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Posts posted by Zasplach

  1. 3 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    Monopoly laws are tricky and I would agree the US needs to do a better job recognizing monopolies.  That has nothing to do with nn though.  

    Tech companies like google have a lot more power to control what we see and do online than ISPs.  They are literally blocking conservative speakers (not the alt-right, regular conservatives) on YouTube right now.  Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube (google again) have huge censorship problems.  They actually have more censorship problems than ISPs as far as I"m concerned.  At least ISPs are blocking websites that are illegal or expensive to them and not just blocking people they don't like.

    Twitter is claiming that they're going to ban all "Neo-Nazis" from their service.  But here's the thing, what defines a Neo-Nazi?  Plenty of people call Trump a neo-nazi, does that mean twitter is going to block the american people from being able to see his tweets?  And what about the alt-left aka Antifa? Twitters not doing anything about them?  This is looking extremely politically motivated.

    On the other hand we have ISPs triggering people who steal on the internet by blocking bitTorrrent.  

    Whose the bad guy?

    NN has everything to do with monopoly laws though, the regulation of monopolies are what the federal bureaucracy was created to do, the first real department was the department of commerce meant to regulate mostly the railroad industry that was literally bankrupting thousands or heartland farmers because they could.  The FCC was created to regulate the communications aspect of the economy: tv, radio, and the internet.  Its rules are the main means by which Americans regulate monopolies because the Congress doesn't have the appetite for it because the average American doesn't understand it and big companies and the money and lobbyists to fight it, so no political will exists.  

    And the 2nd part is basically what @Phoenix Wright said, they are private companies and can have whatever private opinions they want to have like private individuals are.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

    If there's monopoly rules in place, they don't seem to do a very good job considering a lot of America has a monopoly for their ISP choice, or at best the other option is much worse and they are more or less forced to go with the former.

    There are mostly monopoly laws on the books that let the federal government fight monopolies to break them up, basically the Sherman anti-trust laws that broke up Rockefeller's monstrosity and what the Trump administration is attempting to use to keep AT&T from merging with Time Warner, but except in the case of public utilities where governments create public-private boards to run/oversee the utilities, if monopolies aren't being fought by the Justice Department the only remedy the Feds have is the creation of specific rules by either the Congress or the specific bureaucratic department in charge of the regulation of that sector of the economy, the FCC and internet for example.  

  3. 2 hours ago, Tryhard said:

    It's worth noting that polls estimated that 83% of all Americans, including >70% of Republicans opposed this move. You want to talk about how 'will of the people' or 'democracy' works in America, that's pretty much what you have (not to mention the repeal that Trump signed that had a 6% approval rating from Americans of a law that prohibited telecom companies from selling on/sharing customers personal private information like web browsing history without their consent)

    The US is a republic and for basically 200 years a deferential republic, public will only means so much, Jacksonian democracy not withstanding.  

    In terms of net neutrality, when we're talking about economic arguments because that's basically that's basically the crux of the argument, how much should the Federal government participate  in the internet provider market, we should all clarify how much true capitalism plays a role in a market.  I think an ideal situation is a market where both producers and consumers have easy access to produce and consume the product; internet access is basically like a utility, something that we as a society have basically decided needs to be highly regulated because the high cost of becoming a producer, it basically takes these huge multi-media corporations to have the means to get the internet to the consumer.  

    I don't expect that this repeal will result in a huge slowdown of the internet for most people, but it opens a window, and I'm not making a slippery slope argument, it just seems needless to open the door to this on what is basically a public utility.  An average person in the 21st century needs the internet almost as much as they need power and water, strange but true.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

    For what it's worth, I don't really think that matters. It's not like "vulnerable", "entitlement", "science-based", "evidence-based" especially can't come up in a budget for disease prevention. What's the point of the first, anyway? Is it because of healthcare?

    I think the article that @Res linked to is pretty spot on really.  Those are the kind of words that the likes of Billy Graham Jr and James Dobson want removed from the lexicon of the Federal government so as to 'murk' up the waters.  Language is precise and powerful, people who consider it know this. Thoughtful Christians have known for this at least centuries, you should see the theological essays about single, yes single, words translated in the Bible and how a slight change can alter its whole meaning.  These words give clarity to what they mean and not using them makes takes power away from the reports.

