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tali is back

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    f**k the gender binary


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  1. i'm back but i won't come online all that often bc school and mom so ;)

  2. Left SF, please check my profile for more details.

  3. I need to do something with my life other than screw around on Quotev.

  4. School is boring. My only life is my violin.

  5. Can you tell my "friend" to give back the chunk of my heart she ripped out?

    1. Integrity
    2. Jason (4Star)

      Jason (4Star)

      how can you take a chunk of something that doesn't exist :P

  6. Hawke: To be completely honest with you, I was the same way when I was her age. "As unpredictable as a summer storm," was what they used to say about me.
  7. Tali: I consider myself Chaotic Neutral, if that's what you're asking. Also, I don't Nevermore people unless they really tick me off.
  8. Alvar, what do you like about Chigai? Adelina: Seiko, you never told me what you liked about me.
  9. Lupus: *sigh* I was probably nine years old, Addy was ten, and our parents took us to a lake. I had never seen a frog before, so when it jumped out at me, I sorta, um, lit it on fire. Adelina: That was around the time that Lulu carried around his Fire tome like a teddy bear. Lupus: Anyways, all I could do was watch that frog die in agony as its thin skin was burned to ash. Everyone was laughing at how terrified I looked. Mother could barely stand because of her laughter.
  10. Keaton: I'm not scared... Adelina: Something a lot scarier than a dead person is watching someone die from Nevermore. Now that is nightmare fuel. Lupus: Nothing scares me. Adelina: Oh yeah? What about the time when-- Lupus: We shall not speak of the frog incident. Adelina: You should've seen his face! It was the first time I had ever heard Father laugh! Tali: Alright, alright. Settle down.
  11. Adelina: Uhh...I don't really have-- Lupus: Sir, the answer to your first question is-- Adelina: Can I finish answering him before you butt in? Anyways-- Keaton: Umm... Tali: WOULD YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP SO ADELINA CAN ANSWER YOSHIRO'S QUESTION! Adelina: As I was saying, I don't really have a favorite food, but I guess pie is good. Lupus: Can I answer the first question now? Tali: No, because he was joking.
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