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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Claude is a great choice. I most likely see them adding Edelgard or Hector with an axe moveset. Would be cool if one of them is the echo fighter of the other. I would find it weird if they didn't have any Three Houses representation, given how big it is. Non-sword characters I would like to see are: Dimitri/Ephraim Dorothea/Lysithea/Julia (echo fighter of Zelda) Claude/Takumi/Lyn (with a bow moveset)
  2. For Crimson Flower: Ladislava, Randolph, and Fleche should've been playable. I've also seen some people wish Metodey was playable. Count Bergliez and Count Hevring would also make sense, since they're said to be fighters. Caspar's brother is also a good candidate. For Azure Moon: Rodrigue is a good candidate, and so is someone from Sylvain or Ingrid's family. Ingrid has brothers, so maybe one of them? Verdant Wind: JUDITH. She literally stays at the Monastery. Nader would also be a good choice, and so would Holst Goneril (since the border is more secure at this time. I don't blame him for not going though). Claude's mother would also be an interesting character to meet. There's also a lot of minor Alliance lords that aren't mentioned, so maybe someone from a minor house. Silver Snow: Rhea. In her special armor too.
  3. Silver Snow could've been a lot better. Out of the 4 routes, it has the weakest narration. Seteth and Flayn are great characters, but they don't have the dynamic that Byleth has with a house leader and their retainer. The Lords drive the plot and it seemed like SS tried to make Byleth that lord, but it definitely needed more focus on the other characters. Byleth is weak on their own in the spotlight. Some things I think would've made this route better: Seteth and Flayn reveal their true identities and have their own saint costumes. They were really missing a huge moment with Byleth. The remaining Black Eagles needed a stronger presence. Especially Ferdinand Von Aegir, who has been leading the resistance against Edelgard within the Empire. Every student deserved their own moment of reflection with Byleth. The knights of Seiros also deserved a scene or two. Scenes and battle with Nemesis. Rhea playable.
  4. Nevermind, there seems to be budding talents! As well as boons and banes. Spell lists are also here. Since we haven't discussed this yet, let's talk about the strategic possibilities of each character! DLC Character 1: Let's talk a bit about the first one and then I'll add the others when I have more time.
  5. I wonder when IS will start releasing character info for these characters. Assuming they'll get character bios before they're released like the other 3H characters. Has anymore news popped up since then. Do we know budding talents?
  6. I like the idea of Marth and Elice. A good variety of characters as well. I was hoping Dorothea + Manuela: Christmas Carolers, but maybe next year. Will be going for Marth and Elice.
  7. FE4 and FE6 have the highest chances of being the next remake, so I'll comment on those. FE4~ An idea for this to appeal to fans is to have a "classic version" which will be a port from the SNES and the "new version", which will follow a more modern set up and pacing. Support Conversations 2nd Gen looks determined by parents. Get rid of pawn shop to get a more more modern trading system. Battalion shop instead (FE4 has a big army feel to it.) Battalions will need some kind system in place. Maybe class should determine what battalions they have access to? Similar to how classes affect their weapon ranks. Unsure about a reclassing system, but I would like it if NG+ allowed you to change everyone's base classes manually in an editor mode. Plus give you the option of randomizing it. FE6~ I'm not saying rewrite the story, but the storytelling needs to change imo. So many scenes are Merlinus saying something not great, and then our boy Roy is like "no, we need to do this in order to win!" and then Gwen coming in the scene but ultimately not getting her point across because the battle is starting and she doesn't have enough time to explain herself. FE6 has plenty of characters with strong ties to the conflict at hand; let them lead more story dialogue. I know it was made the way it is because almost every character can die, but some characters deserve at least temporary plot immunity for their arc of the game. For example, Elphin, Echidna, and Larum can talk to Roy in the Western Isles arc of the game instead of Merlinus. Revamp the support system. Make Roy's promotion earlier? It's far too late and he can actually lose stats from it too, so it's not even worth getting him to level 20. Add a reclassing system or a branching promotion system. Make axes better. I like sticking to the original source material for the most part, but sticking to archaic systems may not be for the best. I think if the classic version was released alongside to show how the game was originally designed and having a modern game be the remake, it could satisfy both types of fans.
