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Posts posted by Kye

  1. There are always going to be people that don't like something that you like or feel very passionate about. I just move on, and strive to find common ground in something we all enjoy. Then we branch out from there.

    Also make the effort to show you are willing to try to like something that your friend(s) like. Who knows? You might actually like it. When they see you made the effort. They'll make the effort.

  2. Wow. These look...like the developers of Skyrim really put a buttload of effort into visuals. I mean if even the rabbit is that detailed...

    Actually, this isn't vanilla TESV. It's modded with all those purdy graphics mods floating around on Skyrim Nexus.

    I don't remember base Skyrim looking quite this good, and I'm a PC guy who played it with all graphic options maxed. Which mods are you running?

    I am currently running at least 30-40 graphic mods, with even more .ini edits. My friend created the ENB preset I use in these pictures (the Grim Winter ENB series). Additionally, I dabble in modding on the side. The masked iron helmet my Dovahkiin is wearing in the pics is my handiwork. G/f's still teaching me the ins-and-outs of Skyrim modding however lol. I will be making a post in here to let you know what I am using specifically as I recently updated more stuff.

    In the meantime, here's some more pics:








  3. Did you actually type up a review for an extremely popular/classic 21-year old game? And you gave it a 9/10?


    Penny-Arcade sums up how I feel about people reviewing classic, and massively popular/critically-acclaimed games... Twenty to thirty years later:


  4. Handsome Jack (Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel/Borderlands 2/Tales from the Borderlands)

    - Dude has to be one of most memorable villains of all time. Funny, charismatic, egotistical, and maniacal. We see Jack fall from a tragic, anti-hero to that of an insane corporate-tyrant following the events of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. One-of-a-kind character, that's for sure.

    Harbinger (Mass Effect 2)

    - Mysterious (pre-Mass Effect 3: Leviathan DLC), menacing, calculating, vastly intelligent, and professional ass-kicker. Harbinger's been culling sentient species in the Milky Way Galaxy for hundreds of millions of years. With a body count in the quadrillions; hundreds of millions of years worth of sentient life have been liquefied, and processed into new Reaper forms at it's behest. With the patience of a deity, the vast technological capabilities of the Reapers, and kickass one-liners/voice acting to boot. You can be sure the First Reaper is one of the best (if not one of the more enigmatic) video game villains of all time.

    Miraak (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn DLC)

    - First Dragonborn. First Chosen of Akatosh/Auri'El. Champion of Herma-Mora. Miraak is quite possibly the best villain in the long-running TES series. The Darth Vader of TES. Mysterious, enigmatic, vastly powerful, blessed by Akatosh, and gifted with forbidden knowledge by Hermaeus Mora. He easily outclasses your own player character (The Last Dragonborn), lore-wise, in terms of raw ability, and command over the Thu'um. Able to subdue Dragons with his Voice, command the Daedric minions of Herma-Mora, take over, and dominate the minds of sentient beings. While also stealing the souls of any Dragon(s) you slay. Miraak is simply awesomesauce incarnate, and his mind-control capability over the inhabitants of Raven Rock creates a creepy, and almost Lovecraftian atmosphere. Plus, Miraak's return during the events of Dragonborn provides some of the creepiest ambient-dialogue this side of CoC: DCotE/Dead Space 2:

    Darth Revan, and Darth Malak (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)

    - I'm not going to say anything else about this. Go play the game. Buy it on Origin, grab it on Steam, or download it for iOS. It doesn't matter what you do. Just go, and play this damn game.

  5. Not buying from GameStop would help the most.

    Sure, that is an option.

    But some people don't like digital downloads/prefer to have a physical copy of a desired game.

    Others don't like having to wait for the game to be delivered via a carrier.

    And others don't like shopping for vidyah gahmez at Walmart.

    Hence where GameStop comes into the equation. GameStop is alright, but stickers are the Devil.

  6. I kind of mess around with vidyah game photography. Mostly, I take pictures in a heavily modded TESV: Skyrim client in-order to show off just how damn pretty it is. Here are a few shots from my gallery:












    So that's some of my stuff. Be sure to check back every couple of days, I tend to post new content regularly. If you need to know what mods I'm using in my pics, or need general photography/vidyah game photography tips. Don't be afraid to ask!

