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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. If they don't add every character, I can see them adding 4 important or popular characters from each house. From Black Eagles Edelgard (obvs) Hubert (obvs) Either Dorothea, Bernie, or Ferdinand for the last 2 positions. From Blue Lions Dimitri (obvs) Felix (dual wielder like Lyn and Navarre?) Ingrid (flyer) Either Sylvain, Mercedes, or Dedue From Golden Deer Claude (obvs) Hilda Lysithea Marianne I don't see any of the GD boys or Leonie beating out the 4 above the gap between their popularities is the most apparent. Church? Seteth Flayn Maybe Catherine or Shamir?
  2. If you want to try her as a dancer I don't see why not. It's fairly easy for her to win the White Heron cup so it's doable. Sure, she'd be more effective as a combatant than a supporter, but she'll make a good dancer too.
  3. oh wow another Corrin. This will be male Corrin's 5th version. At least he's not doing breath and it has been a while since his last version (over a year). Sad there's no dancer banner this year. Those were always fun imo.
  4. You know what they could do about Gen 2 characters but not making them feeling "clone-y"? The substitutes. Bring out the good ol' subs. I love the holy kids, but I would unleash my orb stash on Laylea, Dimna, Tristan, and Linda without hesitation. Hell, I would even pull for Daisy.
  5. The Trails of series has a few Chinese inspired locations such as Longlai, but I can't remember the others. I know there's Trails fans on this forum that might know more locations.
  6. There's definitely ups and downs to both sides. Sometimes one MC is much better developed or not as developed as the other main character(s). For example, Lyn is a main character in FE7, but she loses relevance after the introductory arc. From a gameplay standpoint, she is unique like Eliwood and Hector and is a different unit entirely to them, focusing more on SPD. If there is multiple MCs, I do prefer them to be different unit types and fulfill different roles in battle. I like how Alm is a physical unit and Celica is a magical unit. Same goes for Ike and Micaiah, but the difference is even more drastic because Ike is pure offense and is quite tanky as well meanwhile Micaiah is more of a supporting unit. Meanwhile not a fan when the two lords are two similar, like Chrom and Lucina. It makes sense why they're similar, but Chrom loses a lot of value once Lucina steps into the picture.
  7. Gatekeeper has one of the best artwork in the game. It's amazing. And the buffs he gives and what he can do sound OP if in the right hands. I'm glad to see Marianne as a dancer because she's a good one in the Three Houses meta but they forgot the feather that's supposed to be in her hair. I want the feather. It was cute. Still hoping she was a cavalry unit as well, that way her special Requiem Dance isn't too overpowered... but we'll see how strong it is in practice. It's definitely nice to have though, being able to attack and "dance" at the same time. Marth and Eirika both had predictable unit types imo. They look good though.
  8. He wouldn't look as cool and intimidating if he dismounted tbh. The horse completes the ensemble.
  9. Since Gaius is her father, I would've had him pass down Lethality instead but Counter is a good skill for archers. Is Counter at its best in this game? Not really. I think it was a little bit better in Fates tbh. The main reason people like pairing Gaius with Tharja is that it gives Noire the option to reclass her into a Dark Flier, which means she can get Galeforce. However, this is on Normal difficulty and you may not want to grind that much, which I totally get because I don't like doing that either. If you want to make her into a Bow Knight, her stats and current skill set would be more than enough to make her a good unit. She may not be your MVP, but she'll most likely get the job done and Bow Knight is an underrated class imo. If her stats lean more magical, then I would suggest class changing her to something else, like Sorcerer or Dark Flier.
  10. Duos: Naesala and Leanne (works for Valentines or Christmas) Ogma and Navarre Eyvel and Mareeta Harmonics: Lysithea and Sophia (similar design and color palettes, plus affinity for dark magic) Cynthia and Nina (both are pig tailed heroic girls) Volke and Saizo (I'm sure they'll talk a lot)
  11. Commoners come with a stat booster when you recruit them IIRC and nobles come with a bullion. Although I'm always hurting for money since I don't use the online features when I play (or forget to turn them on), stat boosters are more helpful in the long run imo.
  12. lol no worries! I don't think you'll need to change it since it's a part of your name and not many users here know Korean lol
  13. There's no time limit to get them either. After Chapter 23 you can take as much time as you need to get them. So don't worry about "missing" anyone. Also OP, your username means something inappropriate in Korean lol
  14. I think this is the most excited I've been for a Fates banner. Charlotte finally made it out of Seasonal Hell after 5 years! 5 freaking years. And her art is great. Her neutral art's expression is a little off. They should have given her "bedroom eyes" and made her lips more noticeable but I absolutely love the contrast between her neutral and damaged art versus her special art. I also love the difference of tone between her quotes. Also lol at Iago, your tome got taken. I wonder what Arete's art will look like.
  15. I picked Bow Knight as my favorite master class because the armor looks awesome, horses are awesome, and horseback archery is awesome. In real life, horseback archery combat dates back to ancient times and is present in multiple cultures. It's cool in theory imo. Plus, having a ton of mobility and bow range +2 is nice and great. Sure there's no Hunter's Volley, but Hunter's volley is more of a necessity in Maddening and is just overkill in Hard/Normal from my experience.
