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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. knows that I have 1 more full day and 3 half days of school. (HUh? you didn't? You do now)
  2. knows that I get super lazy, even after I plan things out.
  3. Shall know that class time is catch up on sleep time that I wasted on homework.
  4. Knows its more like a boss than a noob.
  5. shall know that I dont study a lot of the time. Only for the things that I slept through in class. -_-'
  6. Hazama's corner combo I stated earlier is the easiest 50% combo anyone will ever do. Another 850 if you have another 50% for 663C>236236B, and ANOTHER 1.5K or so if you can land the 214D~C>3C>665C>2C>6D~A>4D~A>7j.8D~A>623D>7j.6D~D>5C>9j.5Cx5>5C>623D>663C afterwards. (Kinda pointless doing all that work for only another 40% heat and 1.5K if you ask me.)
  7. *Has cards ranging everywhere from 20$ to 1 penny* Which is strange, seeing that I don't play YGO. My cards are sorta just lying there...taking up space and doing nothing. -_-'
  8. *Pain Split* I have less HP so I end up with higher %age. hehhehe
  9. knows? that in pokemon yellow, there was a guy saying that there should be a pink pokemon with flowers on it, and in B/W, we got munna.
  10. doesn't have the same member badge as me.
  11. Shall know I lost my first MMSF3 match in a while. -_-'
  12. Knows the tales series is amazing. *Wants localization for TotW: RM3*
  13. know? the theme "Fighting of the Spirit" in the tales series is amazing.
  14. Shall know I have a million ideas for a new sig but am too lazy to put it together.
  15. shall know that shedinja is a cheap ass in pokemon.
  16. I'm still working on my lambda corner combos =Z. I can't seem to land a j.5DD after a 6A. ;^; Its so annoying. I want my CS1 meterless 6K corner combo back.
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