    Other Links:



  7. Yeah the pairing system made the support system weird, because almost all gen 1 males have to be able to marry almost all gen 1 females, but they can't actually show explicit romantic interest until they S support. It's pretty difficult to write that convincingly. The father supports (and mother for Lucina I think) also are generic, presumably because the amount of supports was already a lot. I think it's better just to avoid the whole children thing in FE storywise.

    The problem with the support system in Awakening was not the addition of children. It was that they half-assed the variety of support dialogue due to speeding up the release of the game. Hence the generic-supports.

    Either they need to cut back on the amount of characters in the player's army to pursue quality (which I highly doubt IntSys. will ever consider), or have 2nd generation children replace their parents within the 1st generation roster (FE4 handled children this way; and it was pretty awesome). Regardless, a 2nd generation is an awesome concept. Just one that needs to be utilized without a plot mechanic involving time-travel.

  8. While lack of varied objectives is a legitimate complaint, isn't that blowing it a little out of proportion? I'm sure there are more than 0 Kill Boss chapters in the game.

    I guess it depends then on your idea of what the game's supposed to be played like. Since it rewards you aesthetically for using a large team, I assume the Devs intended for that to happen, though anyone who's played Lunatic and above knows that smaller = easier in most cases. Hard with full deployment keeps the ratio of unit power between you and the enemy relatively consistent with even leveling, but it breaks down if you go outside of that- exp doesn't fall off fast enough going up to prevent even a non-Veteran (though Veteran sure makes it easier) unit from easily stepping far enough above the stat curve to obsolete a full team, and particularly on Lunatic exp doesn't increase fast enough to keep your whole team relevant if you try to feed them all- you'll get overran the moment Promotes start showing up.

    What we got does work (especially in Lunatic(+)), but I don't think it works in the way it was supposed to. Of course this is entirely subjective so feel free to disagree, this is just my stance on the matter.

    Yeah the system works as is, but it's a matter-of-debate whether it works as intended or not. But it does work, especially in regards to Lunatic+.

    Also, I thought it was kind of obvious I was joking with the objective-spam?

  9. To my knowledge Marth had no such special markings, nor is he even directly descended from Anri (only Anri's brother).

    Oh yeah, that's right. It was Anri's brother Marcelus. Gods, it's been so long since I last played Shadow Dragon/New Mystery. Regardless, Marth, and by relation Chrom, are still descendants of Anri. Indirect descendants as it were. Though they are still of the same bloodline.

    I also never said Marth, or Anri had "special markings". The Brands only appear if an individual forges a blood-pact with a Dragon in-order to borrow a portion of their power (these individuals can also become vessels for said Dragon). The Brand is a mark of that pact.

    Regardless, I'm still going with the bloodline concept. Honestly, there's a ton of plot holes between games throughout the Archaenea series (including the Jugdral, and Valentia sagas). Either the developers create the FE version of the Hyrule Historia to hammer out some details. Or we have to go on what we know from past games. Kinda wish they retconned some stuff with Awakening's release. Then again, I wish Awakening had less plot holes. Period.

  10. Anything Gregor or Owain says. Same with that mustache guy whose name escapes me atm.

    And then there's this gem from Gaius: "If you are looking for ransom, I can assure you that I don't have any money. But what I do have are a very particular set of honey cakes..."

    Oh my God, I forgot about Gauis' blackmail Supports with the MU! Here's my favorite:

    Avatar: ...Did you just call me 'Bubbles'? Er, but don't worry. I won't tell any-

    Gaius: You'll tell everyone, you say? So it's to be blackmail, is it? Fine then. I can understand taking an opportunity to line your pockets. You can have my portion of dinner tonight, okay? Will that slake your greed for now?!

    Who says that in this context? That's great lol.

  11. The Brand can appear at any time in an individual's lifespan if they are of a bloodline that made a blood pact with a particular Dragon. That was established since FE4 iirc. Just as easily explains why Lissa does not have the Mark of Naga. It would probably surface in old age. It's not unheard of lore-wise.