  8. 1. My rebuttal isn't the things we learn in game can be ascertained as true. My argument was that certain characters who have a history of lying and using disguises to further their own means may not be the most reliable sources of information. There's truths in the game, but there's lies hiding beside them. Don't twist my words please. 2. I forgot about the Kleiman soldier testifying that his orders were to avoid Patricia's carriage. That's strong evidence that she did participate in the event knowingly. Thanks for bringing that up.
  9. That's a great point at the end. They'll all get the job done anyways and a starter can become more efficient easier, so I'll agree on that. Yeah, the two characters in question aren't notoriously strong characters either. Although if the leaks are to be true, it sounds like a couple of the new classes may give them more viability though. As for Linhardt, Lorenz, and Ignatz--- yes, they're quite uncharming. Their charm growths are shit. However, it can be raised manually. Using SF's tea party guide to cheese tea parties and the 5 charm you can get by spending time with them in the month before the competition can get them up to the 14 charm needed to stand a chance. Is it the most optimal way to spend your time? Probably not. But you can get them to that level. That being said, Dorothea and Marianne should probably be your dancer instead. I know we get one of them late, and I didn't even use one of them in my last playthrough mainly because I found myself not really needing a dancer too much in Azure Moon despite a couple of moments in certain chapters.
  10. I do agree that Edelgard may not have been telling the truth. Is it explicitly Ionius? I will have to rewatch the scene. I just remember it stating she met a lover there, not Ionius. All info I have found about Ionius never mentions him going to Garreg Mach for whatever reason. We learn the "fact" that she had culpability in the Tragedy from Cornelia. Cornelia is not a trust worthy person and that may not have been the truth. Dimitri saying he deluded himself could be cognitive dissonance trying to fix his image of Patricia with the newfound info from Cornelia that he just believes for some reason? Patricia conspiring against them to see Ionius and Edelgard again doesn't explain why she would follow through with a plan that would cost her life? She doesn't see either of them after the event from what we know, so why would she agree to it? If she was really conspiring against them, wouldn't it be more convenient for her to stay home and feign illness while this was happening? There is a motive, but the fact that her plan still didn't work out in her favor makes me believe she was manipulated into doing this at the very least.
  11. I do agree with a lot of your points. I still like Sword Avoid though. It's better than not having any Avoid bonuses. It's not like the dancer has more pressing skills that they need to equip. It doesn't hurt them to have it. That's a good use for Dance of the Goddess Battalions. I didn't know they worked on dancers too. Thanks for letting me know. Cross Recruits are still viable choices for dancer though. The Cross Recruits with the great stats aren't necessarily ones to make into dancers. For example, recruiting Felix, Ingrid, and Hilda are all strong recruits I wouldn't recommend be turned into dancer because they can be used for other purposes. It's a case by case situation. If you recruit someone like Marianne early enough, you can still get her riding rank up to A+ with worrying too much since she has a boon for it. Her stats aren't special by any means either, so it's not like you're getting some specialized unit. She's no Ingrid or Hilda.
