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Posts posted by auraflux

  1. I think you got Neimi's growths wrong :


    If the hack accurately indicates the characters growth rates with certain corresponding colors, then these are most definitely wrong especially with 0% speed not being grey.

    As for your current predicament, It would be nice to nightmare your way out of this (especially with that nice white gem)

  2. Or maybe it's that promoted units can go to level 40. So a lvl 1 unpromoted can get 60 levels total.

    To be honest in awakening with the reclassing you can easily get 60 levels, so it doesn't seem farfechted.

    Another theory is that since it's a streetpass battle, all units are autolevelled so that they can be equal. But I don't think that's likely.

    And with 20 HP at level 2, her stats hardly look like those of a (pre)promoted unit to me. Perhaps maids and butlers are simply a special case?

    Maybe she and Joker are simply Jeigan's ? But with the 40 levels she can gain it's possible her growths will allow her to keep up.

  3. If anyone cares, I made a sheet with all the weapon stats I could see from the direct. Some names could be off but I tried to fill in whatever I didn't know with the info from the Something Awful FE thread.


    Interesting, thanks !

    Also -5 AS for javelins and the Hoshido Sword ranged weapon. Quite a nerf.

    All in all it seams that IS balanced the removal of durability with a nice advantage/disadvantage system.

  4. Maybe it won't as bad as Awakening, and like I said, it's a step in the right direction, but it still seems bad. :/

    I got the impressions that most personal skills will become useless in later chapters. I mean, -3 Strength against a unit with 50 Strength, it just don't work. Maybe those skills evolve or something ?

    Well without second seals I doubt we will see the absurd stats in Awakening. Without reclassing a 20/20 Chrom has 35 strength with a 60% growth and a +4Str on promotion (if my calculations are correct). -3 is still ~10%.

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