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Everything posted by GuiltyLove

  1. I usually use the twins, Seth, the pegasus knights (except Syrene) and some other ones I don't remember. :P I beat the game again last week and might try it again some other time. My cavaliers haven't turned out well at all! Franz keeps getting bad levels. I reset when someone dies but one time I was so upset about dying to a berserker crit (when I had WTA) on the desert chapter at the VERY END of the chapter that I just kept going because I didn't want to do it again. How do I know what the AI will target if there are multiple units in range?
  2. I've played both routes on this game on difficult mode and it's not as easy as people say it is, especially chapters 17 and 19 :( The rest of the chapters are ok though. I guess I just feel bad that I have trouble when people say the game is so easy. My main problems with those two chapters are that there are way too many enemies and I get overwhelmed. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for when I ask for advice but I just want to not be bad. I still haven't beaten FE7 HHM. It's so hard :P
  3. screw this chapter D: all those status staves and siege weapons are killing me. i don't know what to do! also i ran out of chest keys and almost all of my lockpicks so i can't get the treasures :(
  4. I'm playing this game for the first time on Difficult mode and I'm on the map where we first get Tana. I can't seem to get to the villages in time before the pirates/whatever do, especially the one to the south. Any tips?
  5. I cannot agree with you any more than this. I hate Donnel and his stupid pot
  6. What makes Velouria so good? Won't her stats be similar to Keaton's? They should be about the same then, right?
  7. I haven't watched videos of PvP before. How is it unbalanced?
  8. Optimizing for PvP makes sense! I'm not that interested in it though I'm kinda wondering how people end up switching classes so much with optimized characters to get skills because the seals are expensive and there are only so many levels you can get unless you use an eternal seal. I rarely changed classes except to switch Camilla to Wyvern Lord :P
  9. I beat all three routes on Hard Classic with random pairings. Are optimal pairings more important in Lunatic? They didn't seem that important to me in FE13 either because the kids, aside from Morgan and Lucina, were pretty useless in the main story without grinding (for me at least). For Apotheosis, I just used random pairings of parents and children with Limit Breaker and stacked rallies. Are optimal pairings mostly for overkill? Or is there more to them?
  10. Yeah I guess there's no need to have too many. It's better than having so many romantic supports like in the newer games imo. I like platonic supports
  11. I'm glad the characters here have more characterization than in Shadow Dragon, but the number of supports seem so little! It's hard for me to determine what most characters' personalities are besides Tiki's. I guess most characters don't have big gimmicks in their personality like in FE13 and 14. Most of the supports seem to be with Kris, and Kris is really bland... Too bad Warren and Catria don't have a support conversation. I'd like more Catria supports :D
  12. I like flying units a lot but I haven't used Beruka at all in my playthroughs. Camilla is way too good to not use. Does Beruka have a niche? I'm thinking of using her one of these days.
  13. Do you know what chapter it's in? I can't recall anything about it. Was it in the chapter after you beat him as a boss?
  14. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/114533-fire-emblem-fates-conquest/73403676 http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/114533-fire-emblem-fates-conquest/73439975 http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/114533-fire-emblem-fates-conquest/73389348 Some people are skeptical too. Others think it's . Who knows though. I don't recall the evidence at the moment. Wish I knew too
  15. Some people on GameFAQs think it's supposed to be but I'm not sure
  16. I still don't get Scarlet's "I'm gonna get Nohrian on your butt"
  17. Now I can understand why people say Endgame on Lunatic is really hard :P I definitely don't think I'll ever have the guts to play this mode myself haha Are there any good Lunatic playthroughs? I want to see how others do this but I can't find many
  18. I've heard that conquest chapter 25 has something called negative chain (or something) that has infinite debuffs on lunatic. How much does it lower your stats? I don't plan on playing lunatic myself so I'm just curious about this
  19. That makes sense considering their history. Chrom and Nowi don't really talk outside of the chapter where you recruit Nowi. Too bad Gangrel and Emmeryn don't have supports. I know they at least talk in one of the DLCs though
  20. Only a few characters have a special conversation with him. IIRC it's Lissa, Emmeryn, Nah, Nowi, Cordelia, Severa
  21. Relationship Event Tiles Asking - Chrom "Wanna fight together next time, Chrom? That would make me feel extra safe." (team up) "Chrom, what's your biggest dream? I need some new ideas to fill the millennia." (dream) "Hi, Chrom! You look happy today. Did you make a new friend?" (happy) "How come you always disappear after battles, Chrom? You can trust me!" (free time) Replying - Chrom "Nope! I'm just super happy to see you, Chrom!" (happy) This was from the wiki. Nah, Severa, and Cordelia do as well. It makes sense that Cordelia does, but why Nowi? It seems kind of random. Does she secretly like Chrom too? :0
  22. It's too bad it takes that long to build up weapon ranks. I didn't have that many arms scrolls anyway! I couldn't even get Takumi or Mozu to A rank bows without arms scrolls even though I wanted to use the crescent bow :(
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