    In regards to the Falchion requiring the Brand of Naga in-order to be utilized. Anri's lineage, his bloodline, are "permitted by Naga" to wield Falchion in it's full capacity. Since the First Exalt, and Chrom's kin, are all distant descendants of Marth/Anri. It can be presumed that the bloodline itself is what is required to wield Falchion in it's full potential. The First Exalt blood-bonded with Naga in-order to perform the Rite of Awakening (this way the First Exalt could acquire the necessary power to defeat Grima since the Falchion alone was not strong enough). That's what the blood-pact was for as far as I remember.

  12. I would like to see the return of the Magic Triangle loosely based on GotHW's set-up while leaving other forms of non-elemental magic on the outside (light, and dark in this case). Is the lack of a Magic Triangle that big a deal though? No, not really. If they rebalance the differing elements to be drastically different to each other (not just in stats, but in effects/bonuses), then I'd be down for that as well. Variety is what's important, not another aspect of the Weapon Triangle. Did the Magic Triangle make past games more strategic? Nope. You just had to adjust your tactics ever-so-slightly per battle, but other than that it had no huge impact on the overall gameplay. Thus strategy wasn't affected.

    So hopefully FE14 has more varied/drastically-different magicks (AoEs, DoTs, etc...). Rather than re-using the old Magic Triangle that did little to diversify the game in the past. The former would truly change the tactical play-out (which in-turn would affect the long-time strategic aspect of the main game) of Magic vs. Physical.

    Well that's my opinion on things. I suppose we'll see what happens come later this year. Either way, I am glad we are getting another standalone FE title. :3

  13. Pair up boosts seem pretty balanced in Lunatic, but overkill on lower difficulties. There are a few other imbalanced things (like Veteran), but most FEs have those. The story isn't great and some characters are too gimmicky for my tastes, but it was ok overall.

    I think the map design could be a bit better though, super high enemy density on an open plain does not exactly promote a wide variety of strategies.

    Let's also not forget the lack of multiple/different map objectives aside from...

    [spoiler=Spoiler'd for size]RtE
















































    I think I made my point.

  14. Honestly? IntSys just wanted to make the game more accessible for the newer players/potential fans coming into the series thanks to SSB, and other promotional media. I wouldn't consider Awakening bad (it's still pretty damn good), nor even the worst in the series (which isn't saying much, since a bad FE game is still a good game). The Pair-Up concept obviously wasn't balanced out very well in-relation to the core/campaign of the game using a more "classic" set-up in terms of enemy unit placement, and map layout (all of which were very uninspired mind-you due to lack of varying objectives). But once you got into the post-game? Well, that gets pretty interesting. Would I say Pair-Up is broken? Certainly not. Only on the lower difficulties (Normal, and Hard) does it seem that way. On Lunatic, and up. Well, it can get downright nasty pre-grind.

    Do I miss the magic-triangle of FE4? Sure I do.

    Do I miss differing map objectives? You bet.

    All-in-all, I enjoyed some of the newer things IntSys tried to do or implement in Awakening (especially free-range reclassing). I especially loved the return of the MU (it's nice having a character you can customize as you wish in your party; all class options, unique-specialization class available to the MU, etc...). And I'm definitely looking forward to FE14 perfecting aforementioned newer concepts. Additionally, FE13 had some pretty awesome DLC. Hope they release a Season Pass next time for FE14.

    Addendum: While on the topic of story telling. I think the Jugdral series handled the story-telling aspect of the FE series the best. It had everything: heroism, sacrifice, great battles, politics, Dovahkiinne, love, loss, tragedy, and betrayal.

  15. I have no idea why half these characters are on a "hate" list - the more I read, the more interesting they become. The obvious part is the "trope" - but the actual motivations behind their actions are really, REALLY cool.

    For the most part, there's not a whole lot of character-depth in FE:A. BUT, Virion has a surprising amount of depth. In fact, I'd dare say he's one of the few characters that has any real depth at all.

  16. If I had to pick just one annoying character out of several annoying characters... It would probably be Severa. I mean, what were they thinking with Severa? Emperor's Throne on Terra, I've seen annoying/bratty characters in video games before. But she takes the cake.

