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Posts posted by GuiltyLove

  1. 2 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Reinhardt alone isn't enough cancer. You need someone else to join him so the tumor can grow.

    Are you sure? I'm pretty sure Reinhardt gave me about 15 different forms of cancer at the same time

    yes people can definitely tell that i hate him now

  2. 7 hours ago, Randoman said:

    How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

    I'm pretty reserved most of the time unless I am already friends with someone but I can end up talking a lot if I trust the other person. Also I know that I'm a reliable person. I am prone to complaining

    What is your favorite instrument to listen to?

  3. Just now, Arcanite said:

    I dont even know what to say to that...........

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    I won

    Bunny Camilla saved me

    Reinhardt can go choke on his cravat 

    6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Yeah, I'm a doctor.  I'll have to keep exactly where I went to school secret for privacy reasons; I don't mind the question, I'd just rather not broadcast my internet activities to potential patients, since medical professionals have to foster a professional image.

    Makes sense! It's just cool seeing someone else on the internet in healthcare too :D

  4. 5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Ah yes, a fellow free to player.

    Your lack of 5 star sword users shall soon be fed fellow free one. Once Xander comes around, promote him as fast as possible and give him a nice busted B skill. Then you will have Sword user A la mode!

    His Res stat though...

  5. 2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    I think I'm gonna hang this on a wall somewhere. I never knew this was the full quote! I only saw "you disgust me beyond words". Never saw the previous sentence which makes it even more hilarious XD

    Well, here's more context:


    What is the meaning of this? You knew Elincia was Princess Crimea? And you continued to humiliate her for your own entertainment? For some stupid game of wits and words? This is no joke!


    Elincia's homeland is lost to her! Her family has been hunted down and killed by the monsters of Daein! And with nowhere else to turn, she endures mortal danger and terrible heartbreak to reach your door. And then you...you laugh at her?! Where is the humor in that? Where is your decency? You're horrible! You are all horrid people! You disgust me beyond words! And you owe Elincia a proper apology.


  6. 1 minute ago, Rezzy said:


    That and her hide and seek shenanigans made me really dislike Sanaki.  I've dealt with too many people who hold power over others who play childish games with those under them, trying to break their self-esteem and just make them generally feel bad.

    During residency, I had to deal with several genuine asshole attending doctors who will insult you, toy with you, and give you nothing but shit, because they know you can do nothing about it, but you just have to take it, because doing anything besides lying down and taking it will just make things worse for you.

    Now that I have some degree of authority myself, I vowed to myself to never be like that.

    Ooh, are you a doctor now? Where did you go to med school? Just curious. I was interested in nursing school before and got in but left because I didn't think it suited me. Now I'm in a different program

    Back on topic! I didn't like Sanaki much either. Path of Radiance had some really good writing in my opinion, like Soren's quote here:

    Humans are shameless creatures that carelessly ignore any misfortune which does not befall them directly. They can--and often do--turn a blind eye to all manner of wickedness so long as it does not touch them or their kin. They will bow their heads, condemning those victims for bringing calamity upon themselves, and then they will cast their eyes toward heaven in thanks while their neighbors lay dying around them.

    But the war is happening here. This is their home, not someone else's.

    When the Daein army darkens their doorsteps, perhaps they will understand. When the peace they take for granted is shattered, and their sons and daughters slaughtered in the streets...Perhaps then will they comprehend the misfortunes they so long pretended not to see. I have no sympathy for them.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    So, I never really noticed that Ike wasn't great at conversation/talk/whatever. That's another thing I relate to him with (in addition to bluntness. I do tend to be more blunt than not blunt). I'm no good at talk either, Ike. I totally get you, man. Keep being awesome. <3

    On another note, training up Azura is going well and I've got her a lot of her skills already!

    I honestly like Ike's bluntness here: ike-youre-horrible-you-are-all-horrid-pe

  8. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Now you people are giving me reminders that my beloved Ephraim is -Atk. xP But at least it didn't hurt him too much, because his attack is still beast even with that, plus I gave him Fury.

    Funny how pretty much all my favorite characters in this game have crazy attack stats. Freddy at 48 and he goes over 50 with buffs from allies, Ephraim with 50 or more because Fury and maybe more because buffs, and Ike with 51 or more with buffs. Ryoma probably has great attack too. :P But I don't mind, I love all that strength when I can use it right!

    Buffs are fun except when arena enemy teams use them

    My Catria has 42 attack normally but at the moment I have two Goad Fliers units with her in my SP grinding. That means she can hit 50 attack if they're nearby, and 54 with Rally Attack! :D

    Didn't know Frederick's attack went so high!

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