  12. I've been thinking about Patricia a lot. My conclusion is that she's a victim of circumstance, and may not be an evil figure at all. Let's review her background: Was born into House Arundel and is the little sister of Volkhard. At the time, Arundel was a relatively minor noble house with no history of a crest (citation needed). We know she was once a student at Garreg Mach and she met her lover at the Goddess Tower I believe this lover to be Lambert, because they're of the same generation and we know Lambert was also a student at Garreg Mach. However, the two weren't able to marry because Patricia was in an arranged marriage with Emperor Ionius IX. Patricia gives birth to Edelgard. Edelgard is her only child. Volkhard calls for the Insurrection of the 7, which gets his sister exiled from the capital. Patricia flees to the Kingdom with her brother and her child. While there, she marries Lambert. Now tell me this, for what reason would Lambert want to marry an exiled noblewoman other than the fact that he had romance with her before. I get the strong feeling they fell in love at Garreg Mach, which is why Patricia took Dimitri in with open arms. Of course, she doesn't have direct custody of Edel at this time (since she's with Lord Arundel) Now this is where things get hazy, so I'll list some possibilities of what could have happened. She missed Edelgard so much that she helped coordinate the Tragedy of Duscur in order to see Edelgard. Ironically, she goes missing after the event so she ended up not accomplishing what she set out to do. Patricia didn't coordinate the Tragedy and protected Dimitri during the event, which cost her her life. Patricia was killed prior to the event and a slither was put in her place. When she was killed? We can't say for sure. Patricia was tricked/manipulated into participating in the event somehow. She may not have realized the outcome until it was too late though. Idk, all I'm saying is that Patricia killing Lambert and trying to kill Dimitri doesn't sound too in character from what little we know. To be honest, if Three Houses gets a prequel game, a story revolving around Lambert would be the most interesting story imo. Although plenty of 3H characters would have a good story (Holst, Jeralt, Judith, the Dagda War), this one would be a love story. We'll get to explore his friendship with Rodrigue, his partnership with Gilbert, his relationship with his family, more info on Duscur, his relationship with Christophe, and his love with Patricia.
  13. Wow who knew a discussion about dancers would get so heated. Regardless, I'll throw my 2 cents in about who's a good dancer. Assuming OP wants to use a dancer for... dancing, I'll leave out the dancer Felix build which allows him to dodge tank almost everything with the dancer speed, his base speed stat and growth, and sword avoid. You want Felix attacking anyways. Probably as a Bow Knight or something. The boons a dancer should have IMO should one or two of the following: Swords (to capitalize off of Sword Avoid) Reason (dancers will not have an impressive strength growth so they may need to rely on magic instead) Faith (for more support) Authority (the dancer battalion capitalizes on their niche, and it's A locked.) Riding (A+ gives them additional move, combined with the March Ring and you have a dancer that can keep up no problem) I'm well aware that dancers don't need to have these things to serve their purpose, but it's nice to have a unit that can make the most of the dancer niche and some do it better than others. Here's some BL students that I personally wouldn't make dancers because they're people that should be danced for in a maddening playthrough: Dimitri (combat prowess is too good) Dedue (he's not there the whole time. I want that dancer for Ch.13) Felix (combat prowess is too good) Sylvain (although not the strongest, his easy access to mounted classes makes me want to keep him as a combat unit, either as a Wyvern Lord or Dark Knight) Mercedes (she's the best healer in the game and should be allowed to do just that.) BL students that are good choices for dancers, IMO: Ashe (he's the weakest of the bunch, his personal skill gives him a little bit of utility. I see him as Lara 2.0 personally) Annette (I know there's the issue with rallies, but rallies are the most useful in the early game before she gets access to the dancer class. It gradually loses importance down the road. With the dancer class, she'll always have a use.) Ingrid (She becomes one of the best combat units in BL, BUT requires a lot of time and resources to do so. However, some things to consider are that she has a boon in swords and a decent faith spell list. She also has a boon in riding so getting her to A+ won't be hard.) Otherwise, recruits are great candidates for dancers because by the time you get them, they probably haven't been invested as much as your starter students and may not be as good. I'm not sure if you want a list of who's a good dancer from other houses, but imo there's a few to consider. If you want an explanation on why they're a good candidate for dancer, feel free to ask! BE students: Ferdinand Linhardt Bernie Dorothea GD students: Lorenz Ignatz Marianne Flayn is also a good option.
  14. Ferdinand, Dorothea, Felix, and Hilda are definitely my favorites. I knew I would probably end up loving Dorothea, Felix, and Hilda before playing, and I didn't care for Ferdie pre-release. However, he's grown the most on me in the entire cast.
  15. I like the shrinking violet types, like Tine, Rolf, Olivia, etc. Those that start off as very shy and insecure, but gradually gain more confidence and a voice to speak up for themselves. Tine is the best of this archetype, IMO.
