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Everything posted by Blademaster!

  1. Is a horribly inefficient way of beating the game, really only feels like such an easy way to beat the game since you can just press start and skip everything, and gives you a much higher chance of getting a gameover when compared to other strategies. And even then, the only reason Nostanking even works in Lunatic no grind is more because of Veteran than anything else. Regardless, the main reason fire emblem is even difficult is because of the limitations we place upon ourselves, just like almost any RPG. Even chapter 2 of Lunatic+ isn't that bad if you're willing to sacrifice someone, and now that classic mode exists, the game is almost a joke. If IS really wanted to make the game more difficult, they would add more conditions to chapters that would cause you to get a game over, giving you more insentive to actually use and keep everyone alive or something along those lines.
  2. When you pair them up in the game doesn't matter as long as they have at least A rank by the final chapter. It doesn't work. Avatar doesn't do enough damage to Grima with Chrom support to kill him, and there are too many War Clerics that will heal him. You eventually get killed by long bow snipers, Grima, and the like.
  3. If you're going to say that FE13 is easy because of stuff like this, you might as well just say no FE is difficult since they all let you abuse exp like this in some way shape or form, especially in FE5 where attacks that miss and don't do damage give you so much exp. I don't even understand how it's possible for Avatar to solo the final chapter of FE13 when he can't do enough damage to Grima (even with Chrom pair up), there are tons of war monks with Physics, and lots of long bow snipers. For me I'd say: FE12 > FE11 > FE5 > FE13 > FE10 > FE3 > FE2 > FE9 > FE4 > FE1 > FE6 > FE7 > FE8
  4. Nostanking isn't broken because of no weapon weight, but the units who can use it have better defensive stats when compared to past games, vengeance, and more opportunities to actually get the weapon itself. The strategy still existed in past titles, and was just as, if not more broken since you recovered all the damage you dealt. Weapon weight was a terrible balancing mechanic that just made certain weapons completely undesirable to use, such as Axes in any game before FE5 (with the only notable exception being the hero axe in FE4, and personally axes being so useless is IMO why they don't exist in FE2 and Book 2), steel weapons in FE6, and fire magic in the jugdral games. There's a reason why every game since FE9 has been phasing out the mechanic entirely. It's a fairly useless feature that adds no where near the level of strategic play/desire to use when compared to pair up. I never used the feature when it existed except as a last resort to save a unit when I would blatently mess up, and I certainly have never found any time in the series where I ever actually missed it. My first thought on seeing pair up in awakening was "Not only is this feature really neat and cool, but it's rescue done right, especially when you consider how moving around the pocket unit you have between units can act as a boon to the active unit!" If anything, after playing Awakening, if I go back and play the older FE's I might even have slightly more insentive to use it for whatever reason.
  5. This review, like so many other negative reviews of the game I see, just seem like they are written by people who have no idea what they are talking about and just know absolutely nothing about the franchise. It's like they are just finding things to complain about now because of how popular Awakening has become when the same issues had existed in past games, such as whinning about lack of chapter goals or "open field maps" (what the fuck does this even mean?). Sure there are legitimate complaints like lack of FoW, status staves, and normal/hard mode being too easy for experienced players, but most of the points this review makes are either showing plain ignorance, finding things to complain about(they removed terrain height, something only featured in one game and was missing from the last 2, what a disaster this s all of a sudden in this game but not before! Same with weapon weight, which was almost always a terrible feature) or completely subjective. I mean, at least there was more reason and benefit to use pair up in this game when compared to rescue.
  6. http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/12/4424948/upcoming-3ds-system-update-to-allow-users-to-streetpass-over-internet How do you think this will effect Awakening? I haven't really used street pass this much honestly...
  7. The Wii Fit trainer demo video was actually pretty funny and eased a bit of my worries about the character being in the game.
  8. I'm not sure how I feel about the Wii U version since the graphics look a bit less intense than previous games in the series, but the 3DS one looks great (still getting both). Megaman being in is awesome. Really hoping to see Chrom, Lucina, Ike, and Marth in the game(s).
  9. 2nd gen is better because you'll get two kids with access to all classes inexchange for slightly better stats on one unit.
  10. Personally, I would put Anna above Libra and maybe Oliva because of her usefulness with Levin Swords, since I haven't really ever found Libra to be as useful both offensively and defensively as well.
  11. 44+8 = 52 = You're still doubling every unit in the game but the very few 50 speed enemies who only show up in RR and the one soldier in Death's Embrace, who most characters need rally to double anyway. Deliverer and Aegis. 10~13 mov on a flying unit is pretty sweet.
  12. There are still people after all this time who think this? There are litterally only six enemies in the game Cynthia may have trouble doubling, and those same six characters are generally not being doubled by anyone not being rallied anyway.
  13. I've read a couple. Stiens;Gate, FSN, and YU-NO are the ones I enjoyed the most. Trying to read Demon Bane right now, though that's been going kinda slow...
  14. It won't surprise me if this is the best selling console next gen because of how it's going to be marketed, but this system feels like it is for people I wouldn't even call gamers, let alone casual gamers. It's just bad.
  15. When I was a little kid, I saw my dad accidentally bash his head open (not really that bad an injury, just can't think of a better way to describe it atm) with his bathroom cabinet door and saw his blood go all over the bathroom. He wasn't crying after getting hurt, and as a kid, I saw that as a huge thing and thought to myself "So dad's don't cry when they get older?" and that pretty much stuck with me as I got older and noticed it became harder and harder for me to cry (I'll tear up but never really be bawing or something). The only time I can remember bawing out is when I got drunk a while ago, but I can't remember the last time I cried from getting hurt.
