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Everything posted by GuiltyLove

  1. That accursed pot is one of the main reasons why I dont like Donnel
  2. yeah, mine is level 36 with 40 defense. Fortress Def 3 is ridiculous!
  3. I liked Oboro's crit quotes in Fates, like "You are so last season!" I wonder if we'll ever get Nohrian Scum with Draconic Hex in this game. It sounds like it would be too good since it lowers all stats in FE14. If only seal skills were better...
  4. I would like seal skills more if the game, specifically the arena, didn't favor OHKO/ORKOs that much. I like to debuff :) I used Oboro a lot in Birthright and Revelation. I thought you said you didn't play Fates yet though. How did you end up liking Oboro?
  5. @Arcanite Ughh I wish her skills were better. Why does she have Threaten Res when she doesn't use magic >_>
  6. Hmm I didn't think of Iceberg. Too late for that! :( Maybe I'll just keep looking around for a killing edge user
  7. I gave Caeda Glacies. I know she's not the best character but I like flying units and also her in particular. Should I keep rolling reds to give her a Killing Edge or something? Armorslayer is only good vs Hector... :/ but I have Tharja to deal with him
  8. Yeah... I was so disappointed to hear that Navarre isn't that good. He's so good looking compared to his original appearance!
  9. Oh yeah I hate cavalry teams too. It's horrible if it has Reinhart or something! I'm glad I managed to get a Tharja to nuke Eldigan though :) I don't like Tharja or Camilla but I don't have many good units so I'm sticking with them for now :( Where are you, Nino?
  10. Hm maybe I'll just continue to use regular Camilla for the time being since I don't have anything to give to the bunny one. I don't like her that much either but she's my only 5* green :P
  11. My Camilla was pretty good at killing Effie and Nowi in the arena during my runs today, but I'm wondering if I should use Spring Camilla instead. I like mages. Green Egg+ seems so weak though...
  12. Answer my question from earlier if anyone has time, please :(
  13. My Camilla has been pretty important in killing Effie and Nowi in the arena. Should I switch to Spring Camilla though? I think having more mages would be good, but I'm worried about her low Res. Also Green Egg+ is so weak
  14. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/926/183/ee9.jpg That's me tbh I probably got ten different forms of cancer from those things. Or a week's worth of migraines. Oh well, 4626 is fine with me because that's the highest I've gotten so far!
  15. Literally unplayable :P Also I blew all of my dueling crests and somehow got 4626. Vantage Takumi's, dancers, and Wings of Mercy can all go die >:(
  16. I burned through like 10 crests and had some deaths -_______- 4430. Rank right now is 6708 but it's obviously gonna drop. I doubt I'll even get 50k at the end of the season
  17. Can he kill people like Takumi or Klein in one hit? Also I wish he had some sort of ranged attack to counter after drawing them in... I know Spring Camilla has high defense but I'm not gonna let her take the hit
  18. I want to make an all flier team but how should I deal with bow users? I have 4* Michalis, 4* Palla, 5* Caeda, 5* Spring Camilla, 4* Est, 5* Camilla, 4* Cordelia. I wish I had Catria :(
  19. Dang I wish I got defense scores. I've only had a few since the game came out... Edit: Score updated! Ranked at 69k~ so far
  20. I leveled Spring Camilla to 40 just now and tried the arena for kicks and giggles. Still not very many deathless wins but I managed to get 4341 :P Dancer enemies are usually my bane for some reason. I hope I get ranked!
  21. Pulled a 5* Lukas! -Speed, +Res Hm... Doesn't look good
  22. Ooh I gave it to my Caeda because she's -HP :P Maybe I'll give it to Roy. Dunno yet Fates has a good soundtrack at least! You should listen to it. I spend way more time listening to video game music than actually playing games :P
  23. +HP -Def. Well... at least the Binding Blade raises defense when attacked. Meh The plot was bad, of course. The characters were pretty annoying to me but I did like Elise and Sakura. I kinda liked Keaton too. Laslow became much cuter Map design for Conquest was good, although there were definitely some frustrating things like the wind chapter and the last few chapters... Oh well. I'm bad at the games anyway :P I only beat the three routes on hard
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