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Everything posted by Blademaster!

  1. An awesome free megaman game? Who wouldn't want to play this.
  2. That's why you don't watch the anime, and read the manga where Tsukune is one of the best Harem MC's... Also, though it's been a while since I saw the anime and they may have changed the reasons, the girls reasons for falling in love with him are a lot more believable than in most harems. Especially Kurumu and Mizore. Ruby and somewhat Yukari, not so much.
  3. The arrow to the knee thing was actually a reference the translators put in? It honestly sounded like the kinda thing Rickard would say...
  4. I read the manga because it would've been faster to do. Didn't really have much of an opinion of it. Not good, not bad. MC and his sister are too mary-s/tueish.
  5. OP's I like as far as I can remember include Magi, Jojo, and Psycho Pass. Don't really watch ED's, though I though Jojo's was decent.
  6. Pokemon works better as something where the outcome isn't 100% predetermined. Though the setting and world could certainly make for a very good vn.
  7. I've heard of it I think, but all I know is the name. Would you suggest reading the LN or the manga?
  8. When people make comparisons between two different things and then claim the older is a copy/mockery of the newer thing, such as saying moving pictures in Harry Potter inspired the creation of .gif or that Tsukihime is a twilight ripoff.
  9. Keep playing. The way they changed it to work out even with the new recruitment additions was pretty well done.
  10. The only complaints I have about this game is the same complaint I has about Book 2: the character endings are all pretty depressing. There's so much unrequited love, broken relationships, and people disappearing forever never to be heard from again. As for the hype you described, they didn't really add in any new characters to have that work with. They tried to do so with Elerean, Astram, Jeorge, and the Wolf Guard, but it was always during the actual chapter they first show up in. Navarre and Oguma got more hype than all of those guys did honestly. Though FE12 is more about the bonds that people form with each other rather than striking down and toppling powerful enemies like before.
  11. Shin Sekai Yori future spoiler So expect it to get worse. Also, if you've seen any of the promo art for it, you shouldn't be surprised at all the homosex. Not to mention that the manga adaptation is Shoujo Ai and ecchi, though that probably isn't the best adaptation.
  12. It's happening. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20301477#TWEET356625
  13. Yeah, I think you're overreacting at this moment in time. WWIII is more likely to happen than a secession in the U.S.
  14. If you can get past the dated art style, then yes. If you can't, learn Japanese and wait for the remake (you have enough time to do so) or just read the manga, though that just covers Arc's route(however the manga adaptation is amazing). Though most people like Tsukihime for Akiha, Hisui, and Kohaku's routes.
  15. That's the point of his character. That was my favorite route ;_;
  16. I was more interested in picking your mind so to say than debating. In that aspect, you delivered just fine and I enjoyed reading your post. Bakuman was a lot more clever than I remember it to be, but what you are describing isn't something I really notice very often in most anime/manga in general. I wouldn't really call that picky. And by got more out of you mean in an entertaining way, and not a factual way right? For me, I read FSN first and completely unspoiled, so when I read that scene in the VN I was ecstatic since the whole idea of the grail war seemed brilliant to me. Well, if you hate one of the most influentially harem series ever that certainly says a lot... I see what you mean with the P4 example, but at the same time, that's something that only video games can really get away with doing. Not many people are. This is perhaps my fault for not being clear, but I meant more along the lines of I'm surprised the padding would cause you to get lost while reading the story and not understand what is going on. The whole "Shirou is correct in any decision" is something that is definitely explored in heavy detail in Heaven's Feel, to the point where that could be said to be the main conflict of the route. Also, I believe the bad end you are referring to is likely mind of steel, where Shirou definitely changes his values since that is the ending where he pretty much becomes Kiritsugu. Rin is considered classic Tsundere, so it is odd that you would hate her character, but if you don't like Tsundere characters there isn't much that can be said really. She certainly has more to her character than being Tsudere considering her playful attitude, greed, bi-sexual tendencies, and intelligence. I think the other thing about her character that you may be missing has to do with her changing her wish, which was the main conflict of her character. Although learning to lead a normal life was indeed an important part of her character, the main point was that she should realize that she had already accomplished everything she could as king, did a good enough job as is, and get her well deserved rest. As for her development being tied to her falling in love and finding salvation because of that, that is just a subset of what she really needed; to be happy. Bedivere and Alex both wished for her salvation through happiness, and she just happened to fall in love with Shirou because of how well the two mirror each other, which is the reason why she was able to find salvation at all in the story (because they mirror each other, not the being in love thing). She's a love or hate character. That's how she tries to portray it, but Kotomine sees through her. The only character who felt like they had complex motivation in Zero to me was Kariya as a result of his descent into madness. Otherwise, everyone was very straight forward in what they wanted. Typo? Because for me, it's definitely the opposite. Kotomine is no where near as interesting/entertaining in Zero as he is in FSN. It's just a matter of preference. I enjoyed the fact that the servants were able to converse as such in Zero since they couldn't do so in FSN, but at the same time it felt like it removed more of the atmosphere from the story for me. The main problem I would say I have with what you are saying is that most of what you are complaining about is already there in my opinion, especially in the case of conflicting ideology. Also, as a word of advice, if you really don't like getting into debates with people about stuff, be careful with what you say about conflicting ideology when it comes to Archer/Shirou should you ever enter the topic in the future. It is generally seen as the highlight of the VN and likely why Archer is the most popular male Type-Moon character. There are also a lot of people out there who would probably try and "tear you open a new asshole" about that matter. Why so edgy? I liked SLH and the True End the most... Shirou is like Sakura. Both are characters you either love or hate. In the case of Sakura, it leans more towards hate. In the case of Shirou, it definitely leans more towards love (As far as I've seen. I certainly found him to be one of the best characters in the series). Also, popularity polls would highly disagree with your statement.
