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tali is back

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Status Updates posted by tali is back

  1. i'm back but i won't come online all that often bc school and mom so ;)

  2. Left SF, please check my profile for more details.

  3. I need to do something with my life other than screw around on Quotev.

  4. School is boring. My only life is my violin.

  5. Can you tell my "friend" to give back the chunk of my heart she ripped out?

    1. Integrity
    2. Jason (4Star)

      Jason (4Star)

      how can you take a chunk of something that doesn't exist :P

  6. So, my life is kind of in tatters right now.... Any suggestions on how to stay sane?

    1. Hoshido Noble Red
    2. phobia


      stop playing lunatic mode

    3. Shadowess


      breathe in and smile. it'll get better.

      or read a book and zone out.

  7. My life is trash, so what does that make me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tali is back

      tali is back

      There's almost nothing I like about my life, which is why it's trash.

    3. Zera


      Actually I meant "cleaning up the trash" in life, but yeah, that works too.

    4. deactivated


      Welcome to the club!

  8. I finally have Yukimura on my desktop... I can die happy now...

  9. Is it bad that I never bought the DLC for Awakening, but I'm still overleveled?

    1. Lyon's Dirge

      Lyon's Dirge

      Yes. Now go play outside.

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