  5. 1 minute ago, Refa said:

    Don't do this.  These boosters are better used on actual productive members of your team (the exceptions being an Angelic Robe to help Roy survive).

    Yeah, if you want to play the game on hard mode or efficiently or both, but if you want Roy to be your boy instead of dragging him along as a rescued useless body then give him stuff, normal mode is pretty easy already.

  6. 1 minute ago, Thane said:

    So from one thing to another, what are the chances that Roy turns out to, indeed, be my boy this game and get awesome stat growths?

    Not very high, his highest stat growths are hp skill and luck, but on normal mode (I assume that's what you will be playing) you can feed him all your stat boosters and he'll be decent enough when he promotes way late in the game and gets a great weapon.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

    What a fucking muppet. The fact that a child molester can say something like that with a straight face is disgusting.

    He is definitely a caricature of a human


    3 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

    The Alabama Secretery of State also basically shut him down and told him that if he wanted to pay for a recount he could.

    "The people of Alabama have spoken," says Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, a Republican, seeming to reject Moore's contention that the result is somehow in doubt.


    Then again, are we really surprised that Roy Moore can't take 'no' for an answer?

    But all those military provisional ballots are still out there and clearly all those God-fearing military men and women voted for Moore, or so Mr Moore's argument goes.  And just because the state of Alabama isn't going to pay for it doesn't mean that Steve Bannon can't raise money to get a recount and then drag it into the courts and make this last for weeks at least, maybe months.

  8. 1 minute ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

    Could you give me the rundown? I'd rather not get the water from the poisoned well myself to be honest.

    He said the race wasn't over, that he was expecting to see a recount automatically happen (.5% difference results in automatic recount) and that God was in control and that he hadn't lost and thanks to the media for your lies and we haven't lost yet.

  9. 1 minute ago, Tryhard said:

    There was 20,000 write-ins. Less than the margin that Jones won by. There was obviously some disgruntled Republicans.

    I'm sure Trump will pretend that he never endorsed Moore when he emerges tomorrow.

    Are US news channels 24/7? That's pretty insane - I'm not entirely sure that contributes to healthy coverage, but considering the state of media in the US maybe it's not just that...

    On election nights they are, they go like 20 hours on normal days.

  10. 7 minutes ago, The Geek said:

    This is going to be contested to hell and back.  Trump is going to be off his rocker (more so than usual, I mean)

    Eh, Moore will come out tonight and give up sometime around midnight eastern tonight, it's over.  


    5 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

    I'm flipping to Fox News just because I want to see their reaction. Lol This should be good.

    Laura Ingraham isn't going to talk about a loss.

    Here's an interesting editorial from the USA Today, a pretty non-political paper https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/12/12/trump-lows-ever-hit-rock-bottom-editorials-debates/945947001/

    I pray everyday that the President learns to be a decent man because a decent man can be humbled, maybe this loss in Alabama will be a lesson for him to just grow up, but not matter Doug Jones should celebrate being the most vulnerable senator in the whole United States Senate; he's going to be creamed in four years.

  11. Finally a return to some sort of sanity, it doesn't matter your political stripes, if you come to an election with the mindset I will vote for anything, anyone who isn't a Democrat or I will vote for anything, anyone who isn't a Republican, despite anything, breaks our very political system.  If you decide that the other side is so irredeemable that sexual abuse or horrible character is better than x political belief, we can't possibly function as a society.  Thank the Lord for, to quote President Harding, uck, 'A Return to Normalcy'.

  12. On 11/7/2017 at 10:55 PM, Zasplach said:

    You might as well start hoping for it to start raining money.  Democrats have about as much chance of winning in a statewide Alabama election as I have of being President in four years (I'm 25, so yeah).  Democrats need to focus on winning middle America state elections, the deep south is too red.  Winning Virginia is a good start, but Democrats have to win elections in states like Wisconsin, Detroit, Ohio, and Iowa.  Let the deep south do whatever they are going to do.

    I  may to eat crow and start my presidential campaign tomorrow. For anyone interested this race at 10:12 EST is a real nail-bitter.  This is going to be decided in the middle of the night, looks like a recount is in the cards, kind of crazy.

    Edit: And at 10:30 pm EST Fox calls the race for Jones, my word.

