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Posts posted by Epic10is321

  1. Hi everyone. I've played Awakening a bunch of times and wanted another challenge for another play through. Here's my thought:

    All characters that can support with every other 1st generation character (you know who I mean) are only able to support with a select few--this means a cap of 4 or 5 per character that includes possible S-Ranks and same-sex supports (up to A-Rank)

    I could list out exactly who would be able to support with who if you want, but I figured it would change from person to person and take a while so that could be a story for another time.

    Some other requirements:


    No DLC

    No bonus box items or calling teams, but spotpass maps are fine

    No grinding

    Oh, also this rule applies to children if they're recruited in the play through--supports with parents and then 4 or 5 other supports with possible S-Ranks and same-sex supports.

    The avatar could support with anyone with a pulse, no questions asked.

    Does this sound like a good challenge?

  2. What will you do for characters like Sage Brady/Lissa and BK Virion who break those rules, but still have custom sprites and pallets (and a model in Lissa's case) for their "non-canon" promotions?

    I suppose I can just promote them to war monk/cleric only because the sage class is tied to the mage class and this way I prevent an overlap.

    That's like my favorite way to play the game. If there's one reason I still really like awakening it's because of the 5 or so playthroughs I did like that one.

    That's interesting because I played it with pair up on hard mode when I first got it and felt like it was too rushed since the maps ended in 7 turns or less on average. I wonder if playing without pair up would stretch the game out and make me feel like I got my money's worth.

    By the way thanks for all the tips everyone.

  3. When I say "canon" I mean like in past Fire Emblem games when myrmidons promoted to sword masters, fighters to warriors, mages to sages, etc. Rather than promote myrmidons to assassins, fighters to heroes, mages to dark knights, etc. What are the suggestions for using spotpass and renown if I'm not going to play through the postgame stuff?

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