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Posts posted by Zasplach

  1. 58 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

    I suppose Faval with Alec as his father should be able to handle him relatively easily. The Ichival has increased attack power compared to the other holy weapons and Alec's Awareness would protect him from Wrath.

    His only real problem is actually hitting Julius.  Ichival has a measly 70 hit and even with a max skill of 27 and a skill ring his chances of hitting Julius without a charisma bonuses is only 40

  2. 1 hour ago, Dracologist said:

    When we were kids, my brother and used to play Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn together by splitting the available units between us and passing the controller back and forth as we took turns moving our units. More recently, we've been experimenting with a "driver" and a "navigator" setup where we talk over and decide on our moves together. Have any of you ever tried playing Fire Emblem with a friend or family member? If so, how did you play and how did it go?

    When I was a young teenager and my two younger brothers and I had limited video games and only on the weekend in order to not bash each others brains in and lose privileges for everyone we play Radiant Dawn on the Wii.  The order of business is the youngest and I would trade chapter and chapter and the order of business was josh each other about their respective failures.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Lau said:

    Wait, there's a Lauren? Because that's my name. I just remembered Laurent, so yeah, that's the closest I'm gonna get.

    No, he meant Thracia has a thief character named Lana, and then he realized your name is Lauren.

    But yeah, back on topic, no characters share my name, though I kind of like that my name feels unique.  Though you could count those mounts from Awakening, though I don't spell my name that way...


    Griffin (Grif)


  4. 10 hours ago, Harvey said:

    I don't know how to say this but whenever I read posts or strategies on how to beat certain chapters and when I do, some guys will say stuff like in Omega's case "damn you Intelligent Systems" Or say stuff like "Intelligent Systems likes to troll you a lot."

    Some have grudges over IS programming such as you hear stuff like Intelligent systems not being able to code stuff right such as the mine glitch in FE7. 

    Then you read stuff like Intelligent Systems is unfair, then people going as far as saying that IS is hiring dirty minded staff?

    So bottom line is, what is it with fans and Intelligent Systems? 

    Please Note: This is not me trolling around Intelligent Systems or even a clickbait article as it has nothing bad about me ranting at IS. Infact, I'm a fan of IS and while I found Sticker Star a bit disappointing, Its not really that bad and I like Paper Mario, Fire Emblem just like most around here. Its just me asking what is it with people bashing so much at Intelligent Systems is all.

    I think you are just noticing two phenomenons.  The first is specific to FE/IS, they have been making games for almost 30 years now (for reference they started when George H.W. Bush, yes the first one, was President) so there has been a lot of change on the development team.  Heck the guy who invented the series has been gone since almost the last century.  Things change and people tend to be uncomfortable with change, especially change to things that they enjoyed.  IS doesn't do the same way they did 20 years ago or even ten years ago or frankly even five, it takes time for people to come to grips with that. You can add to the frustration that this is an entertainment medium, that people feel they have some level of control over through their purchasing power. 

    The second phenomenon I think is more generalized and I have observed in the United States (I don't know if it's true of the rest of the world, though I would suspect it is).  With the polarization of society in general, people tend to group themselves in camps (not everybody) of conflicting groups. This results in people making more visceral arguments, thinking that you either agree with me and see things the way I do or you must have something against me and the way I think.  As people take slights from disagreement they tend to make more and more divisive arguments, leading to a general sense of disharmony.    

  5. 1 hour ago, Tuvy2 said:

    I  do have a question though. How should I lure out Ayra? Last time I accidentally put Azel in the line of fire and ended up blocking him with Lex who in turn was killed by Ayra's astra. (Which is ironic)

    There are a couple of ways; you could always go the low-turncount way and burn RNs, but if you're not up for that (it's not really my cup of tea), you can use Alec to bait her because his nihil skill ensures astra won't proc.  The real secret is to get someone with range far enough away from Arya to hit the castle guard and then have Sigurd kill the castle guard and capture the castle real fast.  That will solve your Arya problem.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Sorry, but I can't back this, not when Genealogy has an assload of problems that need fixing... with you yourself mentioning one of those. Hell, I'd say that if Genealogy stayed faithful to the original, it'd be a disaster - it's already the most unbalanced game in the entire damn franchise as it is.

    And this is why I don't expect a Jugdral remake to be coming in the near future.  Anyone who has played Fe4 would have a difficult time arguing that the game has a bit of balance, mounts are clearly superior as is wind magic and swords for that matter.  The big maps are often devoid of action and some characters basically are good for nothing but burning RN's (look at any AAA low turncount run of Fe4, most guys do noting). But despite all of these flaws, people like myself find the game incredibly endearing (I think for me it's replay-ability combined with the epic sized story that shapes the whole world).  If a remake of the game is too different from the original, the fans of Fe4 will be alienated, but if it doesn't do enough to address the problems some have with it, people will be disappointed by the results.

