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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Shall know I probably won't be on xbox live today =_=. So tired. Cant play blazblue for shit right now.
  2. I get most of my meter from taking out guard primers from a full screen away. 5DD>2DD>214C>214D~C>236D~C>214D~C>>236D~C>236C>Dash(Before last hit of 236D~C)>6C>2B>2C>5CxN>3C>214D. I gain like 25 meter even if you block it, and you can't mash A out of it. And you can't get out of it if the first 214D~C is blocked. The only way out of losing 4 guard primers is letting the 214D~C hit letting you tech out. Well, you can jump the 2nd 214D~C but you don't have enough time to jump high enough even with a high jump because of the 236D~C. And the second 236D~C lets me use a 236C without being able to be punished. (I'd keep spike/sickle pressuring but gravity seed runs out then) And the last 214D must be blocked no matter what because 3C makes you tech right as spike chaser comes out, making you block, and blocking 3C leaves you too far to hit me, giving me time to use spike chaser as you run towards/away from me or jump. I feel like such a nerd for having figured that out all by messing around.
  3. I always get general amelia. Always... Get her... *Death Stare*
  4. Just get the cheapest you can find and buy parts from newegg to upgrade it...
  5. You may also wanna play Noel, Platinum, and Hakumen too. I mean, They, and ragna, are the autodrive characters of this game.
  6. I got a character that doesn't do anything, and quits/dies mid-game FE9 Edit: Huh? It changed.
  7. shall know I am running between my tv and computer.
  8. ... I just wanted to know if there were ever gonna be more than 1 badge of a character from the ds series...
  9. clashed j.5a into a grab. Just tried it today, worked every time. (Well it was always the C or D command with the chain so it was easy to predict.
  10. Shall know I am playing blazblue~ *Goes back to my xbox*
  11. shall know I'm gonna go play blazblue now.
  12. oh right, what is that attack where tager jumps into the air spinning?
  13. shall know I am battling a staller in pokemon right now.
  14. Well yeah. I know I need a LOT of work in proportioning human drawings >.< Anything I draw thats not human though, looks ok....
  15. shall know I am having no success finding an opponent on MMSF3
  16. not super bored. (Well, not as much as me anyways)
  17. watching something I dont hmmm maybe I should go hack some xb360 games...
  18. isn't waiting on his sis to finish playing on an xb so he can play blazblue
  19. Should totally get a facebook and add everyone here that has one.
  20. shall know I have over 9000 unread e-mails (including spam)
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