  17. When I first read this, I was baffled, because not many people get the whole point of Saber and Rider's relationship, and always just go "LOL! Seiba just got told so bad xD!" I thought to myself, "Wow, this guy's pretty smart." Then I read the rest of what you said, and became further baffled again because you seemed to grasp this point, but then failed to grasp portions of FSN's story, though that may stem from a bias you have towards FSN. Anyway... It's not like the same thing doesn't happen in the first episode/volume of Zero... SOL != harem shenanigans. FSN has practically no harem shenanigans in it, if any at all, mostly because Shirou never has a harem. FHA does since that is kinda the point of a fan disk, but FSN? No. Also, the cooking scenes are necessary since they show how Shirou leads this nice and peaceful life, but still tries to deviate from it because of his ideals. It's an eroge. That kind of stuff goes with the territory, and was done pretty much just to help it sell (the author didn't really want to add them), and in the case of FSN, that helped out a lot considering, to my knowledge, the only VN's that have out sold it in the past decade are Steins;Gate(debatable) for the PSP, Fate Hollow Ataraxia (fan disk sequel), and an entry in the Sakura Wars franchise. And it's not like the sex wasn't used for romantic reasons like with Shirou and Sakura/Saber and Caster and her master. Spoiler response for your spoilered post:
  18. Just finished the main story of Black and White 2, and I have to say, I found this to easily be one of the best pokemon games ever made. It was leagues better than DPP, RSE, and much better than BW. HGSS is probably the only pokemon game I'd say is better than it. The sheer amount of pokemon available to you, the fact that you can change the difficulty, the AI wasn't as retarded, the lack of a need to level grind, and all the extra features like the world tournament are all pretty sweet. Hopefully the next game only improves upon this one.
  19. R;N doesn't even have over 50 votes on EGS's, but it has a ~75, which I would say is mid tier/low mid tier. The main reason people seemed to dislike it was because it wasn't as good as S;G, but S;G is one of the most successful VN's ever, and the only one I know that, since it's release, has come close too (if not surpassing) Fate's success in terms of VN sales. It's just like how people didn't like Mahoyo because it wasn't as good as Fate, though Mahoyo from what I hear still sold decently for a regular VN but awful as a TM VN (though when you have to compete with two of the best selling VN's of the past decade in an age where VN sales seem to be on a big decline, it's not surprising to hear).
  20. My experience with bullying generally followed the same pattern through out my life: unless someone gets hit, no one gives a shit. Bullying is kind of an odd thing to think about though and isn't really something people can do too much about to certain degrees. If someone is annoying as shit and gets shunned because of it, that is a type of bullying, but nothing can be done about it because you can't force people to spend time with someone they don't want to be around, and if that person is also annoying to those that are trying to help them, then they are just SoL. Bullying can also help create rivalries and motivation to do better, but obviously that isn't the kind of bullying at hand. The only thing someone being bullied can really do is be active in trying to get people to stop bullying them by talking to the adults around them, otherwise it's even possible for the opposite to happen and the one being bullied kills the bully like that kid in Florida who stabbed that guy to death or that wannabee terrorist (don't remember if he was really a victim of bullying though; also from florida). But then when the opposite does happen, should we really be complaining if the topic at hand can be the result?
  21. Fairy Tail is underrated? That's news to me. Last I checked, it's a well beloved series, unless you go to 4chan where they hate anything Chuni because it's like Nurutu.
  22. So I'm taking some medication at the moment that says I can't go out in the sun for prolonged periods of time. I have to take two pills a day for a period of 15 days. I'm surprised that medication like that even exists to be honest, especially since it's just some kind of anti-bacterial pill or something like that. Why must the sun be so dangerous and loving at the same time?
  23. Haven't gotten around to watching everything yet, but I'd say this is "the best anime this season" to that sort of effect. I think that was one of the only two points of that arc, the other being Did you read Alternative? I wish Age was intelligent enough to think of something like that. It probably all just stems from the author being mad at America, since from what I hear about his response to companies wanting to translate Muv Luv officially, that seems to be the case. And Alternative is loaded with anti-America sentiment. Most of the Japanese characters shown
  24. It almost never shows up in anime though. Anyway, I like everything that isn't a robot. I hate anime robots.
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