  13.  Beverly Young Nelson admitted that she wrote the time and place stamp at the bottom of the note to remind herself of the event.  The issue with this expert confirming the signature is that the expert was hired by Gloria Allred, the women's attorney, if they had really wanted expert confirmation they would have sent it to the FBI or some other expert not for hire.  Not to say that anyone's expertise can't be impugned in this post-factual world, but this will literally sway no one to disbelieve Roy Moore.  Not to mention that the bit about the time and place stamp makes it so that even reasonable people might be inclined to disbelieve her now, not just Moore supporters.  Why did she not tell us this from the beginning, why give ammunition to those who were already going to disbelieve her?  

  14. https://www.npr.org/2017/12/07/569291354/rep-trent-franks-to-resign-from-congress-after-asking-staffers-about-surrogacy

    And the sexual harassment train finally hits my neck of the woods (he's not my Congressman directly, but the conservative west-side and east-side Phoenix districts are very similar).  This resignation seems strange to me though, smells like something worse than he's fessing up to and he's gonna quit while trying to keep his dignity in tact and not embarrassing his family further.  It's a very conservative district, maybe one of the ten most in the country, so there won't be any political ramifications, though no Franks in the House is a hit to Republicans on the influence side (Franks held a lot of sway with the most conservative members of the House). 

    The explanation why he's quitting still feels strange to me.  What he did seems inappropriate (propositioning subordinates to be your surrogate is bad) and yes the House Ethics Committee voted unanimously to have a sub-committee on his conduct, but I don't think just this would have resulted in his getting the boot. 


  15. 5 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

    Like I'm trying not to be too hyperbolic about the Trump tax plan. It's bad policy. It's not the end of the world. I do think if it passes it becomes the GOP's Obamacare; a massively unpopular piece of legislation passed on party-lines that's going to become a rallying cry for the opposition going into the midterms, and carry them back to the majority. And it's sort of in the same boat as Obamacare where its subject to the political whims of the next president and congress; just because its passed doesn't mean it survives the shelf-life of this presidency. I'm much more interested in what's going on right now with Trump's Israel policy and plans to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, tbh. Any thoughts on that one?

    Eh, tax cuts don't tend to be albatrosses on majorities necks like acts of compulsion (see President Bush 1 being sunk by the raising of taxes and the Democrat majority being sunk by Obamacare which force people to buy health insurance).  It's a stupid bill, but I don't expect the backlash that different types of bills can have on a majority.

    On one hand, the whole moving the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is a move to reality. Israel's actual, physical governmental capital is in West Jerusalem, all the apparatus of state exist there, but there is a lot of controversy in that act.  Both the potential dual states of Israel want Jerusalem as their capital for cultural, historical, and political reasons, it seems it would be easier if the 'City of God' was paved under dirt, but alas.  On the other hand, this certainly hurts our ability to be neutral arbiters between the PLO and Israel, not that has gone very well over the last forty years.  I don't see any gain, except political for President, in moving the embassy to Jerusalem, but politics reign supreme so no matter.  The US has been attempting to move the embassy since '95, but all 3 Presidents since then have decided to sign waivers because they didn't want to drop the bomb, it looks like President Trump will continue to sign the waivers for a while, so this may be a wholly political act that never comes to fruition.  

    And lastly, it looks like Senator Franken is going resign.  Thirty Democratic senators called for his resignation today and he wasn't on the floor or in committee today and he has an announcement coming tomorrow.  It seems a little late and more to do with the pushing of the political winds, but doing the right thing is always welcomed.  It appears that the cultural left is less willing to trade votes for what it perceives as a violations of it's core tenants, absolute equality of women being one.  I suspect, at least in the near future, this will be the norm, accused Democrats will be compelled to resign by the proverbial lynch mob and their caucus refusing to cooperate with them , while Republicans will attempt to entrench themselves against such accusations.