  16. @Kirsche Why Nowi > Tharja. 1. Both can pretty much only tank while in specific classes (Manakete and Sorcerer/Dark Mage), and Nowi has two advatanges over Tharja: 1. A higher exp gain and 2. more concrete durability (Tharja's small chance may be "negligible", but it still exists, and Nowi's doesn't, thus, it is worse than Nowi's). 2. Tharja needs Nosferatu to tank, and that doesn't become buyable until chapter 13 has been cleared. Nowi has to wait for chapter 12 to buy dragonstones, but has the advatange of having 80 more uses of her tanking weapon when compared to Tharja, allowing her more opportunites to tank enemies and help chapter completion before Tharja can have access to multiple Nosferatus, most noticably in chapters 11 and 12 and Paralogue4. 3. Nowi has the additional option of reclassing into flying classes, one of which gives her access to deliverer and instant reclass ability back into Manakete which allows her also to have more mov in her base tank class as well. Essentially, they both do the same thing, but Nowi does it better and has a few more opportunities to do so. As for Tharja, from my experience, she isn't strong enough to tank as well.
  17. You could say the same about Galeforce, except that it's even worse since only a handful of characters can even learn it. Hell, you might as well complain about how almost all gen 1 characters are useless compared to the gen 2 ones.
  18. Except Nowi still has offensive ability available to her, and by late game you could just reclass Nowi into a class with more mobility if you really wish to do so, otherwise you could use rescue to compensate for such problems as well. I haven't used Panne enough to argue Nowi > Panne (which I never even brought up) but frankly Panne has never impressed me as an offensive unit (even when reclassed). I prefer her support bonus more since it boosts spd and str. In my run, Nowi essentially stopped taking damage at chapter 18 and the only enemies capable of hurting her for the rest of the game were Grima, the chp 21 boss, Walhart in chp 19, a few sages (arguably the most damaging enemies in the game after swordmasters with Astra and Berserkers if they could ever hit you), and the wyrm slayer hero in chp 23, and as far as hard mode goes, no, there are no enemies who will exceed the max def of a Manakete besides the few I mentioned. And of the few enemies I mentioned who could hurt Nowi, none could do above 10 damage besides Grima with Ignis, and Nowi also had very high avoid thanks to her high luck. Even with Tiki having the possibility of taking ~5-10 damage, she never managed to get below half her HP in a chapter, since she just had so much of it, along with high luck and spd as well giving her high avoid. I wasn't joking when I said that the three manakete's were invincible in my log(although it was poorly detailed). Of the enemies you mention as being difficult to kill, generals were the only ones I found troublesome to kill and pretty much every unit in the game has some trouble killing them (Tharja in my run was only able to deal 2/3 of their hp to them with Nosferatu even at 15/10, though I don't know if she was mag screwed), and Wyvern Lords(Wyrmsbane), GK, Warriors, and Berserkers certainly aren't difficult to kill. My experiences with Nostanking and Manketetanking leads me to believe that Manketetanking is better honestly (unless you're avatar because of Veteran) since I don't have to worry about missing, running out of weapon uses at crucial times, and the faster rate of exp gain. But like I said, I will try again this time around and see if I get better results.
  19. Nowi's a bit shaky in chapter 8 and 9, but as Interceptor is seeing so far, and as I have seen, she essentially becomes unkillable from Paralogue 4 onwards as a result of concrete durability (the best kind there is), gains exp insanely fast, always has 1-2 range, and never has to worry about flying weakness (the only enemy in the game that has a wyrmslayer as far as I could tell is a Hero on chp 23 who did 7 damage to her in a chapter where nothing hurts her and she has 80 HP). Using her is more broken than Nostanking IMO, since it's cheaper, she still kills stuff, and she gains levels faster. With the rate at which she can gain levels, and how fast she can get up to speed, frankly, if Panne can be considered S-Tier, I can see Nowi there as well. As far as competitive resources go, she only needs tonics (something anyone can and probably should have), one of the 4(?) pre chapter 16 second seals if she reaches level 30 before then, and possibly a speed wing if she's being really RNG screwed (she actually doesn't need a seraph rob).
  20. You can't unlock the next level of support in consecutive chapters it seems. The points to unlock the support will build, but you can't raise the level until you do another chapter.
  21. I thought it was really funny, but a lot of people don't seem to like how random it is. I liked this more than Gintama anyway.
  22. On page 31, I gave the level up rates for Nowi, but what really allows her to gain so many levels is her ability to tank chapters 11 (mage side), 12, and 15. She didn't even gain any levels for chapters 10, 13, and 14. I never had any problems with Tiki doubling things with Say'ri and although she will have some trouble killing stuff at first, she levels up so fast that it more than makes up for such a problem, and then you get another really powerful tank that just can't die, unlike most other units I had who couldn't really tank very well due to low res. Tharja will only be unkillable with Nostanking, and Nowi only had trouble killing the few types of enemies I mentioned without dual attack on occasion. I haven't tested Tharja out too much yet, so for all I know I could see her being in S too. As far as her use in my run went, she was a bit slow in later chapters and got doubled by Assassin's and Swordmasters.
  23. Paladin's give defender(+1 all stats in pair up). Great Knights give Dual Guard+
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