazama-like tailcoat for those fancy occasions.
  14. shall know I want some more FEDS user badges.
  15. knows sleep is my only problem in my EO strategy...for now.
  16. Hmm. Just about EVERY female from fire emblem has potential to be in SSB. *Wants to see a generic soldier, axe user, or a magic user for lolz*
  17. Shall know I hate school cuz boring, not hard.
  18. not as needing of food as me. Seriously, I starve myself to stay thin.
  19. knows that I may help with the hacking in the FE12 translation. maybe.
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