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Posts posted by GuiltyLove

  1. Just now, Arcanite said:

    The strike-through meant that I'm not being serious, I wasn't really saying that you're trash talking Nino.

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    It helps if you read strike-through in a whispered tone, or as if someone is muttering the words under their breath

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    Well you're gonna have to barf orbs all over the Waifu banner if you're gonna try to get Julia and Linde at least. And last I heard you had 2 orbs? Someone's wallet is gonna get opened

    As for Nino, you're gonna have to pray you get her when you try for Julia. Otherwise, pull greens like it's your favorite color and you have 3 hours before you go color blind.

    I have.... 


    5 orbs now :0


    Well... maybe I'll get Hector, Julia, AND Nino!!!! Or a lot of Bartres........

  2. 2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    "Oboro was on the same side as Leo in Revelation" is what I keep telling myself.

    Also, I'm not confirming what team I'm on lol

    Seven people said I should go Julia so really it depends on who the underdog is (no matter who they are)

    But if somehow in any blazing chance in the deep depths of the arctic Henry is the underdog, I'm definitely going Leo, Robin, or Julia

    Nooooo D:

    I'm team Linde but I guess I'll join Julia or Robin if she loses

  3. 46 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Anywho, I actually have a plan to make the ultimate Effie.

    The question is:

    Do I sacrifice my brand new -Spd Marth for pivot on my favorite beefcake Effie, or do I just say screw it and keep my Falchion user?

    Anna deals with Blue manaketes and Robin deals with red's. Yet, Marth deals with all, but I have never struggled against fighting them.

    Also, the 4 star Effie I pulled is +Atk 58 attack here I come

    Sacrifice him imo

    There are many other good reds not like i am qualified to speak because i still use caeda

    I want an Effie D: Such high attack!

  4. 1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

    I'm paranoid so if I ever give any of my 5 star units QR, it has to be QR 3 so I can always be sure that I was put in a situation I could not have helped.

    Basically I'm saying I won't kick myself after for not having QR3 in a case where having QR 2 kills me because if I had QR 3 I would have had exactly enough to double on enemy phase or something like that

    Of course situations like that could be a little extreme, but hey, it makes me comfortable anyway!

    I sacrificed my bad IV Leo to give QR3 to Catria :)

  5. 1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

    Catria had amazing synergy with her kit out of the box: good speed and bulk, especially with seal attack and armored blow, meant she can trade hits for days. Luna and Killer Lance meant she would win those trades. To be honest, she's one of those units that didn't need much tinkering with, given that she was so good to start. Kind of like Klein---sure, L&D is technically better, but is it better enough to use 20k feathers on him?

    (Personally I would've kept Catria's default kit, but you already inherited QR on her, so I'll just pretend Catria is some other unit with QR3 rather than Seal Atk 3)

    Given that you're using Catria in Flier emblem, I'm going to assume you have neither Hinoka nor Cordelia. Meaning a slower, more defensive team relying on fortify rather than hone. Distant Counter is obviously the best, since Catria has the best spread for it (good bulk to make sure she doesn't die, good damage to make the counter hurt), but I doubt you have a spare Hector. Therefore the choice is mostly between TA-3, which lets her demolish reds for free, Iote's shield, to lure archers (though not counter, unfortunately), and one of the stat increasing A-skills.

    Fury is probably the best of the stat increasing A-skills, since it increases Speed and Atk without losing bulk until the third combat. (If you still had Seal Atk3 in the B-slot, I'd advise against Fury, since Catria wants to trade for days, but it's QR3.)


    Assuming Michalis, there's really no need for 2 flier bait units, so the choice is mostly between TA and Fury-3.

    I'm leaning towards TA since it lets Catria leverage her spread to the max, taking 0 from reds and using it to charge her special. Fury 3's nice if you have someone else for reds already (Hinoka or Cordelia or something), and it's decent in general anyway.


    tl;dr TA3 pretty good for your Catria, Fury 3 always good for everyone, and Iotes might be nice to bait fliers if you don't have a Camilla (to destroy them with TA3 and Raven tome).

    Thanks! I have a Cordelia but she's not 5*. No Hinoka though... Hone Fliers would be so nice! I really like QR3 and it lets her destroy reds pretty easily and beat most blues. I think since she already has such an easy time vs reds (in the 10th stratum; haven't tried her in arena), I wouldn't need TA3, right? I'll see if I can get a Hinata for Fury 3... 

    I have a Bunny Camilla at 5* but there's no one to give her a new weapon!

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