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Posts posted by Leifinator

  1. Why do so many more people make mugs and sprites compared to maps? Is there a specific reason to it?

    It feels like there are only a handful people who try making maps while pretty much everybody has their collection of mugs and splices.

    Also I noticed mugs and that stuff getting way more "attention" (as in responses & helpful criticism) than for example my map topic, where I posted more than all the people who answered me combined >_>

    .. or at least it seems that way to me.

  2. [spoiler=critique]


    Just noticed some oddities here. For the red circles it seems like the walls would work better as these solid walls then a pile of them next to each other.d1e575294bd211ffdb622b7490c91749.png The blue circles are walls that are oddly not joined.

    all of these are completely intentional, after all there are hidden paths and traps all over the place so in some spots the characters could see gaps in the wall and assume there's something behind it. also this ancient civilisation apparently had some weird tastes in architecture and design... (I plan to make more maps like this in the same fashion)

    I like having the walls like this in the red circles, I think it gives the ruins a bit of a maze like feeling (although the map is a bit too small for that) with potential paths opening up and closing around every corner.

  3. indoor maps, yay



    might have a height error in the first one until I figure out how to do one tile high vertical stairs

    second one is more of a second half map honestly... maybe I will make a first or just bigger (including this) one later

  4. I let the mountains be mountains for now and tried a swamp / river delta type of map. Heavily inspired by FE8 13b.


    Maaaaybe I overdid it a bit with the river branches... also tree bridges. Why are these so uncommon?

    Possible boss location: top left fortress. Longbow/Flying rescue drop cheese included.

  5. - Unless this is, like, an air battle map with pretty much just flying units on both sides, half of the map can't be traversed. If you can chop off a huge portion of the map and not much changes gameplay-wise, it's kind of a sign that you didn't need it :/

    - The non-mountain part of the map is super cramped. There's hardly any breathing room for units, only choke-points.

    yeah. if this map was to be used in a hack I'd obviously redo it but for now I basically just make maps which look pretty. I made it super cramped on purpose to give it kind of an untouched/untamed nature feel, just an almost unpopulated area except for some woodcutters and villages to the north. also I wanted to experiment with making a valley "inside" a mountain range :)

    seriously though, is there a tutorial on the mountain shading? I have no idea which tiles to use to make a smooth transition.

  6. progress \o/


    yay so much detail. I love making big maps :D
    fixed the mountains (I think?) and the area around the first cave, then filled the valley and top right. I might just get done with this map today..

    edit: question, can these mountain end tiles be passed by ground units? aa65c9b779.png

  7. there's a very obvious transition between darker and lighter mountains

    is that bad? if so, why? I really don't know how to change that, is there a tutorial on this?

    The area around the lowest cave looks really weird because the mountain would be sloping upwards way more there than else where in the range.

    yeah I have to figure out how to make that look better, I just wanted to make the general shape of the valley right now. will continue on this map tomorrow.

  8. I feared wyverns. That's gonna be a nightmare of a map to beat lol

    well that is if it ever gets played... as for now I'm making these maps just for the fun of it, I wouldn't mind anyone actually using them though

  9. Big mountain range is big, though I wonder what may be spawning out of those forts inside it and whether there might be a secret shop somewhere in there . . .

    EDIT: Noticed this:


    Cavalry can't pass through here.

    totally not Wyvern Riders and Brigands. ;)

    whoops, played around with forcing the player to take a certain path with the bridges and forgot to change that back, fixed


  10. ZdBVgHZ.gif

    this time: mountains and river


    I will maybe make a bigger version of this with the little valley thing having a connection to the river, actually added it after I did the mountain :)

    edit: wauw the ninja

    Excellent! You've come a long way rather quickly. I can't say I'm anything short of impressed. While there's no such thing as a "perfect" map (at least imo), these are so much better than earlier on. All things considered, these are wonderful. Great job.

    If you're looking to improve further, perhaps try a couple of mapping contests? I know there are a number throughout the FE community. That way, even if you don't win, you can look at those which others consider better, and see how to improve to their level, or even surpass them.

    Although I'm talking about how good these are, never stop looking for ways to improve. Always grow, and you'll be a top mapper in no time. :)

    thanks, I will definitely think about taking part in a contest! :D

  11. the waterfall appears backwards considering the cliffs on either side

    well. fixed that.


    That . . . is beautiful! I see how this could make a wonderful defense map. I see this potentially being a really high-stakes battle. Excellent work, and wonderful improvement. :)

    thanks! I will probably make another similar one to practice cliffs more :)

    edit: fixed the main issues with the small overloaded map, added a place for pirates to come raiding from


  12. yay another small-ish outside map!


    I wanted to make a siege map so this valley will get attacked by [insert evil empire here] and you have to defend the villages. very few enemies at the start with heavy reinforcements from all sides (except bottom right around the shop) and maybe defending NPCs at your side (green archer/sage on the little "island", knight/general depending on game progress so far on the chokepoint next to the bottom left house?)

    A thing I noticed is how while making a map I already go for a story around it, making most of them less suited for random map packs since they can only be used for one goal (or two if you count going the other way around e.g. in this map yourself being the sieging forces), which is another reason why I'd like to make maps for an actual hack instead of just like this.

    That being said, thanks for all your criticism, I think it has really helped me improve so far! :)

    I will probably redo the town and overloaded map tomorrow or later this week, it would be nice to get some more opinions overall though.

  13. yay time for updates!




    The third map is supposed to be that way, it's a huge high security prison which has partly been sealed off (the damaged walls in the third map). I went for an "impenetrable prison fortress" with these maps, the story would potentially be rescuing a prisoner who is able to find a weapon and make his/her way into the sealed off part (after being put in the cell with the damaged wall on the left side in the second cell row of the third map).

    edit: I just realised I fucked up the broken walls in the second map by not changing them >_>

    edit 2: I was bored in the evening, the outcome is a tiny map overloaded with stuff. also yes the mountain has an unnatural edge , I blame whoever lives in that house and needed a way up there.


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