  7. 2 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Tbh, I'd never bother to wonder what would happen if everyone but Celiph died... Plus I haven't played through a translated ending tbh. hmmmm... this requires another replay.

    Nobody has played through a translated ending of Fe4; none exists because of how convoluted the ending can be. Serenes has an effective translation if you're willing to sift through all the options.

    And yes, the whole continent is messed up again if you play an all subs mix or kill everyone off in the second generation, but it's an FE game, it's pretty much cannon that everyone lives.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    All games have a map, but SS, Gaiden/Echoes, Fates and Awakening are the only ones where you actually do stuff on them.

    And they're pretty much 4/4 with misses and making it feel like it actually belongs in the game. In fact, in Fates and Awakening, it felt like an excuse for putting in DLC.

    Sacred Stones has an overworld too, and I don't think they feel horribly out-of-place in all the games they were placed in; they just tend to open up grinding for people who want grinding.  

  9. 9 hours ago, Raze2000 said:

    Castle Dialouges?

    Also Blonde Hair? Myrmidon? Yeah Ayra beat the shit out of him and he decided to join us... I'm just like "Wait so I'm NOT killing you in the arena?" Also... why does he have Holy Blood? And why is it the same as Ayras?

    exposition when you capture a castle, and I actually meant another character.  And no, you don't kill them in the arena, those who lose have their health dropped to one.  He has holy blood because of reasons.  I'll spoiler it


    He's a noble from Issach, like Arya is.  His father is the chief of Sophara and he's known Arya since they were kids.


  10. 1 hour ago, Raze2000 said:

    I assume not making ANY assumptions is a good one? I figured Deirdre was just introducing a new mechanic when she warned me about the boss... only for Jamake to get BODIED by one Fenrir shot.... and my last save state is from before recruiting him.... sigh I'll be right back...

    Looking ahead is always a good idea, some bosses have ranged tombs, some have staves, some hurt, bad.

  11. 1 hour ago, Raze2000 said:

    because she was looking for Shannan? Did she ransack the place out of spite? I wasn't even aware a non-thief or brigand unit could even DO that... much less would... does anyone know why she did this? And if there's any consequences for it?

    Yeah, everyone can destroy your castles if they are unprotected, but to answer the bold question, no there aren't major consequences.  When Sigurd becomes a holy knight, he's told to protect castles for extra funds, so all you lose is a little bit of extra gold (a resource you shouldn't lack).

  12. 1 hour ago, Sartek said:

    To be frank, this practice is stated in the game to be banned.

    There's the villager in Silesia who says it's highly taboo, but there isn't a commission or inquisition that enforces these rules and clearly it happens, look at all the minor pairings the game pushes the player towards.  Besides, the game implies that Issach is backwaters ish and not as civilized as Grandbell, so stuff like this could happen.

  13. 1 hour ago, Greencapps said:

    I know what the knight ring does and it still doesn't seem particularly game breaking like you guys are making it out to be.

    It lets your dancer have a chance to keep up with your front liners, it's a huge quality of life bonus, especially if you want to play the game with any amount of speed or pace you have to have that ring.  

    The only potential mix-up for lovers is Lewyn and Slyvia, they start with a huge base, but their lover points aren't that high, so you basically have to have them stand next to each other for lots of turns and set off that secret conversation in chapter 4.  I've never had it interfere in trying to pair him with Erinys because of their automatic pairing conversation after Castle Silesia, but it can interfere if you're trying to pair him with Tailtiu it can be a problem if you're not careful.

    The lover system isn't explained at all in FE4, but that's how games used to be made; it was expected that the player would either buy the guides to the game or figure it out on their own.  It was the cost of doing business in those days. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

    For example...?

    This sounds like a rather weighted opinion, hmmm.  I don't know, I'll use a non Fire Emblem example.  You're a classical novelist who writes, deep, difficult to understand novels, something that requires deep reflection, someone like Steinbeck, or Hemingway, or any 20th century modernist, take F. Scott Fitzgerald; he wasn't particualrly popular in his lifetime, but his novels are potentially life changing and deep.  Let's say you get fed up with the deep gig to get more attention, instead of writing the Great Gatsby you write Stephen King novels or James Patterson novels, something much more popular and more appealing to large groups, but fewer layers of depth than Fitzgerald.  I would consider that a lose by appealing to more people.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Greencapps said:

    I think you're selling the silver Axe a bit short but I see where you're coming from. It seems I've missed all but Forseti from the ones you've mentioned which granted sucks but I still get plenty of use out of Lex and Arden can provide enough extra damage to take out some of the more dangerous enemy phase foes. The knight ring seems kinda meh and I haven't really had trouble with healers. I'm always able to work around the restrictions.


    The brave axe comes more then a full chapter before the silver axe though, it's a pretty big deal.  I think the hidden SNES aspect is just something that people who played those old games were just kind of a given.  And the knight ring is good, like really good, it gives one of your footies (the dancers) canto, the best skill in the whole game.  

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