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Posts posted by Zasplach

  1. 6 minutes ago, FuckThisPizza said:

    That doesn't mean I'm going all like "OMG OMG NEWBIES AND SJWS R EVIL!!!!!!!!!!11!!111!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!" 

    I didn't say you were, but loaded adjectives and generalizations don't tend to suggest levelheadedness. 


    8 minutes ago, FuckThisPizza said:

    The older games would've been more popular/sold more if NoA didn't do a terrible job marketing them outside of Japan

    And I think this is what everyone who loves older Fire Emblem tells themselves, I don't think there is any empirical evidence to suggest this.  I just think it was a mostly niche series that people saw as hard and inescapable, who knows who's right?  It's just like me telling myself that if Kaga stayed on the team they would have kept making games I enjoyed with series themes, who knows? 

  2. I'm loathe to respond to something that is flamebait, but eh why not?

    So let me start with this.  I'm nostalgic, in fact if something is old I tend to give it greater value just because it has history, I'm so nostalgic that I idealize time periods where I'd literally have had zero chance of surviving in my current health.  So start with that baseline.

    Giving a carte blanche statement that Fates is a critical failure is unfair.  Are there elements of the game that I don't love? Yeah, it isn't my favorite FE game, it probably isn't top 5, but it's still a Fire Emblem and most of the core elements are there.  All of us  who really enjoy the older set of games, whether that's the Tellius saga or the GBA era or even the SNES era, have to come to some grip that things change and everything in life has to change and evolve.  If you want to point out elements of the game you find less than appealing, for me it's the self-insert playing a central role in the plot and the child characters, go right ahead.  But to say they are appealing to more people isn't a flaw, it is the very nature of capitalism and in terms of profitability a good thing, a thing that is required for more Fire Emblem games to be made.  Who knows what the new game will look like, keep an 'open mind', maybe they'll go throwback, maybe they'll do the Fates thing, or maybe they'll come out of left field and do something completely new.  But if enjoy the series, at least go in with idea that they have made 15 'good' games, games that you probably enjoyed a majority of.  So don't lose your temper over something that hasn't happened yet.


  3. 6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Actually, Ayra had two elder half-siblings: Prince Mariccle, father of Shannam, and Galzus's Mother. We don't know if they were twins or not, but both had Major Odo Blood.

    Holy Blood inheritance appears like genetics to be totally random (well not true chaos, but difficult for humans to predict with science). It also appears Minor Blood can fade away over successive generations, while Major Blood won't, or it takes so long a time to weaken that we never see it in FE4.

    Or Galzus' father also had minor holy blood and it mixed to make major holy blood like when Arya and Holyn are together and both their children get major holy blood.

    Edit: In fact I find this likely because Galzus' father is the chief/count of Rivough and the way it appears to work in Issach is all the chiefs/counts have some relation to Odo, just like Holyn who is the son of the ruler of Sophara 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    I thought I heard somewhere that only one's firstborn can have Major Holy Blood, but that can't be right as Hezul had multiple children, the youngest of whom was his only Major Blood carrier.  So I don't know.

    ...I was afraid of something like that when I came up with this idea, but it had more to do with how the Holy Blood Rings could possibly be created and why certain families have them when others don't.  I figure it would be about as contrived as the Deeprealms in Fates.

    But I want my Helswath dangit!

    Just one person's opinion, I also like house Dozel and would enjoy having Helswath.  


    3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    I've seen people theorize that's because the youngest was the only one born after the Miracle of Darna, and Holy Blood is not added retroactively (especially when you take into account two of the crusaders were siblings).

    Of course, that's just headcannon, but it's as good as any explanation until disproven or confirmed.

    Even under that headcannon though, it doesn't explain why the oldest doesn't always inherit major holy blood.  Corple being the prime example of the younger child inheriting major holy blood, eg if Lewyn is his father he gets major Holy blood and Holstey, but Leen is the elder child.  

    I think the only consensus that the game can allow us to draw is that only one child can inherit major holy blood and that it's random based on how inheritance worked in the second generation.  

  5. I think the idea of the player getting the holy weapons, irrespective of how it affects game play, breaks the narrative.  The corruption of the crusader lineages, especially those of Dozel, Freegae and Velthomer, is pretty central to the plot.  The infighting in those houses between the main line of those houses and their lesser cousins and the inverse for house Jungby is one of the main plot points of the second generation that is rarely explored by the game itself except for conversations between cousins/siblings who battle each other.  Those issues can add an element of conflict that the SNES system didn't handle very well, but the new systems could make compelling.


    The idea of having all the holy weapons united against Julius is compelling and it could be fun to have a whole army of holy weapon knights, but I think it would destroy the essence of what Genealogy is.

