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not here

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Posts posted by not here

  1. omg at the rate this topic is going I fear someone is gonna bite my head off when I say I married Chrom first and really liked the supports LOL. But Robin and Chrom are a better duo as best friends tbh, not a romantic couple.

    Stahl and female!Robin were really cute... and Cavalier Morgan is one of my favorites. I think next playthrough I'll marry Lucina though, cause she's my video game girlfriend.

  2. At least she isn't as bad as Sumia. Just kidding, I'm not going to start this debate, even though I think Sumia has an even worse personality.

    Haha no it's fine dude. :) It's all a matter of preference so there's no need for debate in the first place~ I personally like all the characters, just some more or less than others, ya feel?

    Edit: Managed to unlock A support. That one is one of the worst I've ever read in this game, for different reasons than the B support. Original opinion I posted above didn't change. It's just horrendous.

    Oh god I just read the support convos between the two. I have no words that was just absolutely horrible what the heck Cynthia.

  3. Nah son I gotcha there - I was wrong to assume Chrom knew what was going on. Dim-witted or not, he's not in any state of mind to be looking into trivial matters such as who is crushing on him and who's not. Either way, my point stands that Cordelia is very centered around Chrom, and any shift that occurs in that state for her happens very late and very suddenly. (Also, aside from the point, but the devs really should have changed her support conversations after she was married, cause right now it's just plain awkward LOL.)

    And yeah - for players who aren't really paying attention to support conversations, the characters are very one dimensional, which I can forgive since the main focus of the game is the story and the gameplay, not so much so the characters that drive it. However, it pleases me that pretty much every character can and does show some depth and development throughout the conversations and the story, even if you really have the analyze it to see it. :P

  4. Overall I'm pretty neutral about the Awakening cast, most of them are somewhat one-dimensional but I don't hate any of them.

    I agree with you there. I'm an avid writer at heart, so when I don't see three-dimensional characters, I get really turned off to the writing. That said, some of the characters are more fleshed out than others.

    Sorry to say, but for least favorite unit, Cordelia gets the short end of the stick for me. Her absolute relentless lusting after Chrom and ploys to get his attention doesn't settle right with me in so many ways. He is clearly not interested in her, and yet she still chases after him as if he is not independent and even foolish for not falling for her. Like, she cannot take no for an answer, though it's not stated whether or not Chrom has actually told her to back off. (His actions should be a pretty clear indication though, because body language isn't that hard to read.) Not to mention, the fact that her entire character is centered around Chrom makes her have no actual personality of her own, the only time she displays any sort of personality outside of her crush is in any S support conversation, and even then it's hard to see, when one rank ago she was sighing and brooding cause Chrom doesn't love her.

    Sorry Cordelia. You're a great unit, but your personality is garbage to be honest. <3

    //that turned out to be lengthy im a very bitter person when it comes to one-dimensional characters LOL

  5. oh hey look even more animes to add to my endless to watch list gr e a t//

    i havent had much time for anime since school and all, but at the moment im watching magi and hunter x hunter. im a bit iffy on the art style of both of them cause im so used to animes with like... absolutely beautiful art, so animation at a lower quality hasn't kept me as engaged as it did when i watched, say, gurren lagann. as for story both are pretty good so far, i hope to finish them over the summer!

  6. haha thanks you two// and yeah it was a lil detailed aah ;a; its not exactly a generic greeting tho its just... yo this is me lol

    Soooo. . .what are your choices for Leon/Ladius/Thoma/Duran/Rex, and why do you choose those women? :P:

    aaah im sors i've never heard of any of those characters ;; i've only played awakening, and haven't paid attention to the characters of the other games my friend has played// awakening ships i'll gladly be all over tho!!

  7. Seriously what do you even title these things c'mon...

    So anyway, hello! I'm Destiny, or Desty, if you prefer to not type the other two letters. My pronouns are they/them, so please use those when referring to me, I'd really appreciate it!! To be honest I'm just some 17 year old kid who plays too many video games, cries over anime, and wants to travel the world with a few good friends and a really expensive camera. (But like, in a punk rock way.) I photoshop things sometimes, code things sometimes, write and then crumple up the paper and throw it into the nearest trash bin, stuff like that. I'm in love with Fall Out Boy and music in general.

    Annnd yeah I have no idea what to say here lol~ I'm very new to the Fire Emblem series, and have only played Awakening thanks to my friend literally never shutting up about it. I'm also a very shy and awkward person with 7 years of forum experience, so I hope to meet some new friends here, as it's been awhile since I was a part of a forum community that wasn't roleplaying. ^^ Aside from that, I'm sure it'll be nice to meet you all, and if you want to talk to me about ships... hit me up as if you've been my friend since grade school, please.

    Uh yeah I think that's it if you have any questions feel free to ask// owo

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