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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Shall know that earlier today, my head was hurting super-bad.
  2. Knows I shouldn't be making fun of his boots because I did crossplay multiple female characters in the past.
  3. Shall know that when I talk to someone about something I wouldn't say to another person, that means I'm treating that person like furniture, not someone I have confidence in.
  4. Shall know that Mangafox is exceptionaly slow for me right now.
  5. shall know killing a fluffy pasaran is unforgivable. *Hugs Pasaran plush*
  6. now knows ESR wears girly boots. *Never gonna let that go* (Hehe)
  7. Shall know that males wearing girly boots in SOCAL is generally looked down upon.
  8. *Hazama command grab to Jayokus you for real soviet damage*
  9. Shall know that strangely, I have never drank alcohol or done any drugs.
  10. shall know I need to hurry up with my homework
  11. shall know I am losing it in pokemon now...
  12. has not faced my spammy but pretty good lambda yet. FFs
  13. Shall know I use 6A>2B>2C>5CxN>6C/3C>236D close range to get back to zoning, and the A and B attacks can be switched in order or a TK added anywhere before 5C for mix-up, making it so that I use all the attack buttons, and not just spam C.
  14. Shall know that zoning is fun, and I CAN play a close range game if I need to, as he knows.
  15. Shall know I sorta like makoto, but I hate her gameplay wise as I hate autodrive characters gameplay wise even if I like them for appearence or whatever. (Such as Platinum, Tager, Ragna, Noel, Makoto, CS1 Hazama)
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