  6. 46 minutes ago, SmoochLips said:

    Ok, so I just finished chapter 5 and my pairings are as follows, Aideen and Midir, Ayra and Lex, Lachesis and Beowulf, Sylvia and Claude, Erin and Lewyn, Tiltyu and Azel, and Brigid and Holyn. So far I can tell that Seliph is going to be a pain to train. Skasaher and Lakche are already beasts after putting them through the arena. Lester is also good with his brave bow. Arthur and Fee are both ok, but Delmund doesn't seem like he'll be all that good.

    Seliph really loves that elite ring if you can get it to him, his promotion makes life a lot easier, in fact I basically always have him promoted by ch 7.  Delmud has charisma, so he'll always be useful and he has a horse, so training him makes your life easier (he also has a conversation  with Oifye at the start of ch 7 for some decent stat gains).  Arthur with Azel as his dad will always be a little above average, he just really needs promotion to; so, he can appreciate the elite ring after Seliph and Leif are done with it. The sword twins are always good, with Lex as their dad, don't overuse them.  Fee with a Lewyn dad has all the skills she needs to be strong, but a low strength growth a conversation in ch. 10 can help that, but up to that point she really either needs the brave lance or a magic sword to be really good.

  7. In terms of my opinion, I would prefer IS to just take a break from the whole child thing.  I find grinding supports just to generate children that I generally don't use to be a tedious endeavor and generally damaging to a strong, streamlined narrative.  I also preferred the way FE4 handled the 2 generations, a second group of characters taking over the narrative and having their own story resonates better with me than new charters suddenly joining what is currently happening in the narrative.  I know a change can be tricky, but it doesn't require a literal barbecue; sometimes you lose and you have to bide your time to regroup, that would be something different at least.

    But, in terms what IS is actually going to do; I suspect that their will be children.  My friends don't play FE independent of me encouraging them to do so, so I can't say for certain, but data and slight anecdotal evidence, like chitchat with checkout people at the places I buy new games, would suggest to me that people really like the child/marriage mechanic, for whatever reason.  The highest selling FE games, by a lot, have been Awakening and Fates, plan and simple and while SOV seems to have done fine in terms of their expectations, it just hasn't come close to Fates' and Awakenings' sales.  And I understand all of the caveats that go with SOV, like it's a remake and such, but numbers don't lie and sales are a powerful motivator for any capitalistic endeavor.    

  8. 1 hour ago, Lushen said:

    5 actually.

    Being a general in the United States Army is a political position.  Yes, there is movement up the ranks, but all the commanders are all appointed by the commander-in-chief and are beholden to the American people; ie if the lose, they get fired.  Take General Grant for example, yeah he never held an office, but he held the hottest seat in the nation during the Civil War, commander of the army of the Potomac was held by at least 5 different men over a short period of time.  

    President Trump is most similar to Herbert Hoover who was a successful businessman in his earlier carrier, but even he devoted his later life to public service when he was Secretary of Commerce, an important job, and after WWI he ran the US Food Administration, which was a huge endeavor at the time.

    For good or for ill, in terms of political experience, especially in the last century, President Trump is an anomaly.  

  9. 1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Gaiden had no popularity, at best its world map grinding idea had been borrowed in recent games. If Gaiden got remade, Genealogy will some day.

    I think in some ways that works against the idea of a remake.  I know it's counter intuitive, but there are a lot more ways  to 'mess up' in a remake of a very popular game and setting. Gaiden was basically a blank slate, of course there are some fans of the original game, but you don't run the risk of running afoul of many loyal fans who already love the game.  If IS decides to remake a game from the already popular setting of Jugdral, with all the can of worms involved, there are too many people that they run the risk of alienating.  If they change the basic narrative of the game and the required incest to push the plot forward, the whole setting will require a rework, or at least a big shift, which seems very likely to alienate the already devoted fan base.  But on the other-hand, if they remain too loyal to the setting they run the risk of alienating a more conservative segment of the fan base, namely the parents of the people who buy these games for minors in the USA, and procuring an 'M' rating the US.  That seems like an immense risk.

    Now having said that, I'd love a 'faithful' Genealogy remake with some modern updates and would likely throw loads of money at it, but I'm not holding my breath.



  10. Chapter 3:17/80

    Madino: 4 turns

    Fin and Sigurd doing there thing setting up Dew to eat some experience and fight the cross knights so he promotes for chapter 4, setting up Levin to warp too.

    Silvail 7 turns

    Dew and Levin waiting for cross knights, SIgurd returns himself, Lachesis several steps behind waiting for her brother, move Adean so she can get warped for Yewfelle. Fight past the guard, to the convo, run to Chagall, last of the Fin usefulness, Fin also got the two villages with stat boosts and Ardan got the restore staff, maybe it'll be useful? Dew got warped to Madino too and Arya/noish were there.

