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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I'll play again and use my previous lead unit. Yes, but I know our conversation won't be long because it's Cormag. Tethys
  2. I will agree with both of you on Fates + Awakening having more otaku elements than past games. I'm definitely not a fan of some of the tropes they utilized (Tharja and Nowi/Nah in particular), but I will say that it's ok to have some very anime-esque moments or fanservicey characters. There's a precedent for those two things.
  3. Sure why not? Not sure what we would talk about. Duo! Dorothea and Lene.
  4. Can Fire Emblem even be considered otaku-bait at this point? Not to toot IS' horn, but the series is wayyy too mainstream now to be considered a niche otaku game. It's nothing like, say, Conception, or something along the lines of that. It has some aspects of it, but there's a bigger picture beyond it. And don't get me started on "fanservicey" characters or characters that were designed in a way to be attractive. That has always been in this series (and nearly every videogame series tbh) and it started with the very first FE game with Linde. And this isn't to say fanservice characters are bad, because Linde is a wonderful character. But let's be real, she was definitely designed to look beautiful and have male fans.
  5. I've heard worse apologies so I'll accept this.
  6. Get started on writing your apology on the notes app
  7. Hold on now... Should we start spreading propaganda on cancelling Anonymous Speed? Hmmm
  8. Echoes got announced in mid-late January was released in Japan 3 months later in April. 4 months later worldwide in May. That's an incredibly short time span between announcement and release, and could be the precedent for remakes. As for other games, Warriors was also announced that same day and was released in September, 8 months after announcement. 8 months is rather short compared to most big name franchises. As for big mainline titles, it's more of a two year wait. If a remake is in the works, I wouldn't be surprised if it's announced March or April and then released late summer. Even for big titles like Fates or Three Houses, they didn't start marketing it until 3 months before release even though we've known about them. It was super out of place. It looked and sounded like a forgotten game out of the Gamecube Era imo. I looked at it and thought "wow, this is what they're deciding to promote instead of Bravely Default II or Persona Strikers. Wow." Also, surprised more people here aren't talking about No More Heroes III. It looks fun and I would like to see some other character designs.
  9. SoV is a really fun experience imo. Definitely different, and people who like JRPGs a lot will probably enjoy this one. It has some interesting mechanics and characters for sure. The only DLC items really worth it imo was maybe the story related ones, like the Deliverance episode, the Cipher characters, and the villager forks to turn your armor knights into anything but their base class.
  10. it's definitely the title I'm most interested in. There's some stuff I was like "ok... cool. Might play that." But Triangle Strategy was definitely the winner for me. The 30th Anniversary isn't until April, so there could be a direct in March or April about FE. I was hoping for something too, but it looks like we'll have to wait a little longer. I highly doubt they forgot about FE- not when it's selling millions of copies now.
  11. Most excited about Triangle Strategy. Reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics a bit. It looks like some of your choices do affect the story so I'm excited to partake in the Saltiron War. I like the art style too, can't wait to see more of the cast and the job system.
  12. Wasn't the last big one in September or am I misrembering? Regardless, you were correct about all the no shows lol
  13. Valentines Faye is limited, so there's that. Erinys is pretty good for a lance flier, although competition is already steep and I'm sure you can make someone with a similar build. Go with whoever's your favorite. Personally, I would try for Erinys, but you do have more chances to get her in the future. She could a focus hero of some skill banner. Meanwhile Faye is only available now and maybe next year? You may lose your shot to get her after this year.
  14. Healers and Dancers are the only classes where they're not as screwed as a unit if they level up badly. They're still usable, unlike a combat unit who fails to kill or do significant damage to an enemy. Keep using her if you like her. You may get lucky with her stats later.
  15. I'm expecting a lot of Persona Strikers coverage. Which I hope is not true because it's not hard to find gameplay footage because it was released in Japan eons ago. I'm expecting more info on Bravely Default 2 and mayyyybe SMT V. But SMT V news has a habit of being quiet. Atlus likes taking their time. I think they may tease something with Zelda and FE, but I always get my hopes up for both of these franchises only to get ZILCH. So my expectations are gonna stay low. Or try to. Zelda's 35th anniversary is next week on the 21st and Fire Emblem's having its 30th anniversary this year in April, which isn't too far way. If Zelda stuff does happen, the very least I expect is Hyrule Warriors DLC, since some characters were datamined. The fact that I wouldn't be surprised if any of those games would be no shows, especially Metroid Prime 4. To me, it would make more sense to make a big deal about Zelda this month since the anniversary is next week, but noooooo. That requires Nintendo to be 100% rational in all its decisions and not be baffling at all. We all know how Nintendo loves surprises.
