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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. 2C has more range than 2A =D. Valk is so mean T_T. I mean, since I play Lambda, and she needs room, Valk=devil.
  2. *Yawn* So....when are there gonna be FE11/12 badges other than Roro?
  3. shall know that I haven't played ssbb in forever.
  4. Knows that my drawings are terribad but my photoshop work is pretty good.
  5. ram can always be upgraded. Just make sure you get a duel core processer. Ram costs like...10$ a gig on newegg so its easy and cheap to upgrade. Then, it should run fine.
  6. Lol, Marth=Mix of Hakumen and Ragna. NSpecial=GodPoke (HK) USpecial=Inferno Divider (RA) DSpecial=Yukikaze (HK) Side Special=Basica Combo variants (RA) NJab/UTilt=2C (HK) FTilt=6C (RA) FSmash=5C (HK) Dtilt=3C (HK) Dsmash=2C(RA)
  7. Shall know I just posted in the creative subforum and posted some of my work (Which all suck really bad)
  8. [spoiler=My Drawins] Random dragon I scribbled out of boredom recently. I made this one about a month ago. I couldn't stand listening to my english teacher, so this is the result. The pencil got smeared on some parts and I was off on proportions, so this drawing has been discontinued. All drawings were done without any image to copy off of. They were done by memory while I was in school-bored. [spoiler=Photoshop Work] I made this for my pokemon clan's chatroom. Saw this somewhere, Loved it, forgot to save it, recreated it. The most simple but best avvy I have ever seen. [spoiler=Smash Bros Brawl Textures] Lord Ike, created out of boredom. Mia, but never finished vertex hacking... Galactic Knight. One of my first texture hacks ever. Revamp of Skyos's Phazon Samus. Chrono. One of my earlier textures. Criticism is welcome, but I hardly ever actually spend time on my art or photoshop skills so I likely won't be improving any time soon. Also [spoiler=Random Screenshots] Jesus Lucus!!!
  9. Nope....well, not in that way.... thinks highly of himself.
  10. Shall know only once have i ever had a crush on someone.... I have doubts about my humanity due to the lack of my interest in others >.<
  11. shall know that I can't pull off Carl's aerial reset combo due to not having my xb360 fightstick and the xb controller has awkward button positions for playing carl.
  12. shall know its even hard for me to do so.
  13. can not imitate a girl's voice convincingly...probably.
  14. Shall know that my voice range is so high, I can sing/hum love so blue, and the oriental flower and queen of the rose vocals... as long as I have water to keep myself hydrated as I lose my voice when thirsty.
  15. Shall know I inserted the vocals of Oriental Flower, Queen of the Rose, and Gale-Reppu in my BBCS disc.
  16. Shall know that I am one of the 3% that doesn't. (Not enough time to do that and stuff I need and want to do)
  17. shall know that I am full of boredom right now.
  18. shall know that I will not be on XBL till like 1pm (ESR, Get on then)
  19. What other attacks does MK have? I mean, he has some, but they are useless.
  20. Tornado is one of metaknights only 3 attacks and his only damage attack. I don't have a problem with tornado spam. I can powershield cancel a grab to hit MKs out of tornado.
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