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Posts posted by Meh

  1. Actually wrote a bit on this before on tumblr back before the game was localized and honestly my opinion hasn't changed that much. I can still sum up what I feel about her with 'She's a poor-man's Inigo/Laslow'

  2. Haven't really read through this thread but I don't get the hate for what Ryouma did in chapter 12. Denying resources, including medicine to the enemy is pretty reasonable and standard war practice. And if that denial results in the death of a high-value target like a royal enemy combatant? Still fine. If this denial gives him an upper hand in negotiations? Still fine.

    Afaik, nothing he's done can really be considered a war crime or straight up villainous.

  3. deep breaths, deep breaths



    I've personally never had problems with any of the names. IMO It all really boils down to personal preferences (like it's understandable that those who aren't familiar with the Norse mythos may find "Ginnungagap" strange).

    that's literally what it is though

    Ginnungagap means "yawning void" which is pretty damn fitting for a devastating spell. Ragnarok means "twilight of the gods" which is the end of times in Norse mythology. Pretty cool name for a spell that blows shit up. Auregilmir is another name of Ymir the giant in Norse Mythology (which kinda awesomely coincides with that tome, Ginnungagap). That axe belonging to Hans makes sense because he likes to throw his weight around and the giant Ymir in myth, was basically a big baby Huey who thought he ruled. Ganglari (which is often spelled Gangleri) eludes to one of Odin's names when he deceived a bunch of guys. (pretty fitting because of what the game's sword does. Bolverk is also a cool ass name for Garon's sword for a lot of reasons.

    I know the feeling. Im all up in here all



    I didnt find any of the weapon names too weird except Waterwheel.

    I love both of you for those posts. Just saying.

    Anyway, I don't really recall any names that I found stupid.

  4. How have people been doing on it, is it hard?

    Gonna quote myself

    Just finished both maps. Amused at how the first map can be done Awakening Style aka "Plan Pair Up, End Turn, Victory".

    Did the first map on my first try. Second map on the second try.
    Pretty easy overall.
  5. Just beat this with Ryoma. Went for Leo, then Sakura, the Elise, then Takumi first. Then Hinoka and Camilla moved but my team was closer to Hinoka so yay for not having to fight two at once. Lost Saizo to Setsuna out of carelessness. but Ryoma and Kagero went up against Camilla and Xander later on just fine..

  6. Might want to put spoilers in the title m8

    I assume around 20 years, since Slime Garon was the one who kidnapped Corn, and Corn appears to be in his late teens

    Hm, exact quote confirming

    That it was Slime Garon doing the kidnapping?

  7. Leo.

    I wasn't really expecting much from him from just the promotional stuff, completely neutral on him back then really, but he's now my favorite among the siblings.

    And Selena. Much more bearable than Severa.

    Hi that person is me and he still doesn't interest me. :P

    By talents do you mean their reclass options? I've only used Odin so far so I'm not sure what those are for the other two... So what are the juicy implications of the fathers' identities?

    Not sure what that guy's talking about.

    Odin starting as a Dark Mage may confirm that his father was either Henry or Libra, but eh.

    Selena has two of her default classes so nothing confimed there.

    Laslow with Ninja... I got nothing. It's an analogue to the Thief class so I guess either Henry, Lonqu, Gaius, or Kellam as a the father if we're going there, but nothing really confirmy.

    So, nothing really confirmed.

  8. Mozu's done well on my Hard Conquest playthrough. She outpaced Niles in about every stat except Res and HP by Chapter 12 and was promoted by 14. ORKOs pretty much everything she came across in Chapter 16.

    Fed her pretty much the entire ninja room in Chapter 11 though.

    Odin was permanently benched by Chapter 12 though. Couldn't double, couldn't OHKO, felt that feeding other units with weakened enemies was better than feeding him.

  9. Speaking of the honor or lack of it in that opening scene where the two princes fight, who is Xander hacking down on his way to meet Ryoma? For some reason I've always felt that Ryoma is leaping past his people while Xander is cutting his out of the way like a bunch of pawns. (I am legally blind. Am I seeing wrong? Are they Hoshidan soldiers?) Either way it still leaves Xander in an inferior light, but doing that to the enemy is definitely better than doing it to his own people (WTF?).

    Xander cuts down a couple of Hoshidans on his way to Ryouma after accepting his challenge, Ryouma leaps over and cuts down a bunch of Nohrians before talking to/challenging Xander

    Anyway, least favorite for me? Peri. Cannot stand her. Cannot stand her personality and benched her.

  10. Soleil having only two romantic S ranks. (Male!Avatar and Forrest.)

    Both Kanas only having one romantic S rank. (Kirgai for female!Kana and Selkie for male!Kana, although some do hint that they may wait until Kana is older before starting a relationship or in most of them, down right rejecting them. In some it's just about becoming best friends.)

    Midori and Asugi don't have a romantic S rank anymore.

    By this, do you mean that they don't have S-rank supports anymore aside deom a few or they still have S-Ranks but the content isn't romantic/marriage?
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