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Posts posted by GuiltyLove

  1. Just now, Robert of Normandy said:

    Do you like breakfast tacos?

    It's in quotes because I'm a music person and I know that classical music technically refers to a specific time period in music, but I'm also aware that most people think of any kind of old orchestral music(including stuff like baroque and romantic) as "classical."

    Probably from when i was in high school and had a bunch of people over with a poker table.

    Oh ok, I know what you mean by that. I actually forgot about the different time periods until you brought it up, though I did know about them before. I should probably listen to that stuff again when I study...


    I don't really eat tacos so I'll say no


    What musical instrument do you play?

  2. 1 minute ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    do you like "classical" music?

    Not sure why this is in quotation marks. If you mean stuff from Beethoven, Vivaldi, etc, then sort of. I think it's relaxing but kinda boring at times. I like classical instruments though, especially when they're used to play video game or movie songs

    What was your best birthday memory?

  3. tried the arena "for fun" with my incomplete flier emblem team. only two of the matches were deathless :(

    sighhhhh i need gronnblade+ and someone with hone fliers soon sighhhhhh


    also that map with the billions of pillars is so dumb. at least my units can fly! still, the dancer enemies make it hard to place my units well :facepalm:

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