  16. 4 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

    ...remember what Comey was fired for, all the way back before we even had a special prosecutor. Trump in his one-on-one meetings with the FBI director had two concrete demands as to how he expected Comey to show his "loyalty." (1) Put out a statement that Donald Trump is not personally under any criminal investigation. (2) "Take it easy on Mike Flynn. He's a good guy." Flynn was with him from the beginning. This was the guy who had all the access to the inner circle of Jared and Don Jr. and Ivanka, but none of the family loyalty. He knew who was doing what and on who's orders and could expose the whole thing, if The State flipped him with the threat of criminal prosecution. You say Miller is running out of cards. I say he just drew a full hand. (Further note that they offered no such plea deal to Paul Manafort. In other words--knowing what he knows--Mueller has deemed Flynn's knowledge-of-events + cooperation with prosecutors useful to his investigation, in ways that Manafort's wasn't)

    A quick parsing  shows that Flynn joined him in February, so quiet a while.  And I didn't say he's running out of cards, I said he's running out of people with which to flip; he may very well be pointing fingers at people President Trump cares about (however little he can care about anyone), but until someone points the accusatory finger at the President, no one should be holding their breath.  Remember, a hallmark of this presidency is the presidents lack of interest in specific policy points or really any interest in anything but Twitter and campaigning/rallies, so he may never have been part of any specific, provable offense; he's a giant narcissist, I don't think he really cares that much about his sons/son-in-laws doing federal time, if someone from his personal circle (his sons/son-in-laws, daughters, Steve Bannon, Hope Hicks) doesn't flip, may not be any thing Mr. Mueller can do.  

  17. 4 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

    Strongly disagree--look at the factual basis for the guilty plea that Flynn has admitted to. It's in the court documents: Flynn admits as true that he met with the Russians at the direction of and through secret back-channels established by Jared Kushner; lying to the FBI when he provides testimony to the contrary. There's a very solid picture of where this is going--Kushner is the next target. Flynn is the cooperative witness that has the dirt on Trump and his family. Mueller would not have let him off-the-hook with only a conviction for lying to the FBI about what he did, with no charges as to his underlying conduct, unless he delivered the goods. (Also now being reported on CNN that Trump has approached several Republican Senators and asked them to shutdown the investigation)

    Trump has no strategy, he just spouts his mouth off without the slightest bit of thought; he basically told CBS the information that necessitated the creation of the special counsel; his mouth isn't going to get him impeached, it just makes him a clown.  I'm not saying there is no there, there, I'm saying that until someone will stand up and point there finger at President Trump and bellow to the public that he did something illegal and or nefarious in regards the Russian meddling, no one of sound mind should expect anything to come of it.  The special counsel had Mr. Flynn's genitals in the vice grip because they had him and his son and he may have been willing to do the full 5 year sentence for the president, but he didn't want his son to have to do the time, so he rolled.  Now he is pointing his finger at Kushner, I don't see Kushner pointing his finger at the President, talk about a way for a Jewish man to get kicked out of the family, by rolling on his dear old dad-in-law the President and I don't see Muller wanting anyone more that Kushner other than the President.  So what does Muller really have on Kushner? Maybe what they had on Flynn, lying to the FBI, five years at most and violating the Logan act, that's a max of three years, so Kushner falls on his sword and does the 8 years in a white collar federal prison, probably eligible for parole in 5 and after the next election win or lose Trump can pardon him because no one can hurt him after that so he probably only does 2 years at most, less if his lawyers drag it out.  I still don't see Muller's end game, he's a smart guy, he has to be near it, he's running out of cards and I don't see an Ace or Trump, pun intended, yet.

    On a side note tax bill passed the Senate 51-49 at 1:51 am EST, didn't catch which Republican voted against, now the fun of the conference between House and Senate begins. 

  18. This Flynn news, while interesting, doesn't give any clarity into what Bob Mueller has on anyone in the administration.  All we really know is that Flynn isn't going to jail as long as he flips to state-side and rats on people and there is speculation that he might have evidence against Jared Kushner.  Getting into the Trump sphere is of mild note, but I'm not really convinced that we are going to learn anything damning about the President and just like Ollie North fell on his sword for President Reagan during the Iran-Contra affair, I suspect that even if President Trump did something wrong/illegal, someone will fall on their sword for him and take all of the blame, Jared Kushner seems like a good candidate.  

    While I'm not a huge proponent of supply-side economics, I think it's fairly clear that the tax cuts of 1981 had a positive effect on the state of the US economic situation.  I know none of us were alive, but the 70's were an economic situation that the country had never experienced and the Keynesians had never predicted; the country was stiffed by inflation rates, the decade averaging in the 7 percents while economic growth lagged behind and the result was a poor economy.  Keynesians thought that inflation always followed growth, so clearly something was stifling growth and the tax cuts of the early 80's both relieved the excessive inflation and helped spark growth.  The real flaw I see in the tax cuts, especially of the early 2000's is creating a greater disparity in economic conditions of those with more and those with less.  

