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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. SF has the stat growths and class growths here. So you've decided on Falcon Knight!Bylass, Bow Knight!Felix, and Bow Knight!Bernie! How exciting! I'm glad you took my alternate idea of making Felix a bow knight into consideration. I like him as a swordmaster/assassin, but he just shines as a bow knight since bows are really good in this game. For his Intermediate class, I would pick either Archer and/or Brigand. Archer gives him bow range +1 which is immediately useful. Brigand increases his STR growth by 10% (so it will be 65%) and gives him Death Blow, which will be useful in the future. Felix has high enough STR and his crest procs enough to where he will function just fine without going through Brigand, but his STR will be pretty good. Can't go wrong either way you choose. Byleth may not have an Advanced Class if you go Pegasus Knight. Because of the proficiencies Falcon Knight requires, it's hard to find an advanced class that meshes well with a Pegasus knight's interests. If you want her to go through another class to learn a skill, you can stick with Enlightened One or go Mercenary. Paladin is fine for Dimitri, it makes him a tad bulkier, which is good for this team composition. He's going to be one of your frontliners and a tank, so having access to Aegis will be in later levels. Sniper is a fantastic class in this game, so you definitely want Bernie and Felix to go through it. I'm surprised you picked Swordmaster for Yuri, but I like experimentation. It'll help him out as a dancer, as he'll be able to avoid enemies better. Remember some levels require 12 people! I count 11 here. So you may not want to drop Coco completely. She'll probably serve as an adjutant mostly except for the select few chapters that deploys 12.
  2. That is true. Who needs a hand axe and/or javelin when an iron bow with close counter would be more effective.
  3. For Wyvern Lord Sylvain, I'd recommend going Noble ->Fighter->Brigand->Warrior/Wyvern Knight (your choice)->Wyvern Lord. Just note for the advanced classes, Warrior will give him Wrath while Wyvern Knight gives him earlier access to flight. You can do both if you want, and switch depending on the map. You might want to give him the item that increases job mastery faster. For the Death Blow Boys (Felix, Dedue, and Sylvain), Dedue and Sylvain should naturally learn it during their class paths, as they'll both most likely have to go through Brigand. As for Felix, if you're end goal is Swordmaster, you could fit Brigand in there if you like. I would get it because why not. He doesn't have too much trouble killing things, but this is Maddening so we'll get it. For Bernie, it sounds like you're torn between Bow Knight and Falcon Knight. Both are fantastic classes that she will do well in. Funnily enough, those are both mage killer classes. So make Bernie whatever you don't make Byleth. Alternate Bow Knight selection: Felix. It's his best class imo. And then Bylass and Bernie can be Falcon Knights. For Hapi, she's a magical girl so she's gonna need a magic class. Her spell list is all Dark Magic, so a magic class that supports this would be good. To my knowledge, Valkyrie, Dark Knight, and Gremory give dark magic a boost in either additional spell uses and/or Dark Tomefaire. However, dark magic is quite potent and Hapi's magic growth is good enough to put her in another magic class like Warlock or Dark Flier. Gremory is good because her faith list is pretty good as well. Valkyrie also boosts faith magic IIRC.
  4. I think there's also been an anti-sword sentiment in the community in the last year or so. 2 years ago and earlier I didn't see much (if any) anti-sword sentiment as I see today. The biggest issue with swords is that there's no equivalent to hand axes and javelins. There's the Levin Sword, but that's more comparable to the Bolt Axe and that special spear from Three Houses. In Three Houses, the biggest issue with swords is No real good endgame class. Swordmaster, Assassin, and Trickster are fine, but there's no Master Class requiring you to learn swords. Mortal Savant exists, but it's not great except for a select few characters. No 1-2 range. Most characters that are proficient in swords are better off in a different class line (Felix and Ignatz will function better as a Sniper/Bow Knight, Dorothea and Marianne would be better in a magic class, etc.) However, if you still like swordies, use them! It's a good secondary weapon if you need one.
  5. The Adrestian Empire would've won. They were already winning when you wake up in Part 2. Crimson Flower is also the shortest route, which makes sense because they had less work to do in that route. They just had to keep being aggressive.
