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Everything posted by CobyTheGoober

  1. @Toa Wanted to put a bit of a spin on the henry mug, changed the direction where his face looks at.
  2. Poked around with the green guy (Zero) Also.... I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!! hands are still really hard to make.
  3. I recommend that you post the image in it's original size, rather than have it be zoomed up. If we wanted to examine it, we can just copy and paste it into paint or something. As for the portrait, It's pretty clean, but a bit too basic. As for the hair, it end's kind of weirdly, looks a bit too chunky. Maybe you can make it look like it's several locks of hair, rather than a clump?
  4. Rolo didn't know how to respond to Liam's remark. He wanted to go back home, but at the same time, we wanted to travel with Greta and the others. "I don't know exactly why I'm going home, but I got this one feeling that.... If I leave you, Greta, and the others, life will become... boring." Rolo started to prepare himself for the lecturing of Liam and Greta.
  5. I try to keep that in mind whenever i sprite. And during the making of these portraits, I didn't see anything to wrong when flipped, but that's why I sent these out to serenes, so others can poke at the things that could improve, that I couldn't have seen.
  6. @Number 4 the hair was intentionally supposed to be pillow shaded and bad.
  7. Welp... I've been gone for a while. TIME FOR SPRITE DUMP
  8. "In all honesty..." Rolo decided to speak up, for if he didn't, he would probably be dropped off in a random city, which is something he wouldn't necessarily enjoy. "I don't think that I would feel comfortable in a city far from my home, especially with these empty pockets of mine." Rolo wasn't sure whether to continue on what he was wanting to say, but he felt like it was necessary. "Maybe I could... help around with the group? I'm not much of a soldier (and I couldn't even imagine my self stabbing someone) but I did help around my family's bakery. I'm also pretty good with a lock pi-" Rolo stopped what he was saying, as he felt like he was being incredibly stupid. He was rambling on about helping, but he's not even sure that Greta and her groupies wouldn't even need Rolo's set of "skills". They were a group of individuals who carried a piece of a godly emblem, and are also being hunted down by a very organized and dangerous organization. Rolo then drooped his head down then meekly said; "uh.. n-never mind, just dropping me off in a city will be uh... fine."
  9. Rolo stayed quiet, as he was thinking of what he was to do. The best option was to head home, but with now being associated with Greta and her pals, those Wrathites will probably not show any mercy to Rolo. Staying with Greta and the others was also an option, but he wasn't sure that a child like him would be a welcome addition to their group.
  10. When the scythe spins it looks like it hits the ground. Maybe you can make it so that when the scythe's blade hits the ground, dirt will splash where the scythe hit the ground?
  11. Is this how it naturally looks when inserted into GBA? Because if so, I think it might be too fluid. By too fluid I mean that with that sort of smoothness, you don't get much of an impact or oomph when the weapon lands on the opponent.
  12. With what the Avian said, Rolo felt a bit awkward. Rolo then looked toward the male avian and insincerely grinned and said; " I guess it isn't." He then turned his head to face Greta, and apologetically said; "sorry for being a bit of an annoyance."
  13. It would be really cool to see some of the sprites that you are gonna work on.
  14. "W-woah!" Rolo never expected that the winged beings would be able to do that to the pegasus rider. Not only that, but as the rider dropped her lance, Rolo felt a feeling of relief run down his body. He was extremely glad that no one had to get shot, or run through.
  15. (Those winged guys are not gonna stand a chance) Rolo thought as he bit his lip. The only way to stop this, is for Greta to shoot the pegasus rider, but even if the bullet hits the Rider, the Rider might die, and Rolo really wouldn't want to witness his first murder.
  16. "W-wait, hu-" All of a sudden Greta steered the horse left at a quick pace. As ahe did though, Rolo saw two winged people?. Rolo didn't quite know what to think of them, but Greta seemed very glad that those two people showed up. Must be back up Rolo thought.
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