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Posts posted by yuriyume

  1. This reminds me of that discussion Final Fantasy fans had on XIII's Lightning being 'pushed' as the new face of the franchise over Cloud. While this is certainly not the same case, I think it's just because Awakening has been the most noticed/best recieved title of the franchise there ever has been, so the characters in it are most recognised at this moment in time. That wouldn't change the fact that Marth is still the longest running 'staple' character.

  2. Pretty much married off characters that appeared at the same time on my first playthrough. So, at the start, that'd mean I put Chrom and MU together, and Frederick and Lissa with one another. Libra and Tharja, Riken and Maribelle, Virion and Sully, Gregor and Nowi, e.c.t. On my second run through of it, I plan to look at guides about best pairing options, as well as making supports with everyone to see who I like best with one another, conversation wise.

  3. Having finally gotten around to finishing Awakening, I thought the next step would to become active on the Serenes Forest forum. I enjoy JRPG games and joined here to discover more, including the Fire Emblem franchise, of course. I had created this account a few months ago and would like to make myself feel at home at this point now. I'm excited in exploring this place and meeting other fans. Thanks for having me!

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