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  1. That's actually pretty much what I'm thinking as well. Though if Camilla and Dark Knight isn't your siblings then Hinoka and Archer probably won't be either, mostly because the sides seem to mirror each other in that regard.
  2. I think I might have worded my post wrong, sorry about that. My point was that when it comes to looks, the Nohr side (atleast in my opinion) looks more like your family than the Hoshido side does. Hoshido leans more to the reddish side, with red haired Hinoka and Pink haired Sakura (Don't know about the TCG art. Interesting, but the lighting seems to have a pretty big effect on it). Nohr, however, is almost all blonde. Camilla is the only one who isn't and even she shares her hair color with the ribbons or whatever it is in Twintails hair (Visible in the trailer, though not certain if it's actually hair or just ribbons)
  3. I dunno, is that a reason? I mean, there was consistency in Awakening, for example, Chrom's family. Sure, he was blue but both of his sisters were blonde, and Lucina was blue haired. The children would also get the hair color of the parent that they were not tied to (does that makes sense?) so, why not have anything like that here? It's probably nothing, I know, it just really bothers me. Whatever, we'll see how it all turns out.
  4. Something that kinda bother me is the inconsistent hair colors. The Nohr side is almost all blonde, exception being Camilla. Even the adopted Kamui is blonde, just lighter. Hoshido, on the other hand, is, well, weirder, IMO. Ryouma has blackish/Dark grey hair, Hinoka has red hair, Kamui (assuming this is his family by blood, as the trailer says) is very light blonde (maybe even white, IDK.), the archer fella is blonde, darker than Kamui, and Sakura has pinkish hair. I mean, Why so inconsistent? If you count the older woman we see in the trailer as a part of his family (Mother? I dunno) and the guy that gets shot by a few arrows as family as well (In that case, Father?) then we can see a pattern at least with Ryouma, but srsly what about the rest? It just really bothers me, somehow.
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