  16. Basically what Ertrick said. The dialogue has Bern say Yuri's name during the meal dialogue and Hilda says Balthus' name in a group task convo. Meanwhile Hapi and Coco mention each other in a lot of dialogue. This isn't to say it will be there in the final version. The dialogue makes them all sound like students. Or at least a Knight of Seiros. Yuri and Coco give me a student vibe, Hapi and Balthus can be a toss up, but the dialogue makes Balthus sound more like a student than Hapi. Hapi sounds more like the big sister type. Nothing so far alludes to them being Abysseans, but then again, there's no support dialogue in the datamine, just some special monastery quotes. Their classes are also speculative, but looking at their datamined strengths and weaknesses we can infer what they may be.
  17. The remaining refreshers are all getting my CYL votes, unless Nils is added in Farfetched before it. As for the dragons, I'd love the Dragon Laguz to join, especially Rajaion and Almedha (although Almedha is a special case) Now the real voting gauntlet of Heroes can begin.... all of Roy's brides and a Wolt alt are in. Sounds like a voting gauntlet to me.
  18. From the dialogue, only one character has monastery dialogue with a black Eagles student. The info we know is definitely weird.
  19. That could be true. Although the monk on the second story seemed pretty annoyed with them. Then again, he could just be prejudiced against them personally and not a representative of the whole church. That is also true, there doesn't seem to be an age limit to enroll in the monastery. That being said, 26 does seem a little out of place though. But it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility. But I do think one of these 4 units has to be aligned with the Church somehow. Famitsu said we're only getting 4 DLC characters, so I'm inclined to believe no free characters are going to be added. It would seem weird to add 2 students to a particular house while the other houses get one. I hope we can get some more info on these characters soon! If I'm remembering correctly, Wave 1 came out at launch, Wave 2 came out in mid-September, and Wave 3 came out in mid-November. The earliest we can expect Wave 4 is mid-January if they keep up their 2 month pace. But Wave 4 does have more stuff in it...
  20. A terribly sad story. There could be a "golden" path, but perhaps each timeline's war has gradually made Byleth insane, resulting in them turning into a dragon and attacking the monastery with all of the students in it, leading them all to unite and take down Byleth. And then peace was assured in Fodlan.
  21. Whoops, my mistake. I got it switched up. I'm surprised it's not a feature. It seems like a relatively easy thing to do.
  22. Not sure if you already found out, but it looks like they placed a couple of monks in the monastery that talk about them. Sounds like the Church knows, but doesn't really care? I find this odd; you would think after the battle at the Holy Mausoleum they would want to make sure no one can get through by an underground tunnel or something. To be fair, it's not very likely someone is going to go Cavalier -> Trickster. Those classes have very different niches and it wouldn't be too beneficial for a character to drastically switch their proficiency focus in the middle of the game like that, so I don't think it's redundant in this case. As for Dark Flier vs Gremory, Seal Magic will be a lot easier to get now through Dark Flier. Plus, Master Classes in general are hard to achieve mastery for in the first place. So Gremory is the one that's been made redundant. I totally agree about Mage vs Mage Mage Knight. The logical progression for a mage now will be Mage -> Mage Knight, so they'll probably already know this ability. The only person that benefits from this set up is Hubert (or anyone who went Dark Mage instead of Mage) because he would've most likely learned Poison Strike instead. I'm so excited about these new classes though. Abilities aside, I can't wait to employ them in my no students run. (SS, Byleth will be War Monk, Flayn will be Dark Flier, Hanneman will be a Mage Knight, and Manuela will be available a Trickster.) Also, I highly doubt Abyss Mode/Silver Wolf will be a new route. I'm calling it, Abyss Mode will be like the Tower of Valni and it'll just be a set of floors and we'll want to keep going down. I'm also looking at the leaked ages of the new characters and I gotta say But we'll just have to wait and see.
  23. Wait, I thought you could already wear battle costumes in the monastery? Unless I'm mistaken, you can select it in the Unit Appearance menu.
  24. It would've been cool in a NG+ that instead of having the same intro, it's Byleth undoing all the work they've done in the completed playthrough in order to find another way to avoid war.
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