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Posts posted by Jediabiwan

  1. I could do without the zombies, I hate when they throw monsters into fire emblem. Although when I think about it they really aren't that much different than morphs. Anyways, I hope there is a good story behind them, but they're much better than fe2/fe8 monsters anyways! I'm also a bit annoyed by the mage hats, but after seeing the character portraits I'm not too concerned. It looks like we should have a few mages without the hats tho, like that dark mage girl.

  2. It certainly could be a hero. Although, it looks like a giant pauldron-shield combo. Also, I want some dragons for sure. They're always fun for me.

    FA-ZILLA!!! My link

    All bow to the power of the divine chicken! Fa was a pretty sweet character, but when you think about it she isn't really any more normal looking than a Tanguel. Dragons are sweet, but I hope they give enough options so that you can use them regularly. Tiki was pretty cool with all the different dragonstones, and myrrh was so overpowered it didn't really matter, and of course the laguz were a cool system, Kurthnaga is awesome :).

  3. Any guesses for what the heavily armored class with the axe is around 5:38? It's not as heavily armored as the armor knights shown so far so even though the shield seems pretty darn big I'm leaning towards hero.

    And yeah, I love manaketes and laguz but seriously, wtf is this transforming thing?? I really hope we can see some actual manaketes, or at least more reasonable transforming creatures.

    Finally, as for the battle monk I believe he is clearly holding a staff in his map spriet.

  4. Now this was an unexpected twist. What's the point of the mask if he is just coming out and saying he is marth. I actually think the zombie theory is a good guess. All the zombies seem to have red eyes so hiding those eyes could be the purpose of the mask, it would also explain how he is alive after all these years. Or it could just be a descendant or someone else disguising themselves as marth, who knows. Or maybe he just doesn't want anyone other than krom recognizing him,I really have no idea.

  5. What the, I'm retarded. I just realized I was getting emilia and liz confused, please ignore everything i said lol. Sorry, don't know what I was thinking. Yeah, I definitely agree that emilia is more the late joining bishop type.

  6. Hmm ... I really don't know what to say then. She's most likely going to be plot-important, but not sure if she will be a lord. I'm ... kind of leaning towards no. We already got Krom and that masked Marth person, and hasn't Liz and My Unit got more stuff about them than Emelina anyway?

    I agree, there's no way she's a lord. She reminds me a lot of Mist, she might have her own unique class ore just be a generic cleric.

  7. Was she shown as a playable unit, though? Not as an other unit that you have to protect but can't recruit (like Zephiel)?

    She appeared to be playable, but her sprite was yellow as compared to the normal blue. She also had no indicator of needing to be protected. The maps also seemed like typical linear maps, not one where your goal is to defend a unit. Finally, she appears in quite a few different chapters; it seemed to me the majority that were shown in the trailers. It seems very unlikely to me that a non-playable unit would appear so many times.

  8. She's been shown as a unit on the map in what appears to be earlier chapters in several videos, so I see no reason that her recruitment should be delayed. Fire Emblem has numerous "frail" female characters, with the majority of clerics falling into this category. She seems like an important character and I expect to see here early on.

  9. Just something I noticed when watching the trailer again which helps support the crossover theory is that the evil dragon seems to have four wings. This makes it appear almost identical to Idoun, meaning it could be Idoun herself or simply another demon dragon (meaning it's connected to Elibe, or do all demon dragons look like this?). I've always had a belief that Elibe was connected to the world of FE1-5 (likely through the dragons gate) and hopefully this confirms it. So far this is looking to be a very exciting game, I can't wait to find out more.

  10. I defiantly think they shouldn't include guns. Especially since, if you wanted to be realistic, they could be only used every other turn. I hate how a lot of RPG's that were traditionally fantasy are starting to include guns as well. They never seem to actually add anything to the game that couldn't have been done before and tend to ruin the general feel of the game. Sides, why would a world in which magic is a constant desire guns in the first place? You have swords that can conjure storms and cut the very air and tomes that can call down meteor strikes. A flintlock pistol that can't even pierce armor (seriously. Older guns can't do that except for the blunderbuss, which is basically a old-timey shotgun), so why bother pouring effort into gun research instead of magic?

    Yes, yes, yes! I agree 100%!