  6. Have fun. It's one of the best FEs. There's no branching promotions, but some characters will get access a weapon type of their choice upon promotion. Have fun experimenting. There is one promotion where one option is clearly inferior to the other, but if you want to do it, why not. Every unit is viable. Everyone escapes during escape objectives. remember magic is effective against different things: Fire for beast laguz, wind for bird laguz and pegasus knights, thunder for dragon laguz and wyvern knights. Hopefully that wasn't too spoiler-y, but I don't consider these big secrets.
  7. I have no doubt that no one could've done Dorothea (and Shamir) better. Allegra fully understood the character and related to her.
  8. Surprised I never heard of this before. Maybe I'll check it out as well. Here's what I found: Pairing/Stat Guide Pairing Discussion
  9. The only reason people were mad at Claude not being a bi option was because a reviewer heavily implied that he was a gay option in order to get more clicks for their blog. So it got everyone's hopes up that he was going to be bi when in reality, he isn't (unless you see his Lorenz ending as romantic, which I don't.) The outrage really wasn't over his sexuality, it was the misleading information about Bylad's ability to court him. Yes, there's probably people not mature enough to handle what's written, but a good portion of the outrage was over that blog. Onto the topic at hand, as a member of the LGBT+ community it's important to be represented. Three Houses did a good job at expanding same sex relationships (albeit, the male ssr were always written vaguely). My only hope is that IS hires a writer that identifies as LGBT so the supports sound more natural. Of course, this isn't really doable since LGBT+ people still face a big stigma when it comes to employment.
  10. We need a calvary dancer. Lene makes the most sense for it imo
  11. They hardly promoted this album, if that makes you feel better. Taylor only said "hey I'm dropping an album soon" on twitter or something and then released it at midnight. They didn't market it that well, especially compared to her previous albums. Which is a shame, because she did a lot of interesting things with her lyrics and imagery this time around.
  12. Is this being with NG+? Because that can affect how easy it would be to reach proficiencies. I love how you planned this all out beforehand; I do the same thing and think it's fun. My advice: Byleth will be decent as a hybrid unit, but having them go down the sword path for so long only to switch them into Bishop sounds hard to do, since Byleth won't be able to use Faith magic until he class changes. Plus, he'll need an A ranking in Faith to get to Bishop and will be mediocre in that role, since his classes will direct him to more physical-oriented stats. Nothing wrong will Edelgard's imo. I think you should learn Brigand first, just so you can spend some of the early game learning authority over armor and getting her Death Blow as early as possible. Claude's might be a little difficult, but it's manageable. If you need to cut one out, I'd cut out Wyvern Rider, since he probably won't be in that class for too long anyway to get any mileage out of it. Cut out Archer from Hubert. It will only fulfill a Magic Bow niche and it's not as useful as having access to a spell list and just giving him the Magic Bow anyways. Dark Bishop wouldn't be useful for his build either, but it wouldn't hurt him. For Dedue, same as Edelgard. Lorenz doesn't really need Dark Bishop, especially since he'll already know Fiendish Blow from Mage. Felix's class path is on the long side. It would be hard for him to master them all if that's what you're trying to do. Since his end goal is War Master, you can cut out Swordmaster. It's not worth the trouble of raising his sword rank that high when he should be getting axes and brawling down. Cut out Dark Bishop out of Linhardt's as well. You know what, just cut it out completely lol. Unless you really love that class, then use it. If you don't even like Dark Bishops, then don't bother. For Ignatz it might be difficult for him to jump from Fighter to Dark Mage. Poison Strike is nice, especially on a character that won't do too much damage in general, but his STR will suffer more in that class. Sylvain will turn out to be a decent hybrid unit, but he's much more a physical kind of guy. Warlock may not be worth it, and it would be hard to get to A rank in Reason when he's just been training in lances and riding. It's too mixed. Pick either physical or magical and have that lead you to Dark Knight I would cut out Dark Knight from Lysithea's path and go straight to Gremory. Having 2 master classes would be too hard to manage if you're trying to master one of them. If you want her to ride a mount, Valkyrie is a better choice for whatever build you're going for. Bernadetta's is very mixed. Paladin may be too hard for her to acquire in such a succession. Why make Marianne a dancer if that's not her endgame class? Also, having to manage 2 separate riding proficiencies on top of the magic proficiencies you want her to learn will be difficult to acquire. If she's going to be in a support role, she doesn't need to go through Peg Knight