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Everything posted by GuiltyLove

  1. You mean this? Yeah I have a few. Finally he'll be useful for something! I sacrificed my Leo for Catria when I was building her up. Should Nowi get Bonfire for her special?
  2. @Elieson Is this the only time you actually spelled out Alfonse's name? Also Nowi is so slow ughhhhh maybe I should have someone Rally Speed her
  3. 1. Why don't you plan on playing SoV? 2. Do you ever stay up past your bedtime? 3. Do you know how to change a diaper? 4. What is your opinion on people making suicide jokes? Examples would be like "brb killing myself" or something
  4. not sure lol If I can ask more questions then here are two more 1. do you plan on playing Fates? 2. do you plan on playing SoV?
  5. 1. are you as cool as Robo from Chrono Trigger? 2. do you want to be a mod someday? 3. r8 this site: http://omfgdogs.com/ edit: o w8 that's not a question. can you r8 it out of 8?
  6. If Nino grows wings then I'll be more into her! I actually do want to use her someday though
  7. We need Reyson soon hm yeah it does seem like the pillar map will stump the horse units. i'll take any advantage over stupid reinhardt
  8. one time i fought a flier emblem team and all of the units had reposition. it was... interesting
  9. tried the arena "for fun" with my incomplete flier emblem team. only two of the matches were deathless :( sighhhhh i need gronnblade+ and someone with hone fliers soon sighhhhhh also that map with the billions of pillars is so dumb. at least my units can fly! still, the dancer enemies make it hard to place my units well
  10. Don't have one because I'm in a school dorm What do you think of Galacta Knight from the Kirby games?
  11. True! I hope we get Elincia soon. watch as she is turned into a flying healer One of the FE8 fliers would be great too... Oh wait, Haar would be awesome! More Tellius please!
  12. Probably Henry because he's twisted like that WCWY would you go bowling with?
  13. MLG, you say? True. I always liked fliers more than horses anyway Also the low BST of cavalry turns me off from them. It's only like 145 BST for most of them, right?
  14. True I don't really have anyone to use for Horse Emblem so not even gonna try at the moment. My Eliwood is bad. Also Ursula's defense is awful definitely gonna sacrifice Reinhardt to the RNG goddess if I ever get him
  15. Ugh I don't know why I double post from time to time I wonder what is the justification for letting Xander join us. Isn't he still working with Veronica?
  16. I would much rather use Camus............................. Well, I'll try Xander out for a bit first!
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