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About Skytear

  • Birthday 06/26/1992

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being a little late!!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. No comments yet?

    Well, the first one and also Happy Birthday!

    Enjoy it.

  6. Skytear


    (Before anything, I would like to excuse myself in advance for any grammar and spelling errors, english isn't my first language). (Yeah, I know that the topic title is not very original). It makes quite some time that I'm lurking in this forum and, finally, today, I decided myself to join. So, I'm gonna make a little profile: Online Name: You can see it at the northwestern part of this post. True Name: Not telling. Date of Birth: 26/06/92 (DD/MM/YY). Favorite FE Game: Seiken no Keifu, bur Fuuin no Tsurugi is a close second. Favorite game (Other than FE): I have many but I will say... Super Mario All Stars (The first game I ever played...). Favorite FE Character: I have a lot of characters I like, I really can't choose one. Least Favorite game: I don't really have one. Sports: I'm an archer and I play Badminton, too. Online friends: - Favorite Music: Rock, mostly. Favorite Artist/Band: None. Favorite Song: None. Country: I'm from France. MSN/Yahoo/AIM: - Hobbies: Video Gaming, Reading. Good Points: I can say that I am very tolerant, and that I am able to keep my cool in most situations, which make me very difficult to anger ^_^ . Bad Points: I am not very social and quite shy around people I don't know, but, once I begin to talk, it's very difficuly to stop me. I like to go on and make extremely long texts for unimportant things. (I also do a lot of remarks between parenthesis, and some of which might be acid.) I'm also someone who keeps a lot of secrets, especially on the Internet. I could go on, but it wouldn't be finished tomorrow, so I'll stop. So, hello everyone, I hope we can live in peace together. And thanks to those that have read my long post to the end.
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