    Orgahil: 6 turns

    Levin warped Sigurd to Orgahil, Arya wipes out the advance guard, though Sigurd got the leg ring, Briggid hid in the close corner to limit the number of hits per turn, Sigurd runs to the castle and Adean does the convo after Dew/Arya/Noish/Briggid finish off the pirates.

    Stats after ch. 4 arena









  11. Chapter 2:30/63

    Heirhenen: 9 turns

    This is where not having mounted healers (or at least a six move healer) really is a determinant, ran head long to Lachesis' castle to save the suicide brigade, Fin killed Anthony, Sigurd picked up the return ring and ran to the castle, got two shots of the light sword off, killed the castle guard on the EP and then finished Baldo off with the steel lance.

    Anphony 6 turns

    If I could have gotten the attention of Voltz' mercenaries quicker it could have gone quicker with a little bit of Fin prayer abuse, but nontheless I waited for Voltz, had Fin take him out, managed to save the bargain village too, sending Dew over there, getting Deidre in range to start warping, got the pursuit ring, could be worse.

    Mackily: 9 turns

    Warped everyone to Evans, ran north, pulled the AI out with Fin, murdered the castle guard with the brave lance, had to hold up a turn for FIn to catch up, Dew runs around to villages, after he gave money to Levin.

    Agustria: 5 turns

    Warped Levin to Mackily, bought the elite ring, cleared the arena, ran north, had Sigurd pass by the armors on the path, pulled all the enemies to fight the king of Silesia, had Sigurd kill one of the ballista with the light sword, sat in front of Shagall with the silver sword, killed him on the PP after getting some more experience for Levin and Fin.

    Stats after ch 3 arena









  12. Chapter 1:22/33 turns

    Genoa: 5 turns

    Ran south, did some standard prayer tanking with Fin after Cuan had his handy-dandy mentor talk, Noish trails too, silver sword on the castle boss, drag area, Dew sits on the Marpha church and tanks the brigands.

    Marpha:6 turns

    Dragged Arya a little bit west, everyone charged west, Dew stayed planted on that church, got some good levels, charged to the castle, Sigurd gets the kill.

    Verdane: 11 turns

    A place where Arya is actually a little useful, the forest of doom, Sigurd charges ahead and has just low enough avoid that the axemen attack him, he can orko them with the silver sword, arya cleans up the extra guys in his way, get Deidre, used the silence staff on Sadima, Sigurd ran west to avoid the forest, arya and Noish stand next to each other for lover points, run Dew back to Marpha for arena after the forest, Sigurd finishes off Sadima.

    Stats after ch 2. arena








  13. Prologue: 11 turns

    Jungby: 5 turns
    Sigurd runs south by himself, manages to proc strenghth twice to kill the castle guards with the steel sword, ardan trails behind while Noish goes north to help clear space so Alvis can reach Sigurd, Fin follows behind so he can eventually get the speed ring.
    Evans: 6 turns
    Noish fends off some of the Evans advance guard, sits on the church, Sigurd goes north so Alvis will give him the silver sword; then he runs west to avoid all but the bridge brigade, Fin runs around with Noish to clear out the speed ring village, Fin gets it, Sigurd kills the Evans guard.
    Edit: stats after ch 1 arena





  14. I have Fury and her C rank in staves.


    Yeah, maybe you're right. I was panicking because I didn't want to give away Fin or any of the dancers. :P

    Fin is very good in the first gen and very serviceable in the 2nd gen; he's good, but Ethlyn is arguably the best mother in the game, with her huge utility in the first generation and Leif's rescue shenanigans in the 2nd generation, at least he doesn't have Azel or Claude :p, because then he could have 1st gen and 2nd gen rescue staff power. It'll be fun, good practice for all of us.

    Edit: So how many turns you think you can do it in this go around Horace?

  15. Ethlin and Lachesis

    (Sylvia, Leen, Corple)



    Zasplach - Hannibal, Johan, Johalva, Claude, Ayra, Skasahar, Lakche, Levin, Brigid, Faval, Patty
    Yojinbo - Sharlow, Badney, Rodelbad, Holyn, Tristan, Femina, Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny, Lex, Alec
    (Cannot get Lachesis, Fury or Sylvia)
    DietCocaine - Asaello, Amid, Dimna, Shanan, Azel, Mana, Janne, Fury, Sety, Fee, Cuan
    (Cannot get Tiltyu, Brigid or Adean)
    Horace - Daisy, Jamka, Linda, Midir, Beowulf, Hawk, Adean, Lester, Lana, Ares, Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna, Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna
    (Cannot get Fury, Tiltyu or Brigid)

    I also have Noish and Dew btw. And the staff user distribution is a little uneven. Ethlin and Lachesis gives Horace all of the first gen staff users until Claude or a promoted Levin/Tiltyu. Lots of fun :p

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