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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. I like Laurent and Owain, that John Cena hand gets me every time, but Laurent is pretty good too. He's like a less crazy version of Miriel. I like Morgan Female because she's a prankster. It's funny.
  2. Yeah, I know. The game says "milk sisters" though. One of them could be a mistake, and I don't know which, but that's all we have. Well I mean, sometimes that happens, but it's not always going to happen when people write well with their characters. Like say... Ike with Oscar. I don't really know anyone that ships them romantically, and they certainly had a bit of dialogue with each other in PoR. And there's some tenderness between the two when Ike loses a part of his family, and still no one ships it. He can. I think it's just that people legitimately think that it could be a good pairing. I mean people ship Pelleas and Micaiah together, and Micaiah behaves towards Pelleas as Ike does to Soren. It's really not terribly surprising either. And we do have some good platonic relationships still... Like Micaiah and Sanaki, or Mia and Rhys, or Jill and Lethe, or Shinon and Gatrie. There's quite a few platonic ships around here.
  3. Like the idea, but they need to be refined. Some like Hana's are pretty good, and make for some interesting setups. Others are far too situational or just outright useless. Like Azama's is only useful when unpromoted, and no one in their right mind would leave a unit without weapons if they could wield them.
  4. The game says Ike left Melior more than half a year ago, but I'm talking about the flashback where the game mentions that the war with Daein has been over for 3 years. Ike hasn't been at her side the whole time as she's been a queen for 3 years. I suppose it's possible Ike was there, but then the game says he's poor at the start, so losing literally all of the gold you had seems pretty ridiculous to happen in 3 years, so I gathered that he had pretty much skipped out on lordship immediately, but remained in Melior-- some place in Crimea, as that's really the only way for any of that to really make sense overall. It just seems odd that Elincia would only have rumors that he started the Greil Mercenaries-- as this pretty much implies that they don't communicate much. As you'd think she'd know that for certain if they did. Well that would be because they didn't get married as the whole concept of two men getting married wasn't really a thing when Radiant Dawn came out. That was what...? Almost 10 years ago? So that's a bit more risque at the time really. Heck, Boyd's ending is terrible too! He doesn't even move on to become like some great axe fighter, just some guy aspiring to not lose to "some rookie." Lame. Most endings are just bad in RD. Haar x Jill is bad because of the fact that Haar knew Jill as a baby, which is just... I can't even. Geoffrey x Elincia all it said was Elincia and Lucia were "milk sisters" that means that they were both nursed by the same woman. That's not quite the same as the Nohrian siblings. It'd be like having a local baby sitter that raises both of you in the neighborhood. It's more like that than anything else. RD just dropped the ball when it came to running characters.
  5. Agreed. It always bothered me that Ike and Mist barely have sibling interaction with each other. Like no other siblings in the series that are main characters do that. It's just... Weird. Yeah, Haar and Jill is awful in my opinion. Just awful.
  6. Not how it's done here. It's just annoying. I've seen fatigue done alright like in XCOM: Long War, where fatigue is a great way to stop you from snowballing powerful units too early without making a stupid EXP curve, which means it's more forgiving for units to die, but still expects a certain amount of time for a unit to become super powerful. Here? It's like a failed attempt at making low manning not a good idea... When it doesn't just take the more practical approach and allow units that didn't fight that chapter to get some resemblance of EXP.
  7. Altelir Iris 1 on the PS2 isn't too bad. It's a standard RPG, and seems to take place at the end of the timeline, but it's a nice little game. The crafting system is kinda clunky in comparison to Ar Tonelico though.
