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Posts posted by icercube

  1. Well, OP asked *ECLIPSE AND I* why we liked Shadow Dragon so I gave my reasons. I'm not expecting anyone to agree, nor am I wanting to start a debate. I'm sorry if I sounded like I was trying to state facts when I was just trying to say my opinion. I'm not trying to change anyone's minds about FE11 and we're all FE fans no matter what games we think are the best/worst, so let's just all get along, shall we?

    And by the way, I was just starting out on FE11 which was why it was challenging for me. Then I went back and played it on a harder mode and completely got my ass whooped. Maybe I'm a noob or I'm just used to Normal mode, but that's why I said that.

  2. Eclipse, you write fanfiction?! :O I'll have to check them out now!

    I didn't like Shadow Dragon very much too, so may I ask what made you two like it? I want to understand so I can see it from another angle. ^^

    Well, it was the first game I've played in the series. So there's a personal liking to it. Basically what Eclipse said, but if you really want characters with personality then play FE12, as the game fleshes out each character more than its predecessor did. Nevertheless, I still liked them and grew attached to each and every one. The storyline to me felt the most realistic and not overly exaggerated to ridiculousness. Speaking of plot, the game didn't just focus on going on an epic quest to defeat the dark dragon. There were many other subplots too that mde it more interesting such as the Macedonian family conflict and settling a score with Gra for their betrayal. The game was rather challenging even on normal, and the levels were rather fun (the sidequests though...kind of sick. I mean, killing a character to get another one...). Did I mention the soundtrack is awesome? I loved the soundtrack. And best for last, anyone who knows me know that Marth is my favorite lord of all time. I felt he was the most human out of all the lords. He's so innocent and rather naive, and even though he did grow up in a war-torn world and lost many people close to him, he still held onto his idealistic mindset he had as a child. He wants to save everyone in his army, is willing to forgive his enemies for what they've done, and fights hard for peace. IS did a great job with his characterization there.

    I'll admit though, as much as I liked FE11, I loved FE12 a little more.

    Tl;dr: Marth, soundtrack, storyline, subplots, levels, and first game I played. That's why I liked Shadow Dragon. Yeah, I wrote a novel there, but hey, you asked :/

  3. What do you like to do when you're bored?

    why do you like marth so much?

    Aside from the fact that I played his game first when I was introduced to the series, I can relate to him the most. I very much respect him as a lord and he seems more human to me than any other FE character.

  4. Your first video game?

    I do not read books in particular, but i love to read stories like fanfictions or creepypastas or something, i have read Harry potter and actually no "real" other book, i am more into manga or short stories, like i said.
    Harry potter was the only real series i have read that elwere "real" books, my favorite manga series is beelzebub

    I am in a rush, so ill throw the same question back at you

    Well, I like murder mysteries so anything written by John Grisham. I don't really read a lot, but I always enjoy his books. They're not a series though. My favorite series are the Maximum Ride books.

  5. Any foreign countries you'd like to visit?

    I don't know, i hate when people are not leaving me alone, i get extremely nauseaous and anxious when someone approaches me
    i know it is not correct and i should not do that but i cannot
    and that sounds like a cheap excuse
    actually i felt good when i got away from SF
    it was heavenly but hell at the same time
    somehow my body does want to approach somebod but does not want to be approached
    and that is bad
    btw i am int personality, i was in between p and j, i made many different tests and i was either in between j and p or either p or j but i was always int just not p or j

    Why not change your badge to dragon?

    Because I like Marth

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