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Everything posted by GuiltyLove

  1. Do you like Mongolian BBQ? Just so you know, that is my background, not my forum signature
  2. This is addicting lol I'm legitimately hoping to get Distant Counter on her. I have all of the other skills I listed :D
  3. Yep, especially because they have spicy flavors too! Are you going to use Xander when he comes out? Can you explain why or why not?
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_fried_chicken it's beautiful Ok that video was really funny. I think I like the Seinfeld one the best :P Do you think Oboro x Takumi is canon?
  5. apparently so Real answer: yeah. it's nice to listen to Now that you answered the previous question, what do you think of Korean Fried Chicken as opposed to Kentucky Fried Chicken?
  6. m'robot, do you think me a barbarian? I cough into my sleeve because it's disgusting to cough or sneeze into my hands and have to touch things afterward. It's very unlikely that I'll open doors or touch things with my sleeve What do you think of KFC?
  7. Probably Korean What do you think would be a better way to torture someone: play violin very poorly right next to them or give them a sensation that they have to sneeze but can't get it out?
  8. Oh, so that's where that annoying theme came from... it's because i'm amazing I played one but didn't finish it. I don't even remember what it was about If you had a loved one who was sick and you knew how to make him/her better but he/she refused to listen, what would you do? asking the deep questions here
  9. I don't really listen to comedians :P Is Prisoner of Albuterol the one where Harry falls off his broomstick because he has asthma and forgot to take albuterol? If you suddenly became co-workers with your former teachers, would you find it strange to call them by their first names?
  10. I think it's pretty childish and not that funny What is your favorite Harry Potter book?
  11. Eh......................... Like you said, not wholesome What do you think of guys who say "no homo"?
  12. I think I had that exact same score once haha
  13. @Rezzy: I like Titania's voice too! I havent checked, but I recall that she shares her VA with Camilla and Ursula. Ursula's voice was really good in my opinion I'm also a fan of Catria's voice (surprise, surprise), Palla's, and Cecilia's
  14. Nope. I wouldn't trust it What is a joke that you always find funny?
  15. Probably a Tesla If you could run faster than a car, would you still drive?
  16. No. They're easy ways to get into the ER Favorite amusement park?
  17. Nope What would you do if someone handed you a free motorcycle?
  18. Hm... I don't like any of those. Maybe french toast sticks I googled it and found a dog. I'm not fond of dogs but if it leaves me alone then I'll be ok with it Which FE lord do you think is underappreciated?
  19. I guess so. Guava sounds good! Yeah I had mostly the bottled stuff. I think once I had it from a real coconut but I don't remember............. Favorite ice cream flavor?
  20. Yeah. It's ok. I would rather just drink regular water though Would it hurt if Donkey Kong shot you with his coconut gun?
  21. I used to really like Pringles a long time ago but it was so bad for me. I dunno about now because I don't really eat chips. Maybe anything spicy? Peanut butter or almond butter?
  22. Normally I would kill you for using "said" as anything other than a verb because it's one of my biggest pet peeves in the world on the internet, but I'll make an exception Well, I dunno. I just go on KnowYourMeme for reaction images. I don't have any saved What do you think about people who don't floss their teeth daily?
  23. Plankton because of reaction images What are your opinions on showering in the morning vs showering at night?
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