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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Whoa! Nice one, Lyn Infernal was difficult enough trying to do it without the 1-turn restriction! Thumbs up big time! That was quite an enjoyable watch, thanks for the tag~! Wow, Matthew takes hits like a champ, even when he got down to 1HP! Always nice to see Inigo too!
  2. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 9. What are you most grateful for right now? 10. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 11. If you could time travel, where would you go? 12. What are your pet peeves? 13. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 14. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far? 15. What kind of music do you like?
  3. Nice, glad you managed to get all three with your saved orbs! And none are -Atk, woo-hoo~!
  4. Ranks before closing: Arena: 5114 - Rank 1303. Had to drag Alfonse around this week. Arena Assault: 5192 - Rank 1208. @Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi I've run into a full Horse Emblem team at 732 before! (L-Ephraim, Reinhardt, Leo, and Titania.)
  5. It's always fun watching your Galeforce team in action. Good job! Are they your arena offense team too? Maybe Brave Roy will be on the next Legendary Banner. You going to try for more merges for him? It was enjoyable indeed~! Nice use of Gravity. I never would have thought of a strategy based on using that staff. Good job, nice video!
  6. Nice video~! Congrats on your newly promoted Cherche! (Sorry for the late response, just catching up on my tags now.) Whoa, buffed Cordelia had 58 Atk and 44 Spd with a Brave Lance+. Wowza.
  7. Sorry for the late response, just catching up on my tags now. Beautiful Camoo and Ogma~! Both of them are characters I liked in their own games, but I haven't built them up very well in Heroes yet.
  8. I don't know anything about philosophy. That... Was painful to read. I agree, yuck.
  9. Hehe, my results were kinda similar to yours: Nanna was the good nature (+Spd -HP) and Rein was the bad one (+HP -Atk). (I didn't pull Leif, but I'm not too anxious to get him.)
  10. I never get sick of watching Galeforce and cleverly-used WoM in action. It's so satisfying to watch, hehe. Thumbs up!
  11. For skills: Brave Ike Hector Genny Because I don't have her and want her: Linde Huh. I guess my list is pretty short.
  12. Nononono. D/M/Y is where it's at, dude. M/D/Y drives me crazy. I can confirm that Canada can't make up its mind on what format it wants to use. As a booking clerk at a hospital, it drives me crazy when I'm registering new referrals.
  13. Don't worry Rezzy, I wouldn't forget about you. You're too awesome! I haven't been on my laptop much this week (where I have my questions saved on a Word document). I am now, so here we go! A few of my usual questions have already been asked/answered, so I deleted a few and added some. --- 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 4. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 5. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 6. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 7. What are you most grateful for right now? 8. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 9. If you could time travel, where would you go? 10. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 11. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far? 12. What is something you have tried that you will never try again? 13. When did you decide you wanted to be a doctor? 14. Do you find it annoying when patients google their symptoms? 15. What do you like the most about your job? 16. What do you dislike the most about your job? 17. What was the hardest part about being pregnant? 18. What advice would you give other women about pregnancy? 19. Where do you fall on the great spanking debate? 20. Not sure if your youngest kiddo is talking much yet, but what’s the weirdest thing your kids (or kid) have ever said to you?
  14. Nice, guys! It's fun to see the different ways people clear these things (and how slightly changing the skills around can make the difference)! I bet you are liking the new 0 stamina update!
  15. Yeah, for sure. I only spent a bit of real money, so I don't mind too much. Saving up lots of orbs is a good plan for when stuff like this happens.
  16. I went for Nanna because I had a 300+ orb stash saved up, so why not. Seems like my good luck streak has run out, though. I used my entire stash and had to buy an additional orb pack to get her (because I refuse to leave a banner I spent over 300 orbs on empty-handed! ). 4* Jeorge 4* Lissa 4* Kagero 4* Fir 3* Rebecca 4* Fir 4* Lucius 3* Saizo 3* Setsuna 4* Sakura 4* Serra 4* Klein 4* Lucius 4* Sakura 4* Lucius 4* Niles 4* Wrys 4* Leon 3* Matthew 3* Clarine 3* Male Corrin 4* Draug 3* Virion 3* Niles 4* Sakura 4* Marth 4* Olivia 4* Kagero 4* Setsuna 3* Lissa 3* Leon 4* Gordin 4* Lucius 4* Gaius 4* Lon'qu 3* Azama 5* Mist (Nooooooooooooooooooo!) +Res -HP 4* Niles 4* Lon'qu 4* Felicia 4* Saizo 3* Sakura 4* Matthew 3* Saizo 4* Klein 4* Leon 4* Serra 4* Sothe (Ooh, good fodder.) 4* Saizo 4* Niles 4* Lissa 4* Lucius 4* Azama 3* Virion 4* Jeorge 4* Wrys 4* Lissa 3* Gaius 4* Athena 4* Niles 3* Gordin 4* Clarine 3* Jeorge 4* Gaius 3* Matthew 3* Matthew 3* Chrom 4* Jeorge 4* Setsuna 5* Nanna (Finally!) +Spd -HP 5* Reinhardt (Nice. Nature = Not so nice.) +HP -Atk That was painful. RIP giant orb stash. I hope everyone else is luckier than I am.
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