    I think it's pretty clear that 2008 economic collapse was caused by deregulation of the personal mortgage market which  allowed for millions maybe tens of millions of people to purchase homes they couldn't afford except in the best possible economic conditions and then when best economic conditions ended people couldn't pay their bills and millions of people faulted, causing banks to go under.  It didn't help that the Glass-Stegall act was repealed in 1999 which allowed for commercial (saving and loan banks) and investment banks to be under one entity and so when the commercial arms of the banks had trouble, the investment arms seized up and the economy went boom.  Most of these policies were started in the 90's by Republicans and President Clinton and solidified under the Bush administration.

    The real issue with these tax cuts (basically the last 3 waves since 2000) is that the country tends to elect Republicans when times are good and we should be decreasing inflation by paying down our debt by cutting spending and raising taxes, the country instead decides that times are good and they can only get better by increasing the deficit by cutting taxes and then the economy cycles into recession, we boost spending to fight deflation and then the cycle continues and we end up in the same spot we're in.  

  19. 19 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    It's definitely a conflicting feeling.

    On one hand, yeah. Tillerson REALLY shouldn't have had that job.

    On the other, it's very unlikely that he was fired over his lack of qualifications or being bad at his job. He was probably fired to insulting our Manbaby in Chief.

    Eh, Secretary of State is mostly a managerial position, not really a political one and Tillerson had experience at Exon with high level management.  Most secretaries of state haven't really been political animals, minus in the late 18th/early 19th century when SOS was basically the heir-apparent Jefferson to Madison, Madison to Monroe, Monre to Adams, and it made President Obama's choices of Mrs. Clinton and Mr Kerry to that position a little strange.  In fact both Clinton and HW Bush had non-political secretary of states.  I cringed a little when President Trump decided to appoint the CEO of Exon Mobile to the position, but he brought a seriousness to the job that I didn't expect a Trump nominee to have.  I think most of the problems at Downing street have to do with the Bannon agenda of gutting the federal bureaucracy by simply not filling political positions by appointments.  

    I don't think Mike Pompeo is an improvement to Mr. Tillerson, at least it looked like Tillerson was willing to call the President on his rancorous garbage, Pompeo on the other hand is a political fellow and knows his political fortunes is entirely reliant on the shape of this Presidency.  Pompeo was the one who as head of the CIA took a meeting on Trump's recommendations with a conspirator who said that the DNC hacks was an inside job, so I don't see the good of Pompeo on the job.