    She has... very painful Supports. I'm just glad we have a 'Skip' button.

    Also, Virion is a pretty cool guy. Surprised at all the Virion vitriol here? Don't most people like the clumsily-suave, womanizer, noble-rogue/"dashing-rogue" archetype? He's got some pretty funny Supports as well.

  17. ...

    Gonna pull a 180 and start arguing in the other direction real quick. Mostly because I'm not fond of demeaning the other side in arguments. Never call someone irrational if you want to help them (and if you're not here to help people, consider finding a better use of your time)...


    You can give as many rational counterarguments to that as you like, but they'll all be on paper and all with a scope limited to the battle (or sometimes map) you're playing at the moment. The game as a whole is much bigger than that map/battle, and by either ignoring the rest of it or placing that map (and a fairly easy one with no restrictions and a bit of knowledge going in, I might add) above the rest will wind up leaving you with a pile of boring grinding, which will in turn lower your opinion of the rest of the game all because you're too stubborn to play it. And that's just a shame.

    Thanks for the info Czar. I suppose I never saw Ricken in that light before... Interesting.

    As for your AT-usage argument, I also agree. Hell, I think that's the only legitimate reason I use AT. It's not needed throughout the campaign, certainly not required while money/loot-grinding. But it's nice to have when doing Apo. runs. While I don't use AT on every character that has access to Armsthrift, it does help save on precious weapon durability for [insert AT-characters here]. In a game full of monotonous grinding (whether it's GG for dat gold, or IR for dat loot), It certainly helps my gaming-mindset when I can play another round (or even two/three) of Apotheosis before having to run-off to the loot, and monies-grinder. My first file through Hard-mode is old. And it's easily got a hundred+ hours of just item-grinding in it. I'm sure there are peeps on here who have put even MORE time into incessant grinding in a single file.

    Don't worry about Carmine. It's the internet after all. I'm sure he makes the best rational counterarguments to irrational counterarguments that are typically levied towards irrational arguments that may or may not have been spurned on by some troll's facetious quip regarding opinions.

  18. Let's be realistic Czar, the hair is all that matters.

    I think I'll try her out as a Sniper, paired with Laurent in my current Looney playthrough. I just like that she's so versatile with this parentage/pairing set-up, that you can quite literally re-class her into anything you want on-the-fly as long as you have all the skills/weapons/gear you need. WL, Sniper, DF, and dat hair. I am a sucker for on-the-fly versatility.

  19. Ingame, she comes late with a really hard Paralogue. Postgame, her mods are pretty lackluster and her class set for leading Avatar is atrocious. I'd go as far as to say she's Avatar's worst wife postgame.

    Kellam and Donnel aren't worth investment ingame.

    There's no One Team that's better than the rest, and if there were it would have been found and settled long ago. That said, my current team:

    Chrom x Sumia

    Sumia!Lucina x Libra!Owain

    Henry!Inigo x Fred!Noire-B

    Gaius!Kjelle-B x Vaike!Yarne

    Chrom!Cynthia x +Skl/-Def Avatar-M

    Lon'qu!Brady x Stahl!Nah

    Virion!Severa x Gregor!Laurent

    Cynthia!Morgan x Ricken!Gerome

    DLC Katarina, Palla, Katria, Est

    It's still a work in progress and I haven't made it yet. There are a few things I'd really love to still fit in that just aren't happening, but I've spent so long tweaking stats already that I don't think I can beat its current levels of power, versatility and aesthetics by anything more than finding new boss kill setups- the pairings themselves are pretty much set in stone at this point.

    Oh mah Gerd, I've never considered Virion as Sev's father. Wouldn't that result in one of the best Snipers in the game, post-grind? Holy shit. Access to Armsthrift, Sol, Bowfaire, Galeforce, Vengeance, ALL the Breakers. Even her base-max (pre-LB) stats are awesome: 43/30/53/45/44/39/31. Paired up with a Gregor!Laurent, she'd be pretty-fucking boss. Plus, a Sniper still fits in with her background as a Merc. Efficiency, and aesthetics/fluff!

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