    Please, please no guns in Fire Emblem. One of the big reasons I love Fire Emblem so much is because of the "pure" fantasy setting. It doesn't have any robots, guns, flying machines or any of that crap. I'd be fine more RPGs (and I guess I could live with a few Fire Emblem games like this) if the had an actual steampunk setting, or somewhat realistic setting, but I cannot put up with this sci-fi mixed with fantasy crap. Why the **** am I using swords and armor if that guy right over there is shooting me with his laser gun and attacking me with his army of robots?? The Tales series is one of my favorite RPG series, but I would give so much for just one Tales game set in a Fire Emblem like setting.

    Although I do have to admit, from what some of the other posters mentioned above, guns certainly sound like an interesting game play mechanic if balanced properly.

  11. There's no reason to show older builds--virtually all developers show footage from the latest build because they want to market their product--they don't want to show an out-of-date shot which doesn't represent that product.

    And the game in question is Bio-Force Ape.

    Wow, I'm glad you brought that up. I checked out the link and that is a pretty awesome and hilarious game. Even with just three levels, they played very well like a complete, but very short game. It's too bad it was never finished, it would have been a great game for the NES.

  12. I don't think every character is worth saving; Some characters aren't going to be used because they're bad or worse as another character. And even personality wise, some are just mirrors of others.

    For example, if it's not too late, I'd probably combine Lott and Wade. Watt? They aren't vastly different, and both go underused simply because the original title nerfed them because their class would have been, in theory, broken late in the game(Bows+Axes=Dead fliers). I think Lott is a little underrated, with interesting stat set ups, and would be broken with FE7 axes, but assuming designer can go back, it'd probably be beneficial to all involved if they were combined(likely based on Lott, if only because he comes at the higher level), take the best stats from the two(Ward doesn't really win often, anyway +1 STR +2 Luck) and reorganize and slightly improved growths(Swap Lott's D and strength, add 5 to strength, skill, and/or luck).

    Especially if designer just sticks to FE6 supports boring set up. Because, honestly, I think Lott has the better supports too. Better reason to help Echidna, Thany, and gets more in conversation from Dieck.

    EDIT: I really asked not because I care who is killed off, but more because I don't think he has options remaining short of losing classes. For example. The next character I can think of dropping is Dorothy. Bland character, and honestly, Wolt could use a boost. Now no, it's not exactly a good reason to boost him - At the same time, she doesn't even excel Saul the pervert, and Wolt could use a reason for use. Treck, Noah, and Zealot? Zealot is the leader. Noah talks to Fir. Treck? Well, could probably be combined with Noah to make him more interesting.

    I'm not asking for a list of cuts, but a rough roster size would be nice. Lest you risk alienating fans.

    And almost every thing above is stated assuming that characters would transfer over directly while you would attempt making the game harder.

    Well I see no reason to remove characters simply because they are boring. Plus, he said he would try to balance characters out so maybe some of the useless ones will be made usefull and characters who need boosts will get them. I guess i just hate to see anything removed unless it is harming something; I would like this to have everything the original had and more. Anyways, it isn't my decision so I guess we will see what happens.

  13. How exactly do you plan to take out characters? I imagine there is a way to expand the roster size, but really, with no changes up to chapter 4, you'll never meet the 38(ish) characters FE7 caps you at. Considering, the most worthless characters are the two axe fighters, Garret, Echidna, Igrene, and Cath, most others have cross relationships and story importance.

    Hopefully you can expand the roster size and won't have to remove characters b/c each character is unique, and somebody likes them. Not to mention you will hopefully be adding more new characters from the manga. On that topic you should me able to just add new side chapters featuring them without taking the other ones out.

  14. (Yeah, I stole Regal Sword's icon. I'd love to make a custom one except I can't sprite to save my life.)

    Why not just use Audhulma's icon from FE8 just like you used Sieglinde's earlier. Great project btw, i look forward to seeing it completed.

  15. Wow, this is awesome! I love your idea about adding in characters and chapters from the manga and hope it works out. Will you be using the stats from the manga? Idk if you would take the time to do this but i think it would be cool if you gave roy a new battle sprite after promotion as it always annoys me that he doesn't have one. Any possible way of getting him to promote earlier or adding in more chapters after promotion would be sweet as well. Also, please, please make idoun a challenge.

    Edit: A few more questions. First, will assassins be making an appearance? Second, will you be using the stats and bonuses for the classes with FE7's stats. or FE6's? Finally, will you be adding in any weapons or magic from FE7?

  16. I actually still play it every once and awhile with my friends. I think it is really pretty fun and hope they come out with a fourth one. They never will though:( Go humans!

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