  20. 6 hours ago, DoseofDhillon said:
    • There are implied things in that game, i'm not saying SoV is dark, but with some of the implied dark stuff in the game are handled well. Awakening i already said how they went for a particular story, and its seemingly more on Nintendo, who's allowed there name to be deeply associated with games like DOOM and Bayonetta in the last 5 years. Hell, SMV is a exclusive on the switch a long with No More Heroes….No More Heroes 2 was about travis trying t fuck one girl. This translation group is not to blame, there previous work shows us that there really good. Fates was done by Treehouse and Nintendo Treehouse is kinda trash.
    • To summarize Nyx suicide tendencies, her sexual frustration, and her very own depression and extreme isolation as "Just a old lady in a young persons body" is lets just say….. insensitive? Dark themes explored by someone like Mozu losing her whole family and told by Niles in a C support "Get over it scrub" is i guess really light hearted. 
    • To look at progress, clear progress is clear. Being hung up on games that didn't sell well after this recent surge fire emblem is just cherry picking. The GBA games did well in the west, Awakening, Fates, and SOV also were very successful in the west. Thats about 5/8 games, 1 of them being FE 11 that didn't even sell well in Japan either. and PoR was on the god damn gamecube. 
    • Yes its a old NES rpg that was broken as fuck, yet they kept everything they could. FE 4 isn't that different. your doing the core thing, the only differences is the maps just have multiple objectives in them as you unlock more of the map, and the goal posts change. I don't think anyone would be confused going from Awakening and fates to fe 4, great example, everyone in the west who have recently played FE 4, the most confusing thing in FE 4 for new players is the love system and blood, two of the worst explained mechanics in FE 4. And your right, there wasn't much to stay faithful too, you know what they could have done in a FE 2 remake? Pair up, kids, weapon triangle,  normal tome's, unlimited supports ect. When you have less to stay loyal too, you can change a lot more, yet they only really just tried to balance the game out
    • …I mean its nor that difficult, again, no ones asking for unlimited supports, if you played Echoes, they actually do the Tobin, Clair Grey love triangle pretty well. you could have said THE EXACT same thing you just said….but you know what? They did it really well. Although 4 conversations is kinda dumb, one convo after my guy stood close to him 1 too many turns is also dumb, at least in a conversation they can do stuff and go places. Tatiana and Zeke supports are great, you know whats the worst part everyone bitches about in FE 4 story, especially in gen 1. Diedre has no character. I wonder what could help that? I could get worse, but it also could get a lot fucking better.
    • Also AGAIN. What is one key thing your forgetting here, no one outside of Japan should know what  Sigurd is. They know what a ike, Soren and joshua are, but when the international market, the bigger market then Japan, doesn't know who they are, why would you put them in a game where character recognition is kinda important. The fact that there are more FE 4 characters is baffling. And you say 2 games, yet Thracia might be the least popular game in the fire emblem game, and Ike was in the CYL poll top 5 TWICE
    • I mean its a start. You can't say progress isn't progress just because 5 years ago they were mean. I'm not saying everything will go fine, i'm just presenting you with things that have happened this year alone that can give you maybe a better outlook. I don't think IS or any translation company sleeps at night doing "MUHAHA THE WEST WILL GET A SHITTY VERSION OF OUR PRODUCT"
    • Look, doing a FE 4 remake would be difficult, but i'm willing to take the chance. Because even if its a shitty fucking remake, we have the original games. If you don't want a remake because you think it'll be bad, thats fine. If the remake does come out and is bad, its a remake, we have the originals in that case and your status quo doesn't really change outside of conversations like this. If its good or on par with the original, then everyones happy. If it can be great or even better then the original, whelp, lets not take that chance now because my internet conversation will be slightly different.  M would probably not happen, but its far FAR more likely then it was 5 years ago. Nintendo shift on who they market it too, Nintendo going to more dark games, and the FE becoming a big fucking deal and slowly pushing the boundaries of what they can do. Fucking Game of Throne introducing elements that are all throughout FE 4 but even MORE hardcore, yet GoT being the most popular show this fucking decade. I'd give a M rating like a….10%? 20% chance? if FE 4 ever gets remade, but by god, if its any fucking game, this is the one

    Let me preface this by saying, I think that your hope for a potential FE4 remake is refreshing and as a cynic I tend to see the worst possibilities, just the way I am.  I hope they remake it and do a great job, I'm just not holding my breathe.  There is a risk of IS, pardon my french,  shitting the bed by trying to hedge their bets and trying to please everyone, Fire Emblem fans that like FE4 and fans that dislike FE4.  Everyone should question how and what they think, especially about silly things like video games and entertainment, I just see the pitfalls in this situation.

    • Maybe Nintendo is going for a more mature audience, I remember when they did that frequently and did a good job of it.  They just vacillate from that to what they see as a safer audience, kids and mature content can turn off the audiences that buy for them.
    • Nyx's character is pretty well hidden behind the support system, reading all of them gives her a sense of loneliness that makes sense for an older person in a young person's world, but those aren't her main interactions with the avatar or in the story, her main impression is that's she's old, really old and also sexualized, very sexualized.  
    • FE4 just feels a lot different from main line Fire Emblem does now more so than Gaiden does (I know this sounds strange but really look at it).  Yeah, they took the kid mechanic from Fe4 and used it for better or worse in FE 13/14, but the tight cast, the huge maps, yes huge, the very high stat caps and bases, the extreme emphasis on player phase, feels very different from what's been successful of late, like world maps and grinding, supports for most everyone, and enemy  phase emphasis linked with skills and pair-ups.
    • Gaiden's supports are endearing (I did say that), but there isn't the the whole loaded problem of love mechanics anywhere in Gaiden, but Fe4 is already coming in with that smoking gun pre-loaded.  How are they going to deal with this, what interactions are they going to make, is no supports despite pairing up alright? I don't know what IS thinks about this, how they handle it will be telling.  The thing about the Clair, Gray, Tobin triangle is that the Gray-Clair pairing is already cannon from Fe2 and they have a sort of chemistry of 'snotty', stand-offish noble and commoner who really pursues her, and Tobin never directly interacts with her, rather he talks to Gray, a person with whom he has a deep personal connection, they've been friends their whole lives, lots to connect around here; it feels natural, not forced.
    • Nintendo/IS aren't stupid, they know thousands of westerners have played the game on Roms, hardcore fans have a connection to the game. FE4 has 10 characters, basically on pace with SS's 9, yeah Fe4 never got localized, but people have been introduced to these characters in Awakening, where lots of Fe4 characters got spot-passes, I imagine that peaked interest in Western fans who were curious about them, thus why they make sense in Heroes.
    • IS has always cared about the west, they like money and ours is as green as anyone's.  They don't think 'let's make an awful game', they think, 'hmm this might come off as too.... serious or mature or unpleasant or grating, let's brush over this and simplify it, making it nicer'.
    • This I think is a mildly dangerous way of thinking, yeah if they bomb, sure we have the old game, but talk about a slap-in-the-face to fans of Fe4 and talk about a huge turn-off to new fans and a way to keep people from playing a game you and I both enjoy.  I want every FE fan to play Fe4, I really enjoy it and I think many/most of them will too, but if they, once again pardon my French, shit the bed, how would I convince anyone to play the 20+ year old game when they just made a horrible remake, talk about a no-go.
  21. 5 hours ago, DoseofDhillon said:

    Okay, so i wrote a really long thing but it got erased, so let me give you a short form, Its gonna be a bit more blunt then i intend it to be, but i want to just see if i can change a bit how you think about this

    • You seem to be to hung up on Awakening, i trust the people that did awakening since, A, Echoes was done by them and it was really well, B they did Nier which are much darker then FE 4, so its not them i worry about, its nintendo
    • Even then the tone of awakening is all over the place. I think they just went for a more light hearted story to aim to a younger audience, And they did a good job at doing that, now with a healthier series, they've been trying to go down darker places, such as with the Nohr Lolli in Fates, and even in Echoes
    • IS cares a lot more about the west now, the investors meeting they highlighted how well Heroes was doing in the west, also notice how in seasonal units they choose characters that have been in japan and the west. CYL events in the past would have been a Japanese magazine popularity poll, now they look for international feed back
    • IS stood very loyal to FE 2, because they cared about that game, if they put like 75% of the heart they had in Echoes like they could for a FE 4 remake, i think they'll be very loyal, and i think Nintend will allow this
    • Media has shifted and nintendo as a company as shifted, although not perfect they still allow mention of bastards and people sleeping around in warriors, they also shift there target audience for the switch drastically if you see what there saying and how they advertise there products. There the number one concern, but with media like Game of Thrones being the most popular thing on American television, that can't hurt FE 4 chances of being loyal
    • Supports don't Have to be worst case like how i think your thinking. I really do think FE 4 would do well with supports. Echoes did fine, as supports were more of a side thing. For a remake, wouldn't't a conversation or support for like Lachesis and Sigurd be so cool? If you recall in FE 11, there were no supports, so once you get to something like Michalis, it had been 13 chapter since his name was even spoken, plus its right after Camus. If there were Minerva supports like in 12 to flesh out the Macedon plot, i think it could really help Michalis impact when you see him be more then a "Oh yeah this guy" Same story for FE
    • Also in remakes for FE 12 and Echoes supports are awesome and don't take away from the core story at all, The writings loyal and great in that game
    • IS i think does care about FE 4, they gave FE 4 a lot of stuff in heroes. Sure they could have given it to us earlier, but then you run the risk of FE 4 being overshadowed by the well known character in Bikinis and bunny outfits overshadowing them. Instead they threw them in with the dancers, and even then FE 4 became a huuuugggeee deal to them
    • Overall i think your too caught up on Awakening/Fates to see the recent improvements of the last even 6-12 months with the series. I want a "not pulling punches" type FE 4 remake, and you know what? i believe we'll get it. Nintendo slowly going to a more hardcore audience, FE 4 doesn't have Awakening tone issues so it'll have a consistent one, the series has evolved into a international brand, and IS does care about the west a lot more then i think you give them credit for (The Dorcas Memes got into heroes for Petes sake) and Echoes already experimenting with darker themes. Although Fates wasn't handled well, Leon and other things in that game were handled really fucking well by the fans. Hell in the heroes reddit they handle the Taltiu story extremely fucking well once they learned about it. 
    • Also your forgetting, there is such thing as a M rating, will we get it? I'd give it a low chance, but fuck, if IS is gonna do it with any game, its FE fucking 4.
    • To the Bi Sexual thing, i'm fine with it being in the game, its just like, i won't pretend to know much about that stuff, i'm not creeped out by it, just don't really dabble in it much,

    First, I know you're just thanking them for work on the Ooswa manga, but saying stuff about it can seem kind of pushy, and they've already mentioned that they don't love having people ask them to hurry up, it's a pretty labor intensive job I imagine.