  16. That's how I feel too. Ingrid has the makings to be a wonderful dancer, but her character is an offensive powerhouse once you get her going. She's the best person to use Luin because she doesn't get a penalty and if you wanted to spice it up a bit, magical Ingrid is a great unit as well. Her base growths can go either way- once you pick the class line she begins to snowball. Ingrid's spell list makes her a great candidate to be a Valkyrie, Dark Knight, and/or Dark Flier. She's a very versatile and great unit combat-wise, so it seems like a missed opportunity to make her a dancer unless she gets stat screwed. Ashe, on the other hand, usually won't be as statistically great as Ingrid and doesn't have a sacred weapon to help him. His personal skill is locktouch, and tbh, making him a dancer makes him Lara 2.0. He is great for utility already, so why not expand on that role?
  17. I'm predicting TH, Fates, Awakening, or FE7 to be the next banner. I think they're gonna play it safe since that last two new heroes have been from Japan-only games. Also, not a fan of calling Genealogy a "not popular game" when it's the second most popular out of the 7 Japanese-exclusive games. Sure, it's sales figures don't match up to Awakening, Fates, or Three Houses, but it did good for its time. I want it to be SoV to collect Luthier and Tatianna but that's about it.
  18. I'm really curious about why you think that. I can't remember too many details about FE7, because it was never my favorite FE story-wise.
  19. See below. I have to agree with Jotari here. A nation is only useful if they haven't been taken over by the enemy. When Julius rescues him, it's towards the end of the chapter, when you've already got all but one castle. The set of villages up north is believed to be Tahra IIRC, and they were already rebelling against the empire. The north was also under the control of the rebels. It would make more sense if Arione was a prince of Miletos or something and they needed him alive in order to have the Miletos district comply with the empire because the rebel army was heading there next and they don't want them just to waltz through. Or if they put in a memory cog and show that Julius and Arione were childhood friends or something. Julius is a psycho, but he can at least form some level of relationships, as seen with Ishtar. If Arione and Julius, were childhood friends, at least can say the small ounce of humanity in him wanted to save his friend. Not the first time the series would use the power of friendship anyways.
  20. Forgot about that detail. Makes the class line of wyvern riders more suspicious to me now in the Marth saga.
  21. Cool! I haven't gone that often either but I'm pretty sure Chestnut was one of the names of one of the horses. Misty is the name of a pony from a book I read in elementary school lol
  22. Dragons/Manaketes are biologically different to wyverns. Wyverns are much smaller than dragons, and have a leaner body shape. Plus, the manaketes transform into dragons, and that's what makes them special. IRL, shapeshifting would be considered an amazing ability, so I image it's also considered amazing to the people in Fire Emblem games. For Elibe (FE6 and FE7), a huge part of its backstory revolves around the Scouring. The Scouring explains why the manaketes no longer occupy Elibe, and haven't lived there for so long they become this legendary, mythological race to Elibeans. That piece of info is covered in FE7 IIRC, as that game focuses more on the lore of the world.
  23. I feel like every horse ranch has a horse named Misty and another named Chestnut. Very horsish names imo
  24. Yeah you got me there. I tried thinking at least Brian and Faval aren't the last descendants of their respective bloodlines, so there is a chance that someone with Major can come in the future through Holy Blood eugenics shenanigans (a practice not unknown in Jugdral), but then I realized I emphasized Major Holy Blooded Individual. I can think of gameplay reasons why we wouldn't save them, because Brian is fought in the last chapter and you're meant to recruit Faval. But gameplay reasons don't always translate to character reasoning, and Julius is a mess of a character. Tbh, I really like your idea with Arione. Makes much more sense in the grand scheme of things.
  25. I just want a SOV, Genealogy, or Three Houses banner. I just want Tatiana, Patty, Tine, base Felix, and base Sylvain in the game.
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