to get Darting Blow. If she won't see too much combat, then that skill won't be the most useful for her. Holy Knight is a meh class and she's better off staying a Bishop or becoming a Dark Knight/Valkyrie/Dark Flier. Again, why make Dorothea a dancer if that's not her endgame class? Also, switch out Bishop for Warlock so she gets more uses out of Meteor. Annette as a Warrior is gimmicky and definitely not worth the gimmick here because all of her stats will be biased towards magic. She'll only be able to use the lightning axe and that's it. It's not worth losing her spells imo. Petra's is too mixed as well. You're asking her to learn high ranks of Sword, Axes, Bows, and Flying. I'd remove Wyvern Rider from your plan, because having a flying unit suddenly go footlocked will only make you miss the movement they had before. Ingrid's is wayyy too long. And if you're going to put Brigand that late her class set, you might as well not put it at all. By the time she gets there, her STR should be decent enough to kill reliably. Leonie's list is too long as well. You may need to cut Sniper and go straight to Bow Knight. Cyril as a Paladin is too out of place. He's already learning Axes, Bows, and Flying, adding two things that aren't his boon will take too long. Flayn will serve more as a support unit than an offensive unit, so she doesn't need to go through Peg Knight (and be horrible at it) just to get Darting Blow. Catherine comes in already busted. Having her go to a smaller tier class doesn't help her too much. Plus, that's wayyyy too many classes and she comes in late during Part 1. Like Catherine, Shamir doesn't really need to go back down to Archer. She already functions well. Just get her to Bow Knight. She doesn't need Cavalier's and Paladin's defensive skills because there's not too many times where the enemy can counter attack her. Hanneman- same as Hubert For Manuela, cut out Assassin and replace it with Trickster or something. Or delete it entirely. No sense in trying to get her to learn bows when she needs to be focusing HARD on lances and flying. Alois- don't bother with the armor classes Seteth- same as Alois Gilbert- Gilbert comes in EXTREMELY late. Maybe go through Brigand, not through Armor Knight, and maybe stick with Paladin/GK. Some of these class lines are wayyyyy too long and just have unnecessary classes for what I think you're trying to go for. Don't try to pin too many proficiencies on one character. They can be a jack of all trades, but they will be able to master none. When coming up with class planning, always think first "What do I want this character to do?", then think of the necessary steps to get there. Be especially mindful when making magic characters, because switching to a physical class halts their magic growth AND the skill they gain from it may not be too great anyways. Don't make support characters suddenly offensive characters or vice versa. Having certain skills sounds good on paper, but remember, this a game with a finite amount of time to grow and plan.
  13. who knows. But the player certainly doesn't know them as a "motley crew" lmaoooo
  14. BE- I voted for Bernie. Reason being is that it's hard to try different builds with her. She only excels as a bow unit and can't really handle anything else. Although Caspar has his issues, at least I can put him on the front lines without worry. BL- Dedue, because he goes missing for a portion of Part 2. If you're trying to get his riding up for Great Knight or trying to get him into a class he has no proficiencies for, it will be really difficult. Not having that instruction time for that long really can hurt his endgame performance. GD- I voted for Ignatz initially, because he requires a lot of investment to be great. However, seeing Lorenz as #1 makes sense. His stats can either go physical or magical which can really screw up your build plans if you're unlucky.
  15. I love how they refer to the Orgahil Pirates as a "motley crew" as if they're endearing or something. Don't most of them end up dead lmao
  16. Banned because I'm new to the thread
  17. wait y'all were MARRIED love in the forest
  18. Assassin's Creed III - the game just failed to grab my attention. The cast of characters wasn't the most impactful or charismatic. I only played for a few hours before dropping the story mode. I would occasionally mess around with multiplayer, but I couldn't figure out how to set up an account at the time so I couldn't play with anyone except for one day where I got it working. I miss AC's old multiplayer mode tbh.
  19. If you do buy one, beware of their fragility. They're infamous for breaking during shipping, so be ready with some hot glue.
  20. I tend to not repeat dancers, but I like making Ignatz a dancer. He's someone that's a little hard to make builds for because he's not particularly strong or fast, but I still like using him.
  21. Although not my favorite character, he's a great foil for Rick. He often plays the straightman, which is necessary for a show that often goes over the top and crazy.
  22. Garon... JK. My personal favorite female characters would be Lene, Priscilla, Hilda (3H), Dorothea, Phina, Severa/Selena, L'arachel, and Tethys.
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