    • I think the Awakening and Fates localization is quiet generally harangued by the whole community (not speaking Japanese I have very little practical experience), but it seems that lots of shenanigans took place so past experience is bad and in terms of SoV, what was so controversial to localize?  It was a barebones Gaiden story that got fleshed out with very simple (if endearing) supports and a few characters thrown in, what was so controversial about anything in the whole game?  There was a basic war, where baddies could summon evil monsters and some people were captured and a country was treated badly by another, not very serious stuff for an FE game.  FE4 on the other hands covers some pretty mature topics, incest (which Fates and Awakening both showed us can be covered awfully with no illumination or grace), child enslavement/arenas for weeding out weaklings, witch-hunts, and political murders, seems like a different animal to me.
    • What dark places did they go down in those two games, in conquest Corrin never does bad stuff, his/her actions are always in the best light and the world comes out to be better despite the fact that she sides with a literal evil possessed dragon man and if you're giving credence to Nyx, color me confused.  She just seems to be an old lady trapped in a little girls body and doesn't wear pants and is obsessed with herself actually being really old but being really young.
    • IS has cared about the west for a long time, every since FE7, but they've really cared since Tellius where low sales here absolutely sunk those games and almost Titaniced the whole series, they need our money to survive.
    • Gaiden was basically a very simple NES game, I repeat NES.  I'm 25 years old next month and the game is older than I am, there wasn't much to be faithful to.  In the old days, before FE8 for sure, it was the Zelda 2, the black sheep, but some of the more unusual features of the game got into later games like open world and unlimited girding, yeah shrines and odd classes stuck around and skills too, but after the strange rpg dungeon elements in the game it plays like a fire emblem game really, FE4 on the other hand plays slightly differently, it's an odd duck in and of itself and before @Jugdral Defender  said it was a different game before it became an FE, I didn't know, but it makes sense.  Lots of difficult decisions to be made there.
    • Supports in FE4 would be ok, but if the love mechanic was mixed with C-S supports with every male and female pairing, the game could be a bloated disaster.  Though I find bad pairings to be fun and strange and a great part of the game, having Adean and Holyn (or whatever his localized name is) have to have four conversations before they would marry would be dump and forced.  What do they have to talk about?  They don't know the same people, they don't have the same life experiences, they are from vastly different places, so some stupid gimmick would have to be created from them to connect around.  That sounds painful.
    • In terms of Heroes (I don't play so correct me if I'm wrong) but just looking at the list, it seems that Tellius and Magvel are the only games with fewer characters than Judgral, that doesn't seem like a lot (Judgral has 12, Telius has 10, 11 if you include brave Ike and Magvel has 9).  It doesn't seem IS has any interest in remaking either of those two games, so I don't see a lot of attention there, heck Ellibe has 32 and 14 seem to be from BB.
    • You ever heard fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me?  6-12 months of improvements, I don't have an opinion, so I'll take your word, isn't very much, it takes a lot of improvement when you've made big mistakes, I think a lot of people want to see that.
    • IS doesn't want to touch an 'M' rating with a ten-foot poll, talk about a way to turn off all sorts of groups.  Nintendo doesn't like 'M' ratings, but IS has firmly placed it self in the friendly for teenagers who like strategy games and moms aren't gonna buy them a game rated 'M', at least my mom never would have.
    • I don't think 80-90 percent of FE fans would object to bi/homosexual characters in any game (I'm not partial either way) but I think a lot of us would cringe at poorly written ones that would alter of warp a character that people are already fans of.  FE4 is a pretty likable cast, changing some characters to retcon relationships is a dangerous precedent to set. 


    This is why @Azure Sen was right in quoting me in saying there are a lot of dangerous pillars to touch in a FE4 remake, pillars IS should consider carefully before pulling the trigger. 

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