  16. Looks like a mixture of Siamese and something else.
  17. To be fair, magic in general is not great in this game. It's one of the only FEs where enemies actually have decent res stats. On top of that, recruitment and availability is awkward for nearly everyone, even though Ilyana technically has the best availability. None of the mages are exactly high tier characters- Soren is probably the best but that's not saying much. I do agree she comes in overleveled and you're better off not using her too much in Part 1 because the GM need the experience more because Ilyana will leave them. The GM will already have a hard time in Part 3, and you're shooting yourself in the foot if you neglect them in Part 1. While she is a mediocre unit, she at least has her uses/niche. I know you mentioned the dragon chapter in endgame, but she is one of the best characters to use for that level. Giving her a blessed Rexbolt and Bolting can make your life a lot easier than not using her that level. It's definitely possible to beat it without her (I have done it) but it sure is nice to have her there. And she has staff utility as well. How so? Meg comes in a chapter where she dies easily. This is normal for FE, but when you realize Meg's class type is an armor knight, where her HP and DEF should be better than the rest of your party's, she underperforms. Again, I know she can become good, but what niche does she really have? Tauroneo is a better armor knight/general and Edward/Zihark are better sword users. You're better off using one of them (and Zihark can probably take more hits than her too). At least Ilyana has the distinction of being the only thunder concentrated mage and has access to Rexbolt.
  18. So we're predicting a Green Water Hero? I think Micaiah is likely. However, a legendary Ninian or Deirdre is in the realm of possibility. Male Korrin is also a good guess imo.
  19. Marth: SD's text is flavorless and boring. It's hard to get a feel for his character but it does exist. He's ok and better in New Mystery. Alm: Gary Stu-ish but I find him charming, sue me. Celica: One of the prettiest designs in the series. Sigurd: I love this man. Seliph: I love him too. Underrated lord. Leif: Actually one of the most complex and reflective lords. Roy: He's our boy. It's in our contract to like red haired Marth. Lyn: She's ok? She's least lordy out of all the lords in the sense she loses all relevance after Arc 1. Eliwood: Another red haired Marth... Although he's actually the most interesting between Marth, Roy, and him. Hector: Charming and fun to use in-game. Eirika: Sacred Stones has a great cast, so when you compare her to other characters, hell, other royals (L'arachel, Joshua, Innes), she's a bit dull and naive. Ephraim: Like Alm, but I like his supports more on an entertainment value. He's really dense. Ike: Up there with Leif as one of the best imo. Elincia: Definitely interesting and I consider her a lord. Micaiah: She has a special place in my heart because she was my first lord. Chrom: Charming Robin: The best self-insert imo Lucina: Never quite wow'ed me like she did with the majority of the fanbase. She's ok. Corrin: My least favorite. Azura: Her design is too busy for my taste, but she's prettier when drawn by other artists. Sorry Kozaki. Edelgard: I have complicated feelings about this character. Dimitri: His timeskip characterization is something else. Iconic, but is it believable? The VA did a fantastic job though. Claude: The most charismatic out of any lord. Suave, sophisticated, and bold. Byleth: depends on the week whether I like them or not. I don't like Bylass' haircut though. It's messed up.
  20. I loved this series. It was a very enjoyable watch, but I do have some gripes about it. First of all, loved the first 2 seasons. They were paced well enough imo, had shocking moments, great battles, and was very entertaining.
  21. I could see them adding Artemis with weird *ss kit. Or being in a duo hero with Anri. Anri will definitely get in at some point as long as the game is running, but I could see them adding Artemis if they greatly desired a female mythic (they would probably have an OC for that though). As for the Crusaders, I can definitely see them adding Noba, Ullr, and Fala in before their male counterparts except Forseti. It's funny how one of the only crusaders named after a female norse figure, Thrud, is made into a man. There is also this picture of her here along with Caldas. If they wanted to "update" her design, she could be a brunette version of Nyna. There isn't much going for her characterization-wise, but that's ok in my opinion. She's an open template for designers to figure out, like Altina. The only thing we know for sure is that she loves Anri, and that's all they really need. Altina and Bramimond didn't have a lot, but they got some characterization. As for your Thor wearing a dress comment, we do have this character:
  22. I'm blaming the OCs, which are overwhelmingly female. We also have the ancient heroes of each game, like Anri, Artemis, 12 Crusaders, etc. They have plenty more female hereoes where that came from.
  23. I definitely agree with Felix and Petra. They're annoying to deal with because they hit hard and move fast. If they dodge, it's bad news for you. I found Felix harder than Petra, but both are the hardest to deal with. I would also say Catherine can sometimes prove to be a headache. Hilda should be on this list imo- she hits like a truck, she's not slow, and she has plenty of HP. Freikugel is a nasty weapon as well. Sylvain is also difficult for similar reasons to Hilda. Ingrid is fast and troublesome with Luin, BUT having a competent archer in your ranks makes short work of her if they hit her. I found Seteth a harder flier to take care of, because at the points of the games you encounter them, you should have more tools at your disposal to deal with Ingrid. Lysithea hits hard, but she's quite frail. An easy counter is just using a weapon art or a brave weapon. She's usually not fast enough to double either. Marianne
  24. I read sometimes, not as often as I liked. I just finished Circe by Madeline Miller and will gladly take recommendations of similar stuff. Looking into seeing where I can get Miller's other work Song of Achilles that isn't Amazon because I don't believe in them. I'm also interested in The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper but I just want to sample it before I buy it. I prefer physical. I stare at screens a lot, so it's a nice change of pace for me.
  25. It's nice to see everyone's stories! Especially the familiar faces that have been on this site for a couple of years. I got into this series around 2008-2010. I know two years is a big gap of time but I really don't remember when I got into this series. I was around 10-12 years old. I first played Radiant Dawn after renting it from Blockbuster. It caught my eye because I thought this is the series that Ike from Smash represents. And boy, was I ever confused at all of the Ike name dropping, absence of Marth, and other things. And I loved it. Blockbuster eventually goes out of business, so they start to sell their inventory. I bought Radiant Dawn right away, as I have been renting for some time then. Went back and played other titles a couple years later once I had a better grasp of the mechanics.
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