  8. The final cutscene I thought he was taking her hand to lead her like any knight does towards the end. Geoffrey, while fitting would have worked, but they chose Ike because he's the main character. I'd mention some of my problems with Ike in that cutscene, but this is not the time nor the place for it. Ike and Elincia have positive interactions, but the thing is, is that the game makes it a point to have 0 negative interactions with the lord characters in Fire Emblem, and people that do are generally detestable people. The only negative interactions we really get are Ike/Boyd. In RD, it feels like it didn't happen because Ike denounced his title and left Crimea. Considering that Ike was her generally, I can imagine it didn't go over very well. And Elincia has had 3 years apart from Ike. She spent 1 year regaining her country, and then Ike left. It's not necessarily bad writing, but it doesn't make Ike seem like a very nice person either. Soren notices things. So does Ike. Ike says it around Begnion. He's the only one to notice something is bothering Soren more than normal. No one else does. Ike wants Soren to stop suffering, and pays attention to Soren's problems more than anyone else. It's why Soren's support with Ike won't really go passed B until Begnion. Because it follows the story. Soren refusing to serve anyone but Ike is loyalty. It's almost the same thing as how Sothe is dedicated to Micaiah. Heck, Micaiah even tried to abandon Sothe which is why he's even in PoR. Probably not. Jill's paired ending with Haar is really lackluster. It literally only adds "and her Husband" it changes nothing about the dynamic of her ending. Besides, if it were me, I'd have thought they were just friends, it's Ranulf also having a paired ending with Ike and Ike refusing to pair up with so little as his sister or older sister/mother figure Titania that gets me and probably a lot of other people. And it's not even that I particularly ship the pairing anyways. That's the thing, I don't even feel like Ike would be forced at all. As Ike doesn't make enough advances or even really acknowledge enough to make it a case against it. Take something like Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening. We can say Robin is heterosexual not just because he/she only has S rank with opposite sexes, but because on some of the same sex supports, he/she is kinda freaked out about the notion of being with another man/woman. See Flavia's troll supports with Female Robin for instance. Or Male Robin's Gregor supports (granted Robin is kinda freaked out regardless, but the point still stands). Not really. I've known gay men that get married and have children because they ended up marrying their best friend. Sexuality is a funny thing.
  9. I once wanted to be a graphic artist, someone told me to go into something that was more profitable and not do what I originally wanted. I still regret it to this day. I can draw okay now, but I would have been better. I could have been better. Do what you think is right, and be the best damn version of it you can possibly muster. If you find that you lack the passion for it, perhaps it's not your calling, and that's okay, you just scratched off one thing that you've always wanted to try in your life.
  10. And that's fine, but there needed to be some clarification was all. That's good if they do, because it'd go about justifying the names a bit more.
  11. I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or disagreeing with me. Because you put "no. Joke." I was saying have Lucina get Veteran from Robin and "it" being GF to get herself. At any rate, I do believe that Veteran is that good, and it's the primary reason that I prefer Male Robin to female Robin, because he can pretty much always make 2 more Veteran people while Female Robin must have children with Chrom. On the subject of Chrom pairings, For Chrom's best pairings, I'd honestly say that Sully or Sumia are the best in terms of the main game (assuming we ignore Robin who is the best for... Everyone). Sully is the most sturdy of the parents, and doesn't really have any bad mods for her kid, which while the caps don't matter, the base stats do, and they also give Lucina more favorable frontlining stats. She could also nab swordfaire if she wanted to or have Sully become a myrmidon to pass Vantage over which is nice. Sumia is also good as Sumia gives a good array of classes and has far less overlap with Chrom. The others just give rather unhelpful base stats, but I suppose a Troubadour skill would be nice to stack with charm for giving + 15 avoid for males around her. Which is okay I guess. Unfortunately Chrom!Kjelle is kinda mediocre as she just gets archer, and becomes a Chrom with more defensive merit and without the lord skills outside of Aether. Meanwhile Cynthia gets Cavalier which is nice I guess as well as some extra bulk at her base.
  12. One thing I'll say is that Japanese names may not be unfamiliar depending on your audience. If it IS a RPG, there's a good chance some of your audience may know this. That could be interesting. However, my question is this, if the names are influenced by them, are the composition of the races resembling aspects of lore from those respective cultures? Or are they just fantasy things? While reading fantasy novels is all well and good, I was honestly recommended by some writers to avoid reading those genres when I'm writing for them, especially if they are of settings that I like on the account that these sort of things have a way of seeping into our writing. Which is fine. And is honestly a good idea. When you do stuff like that, it enables your inevitable team to be able to take a divide and conquer approach so everyone doesn't have to work on the same spots at once.
  13. But she's not statistically the best choice by end game. That's the problem. Pent has con on her forever, and has more defense. We know that they won't hit 20/20 by the end, which is what makes the comparison for how Nino could be better kinda silly. You said he fell behind, which is why people are even saying anything about it. It wasn't that you were explaining "Nino isn't that bad, check her out next to Pent, he's better, but Nino isn't super far behind with a bit of babying."
  14. Which still takes her longer to catch up. Pent didn't exactly not level the whole time he was there and she wasn't. She's going to be slower for a longer period of time than Pent. You get Nino 5 chapters before the end. If I jam a ton of EXP in Nino, I can do the same on Pent. And no, give them both Fimbulvetr. Pent loses 4 AS, Nino loses 8. She's slower with Fimbulvetr. 26 - 8 < 22 .6- 4, because more often than not, that 22 speed will actually be 23. Even if it wasn't, it's still pretty messed up that we're saying that they are the same speed when earlier you were talking about how Pent falling behind when Nino has at 20/20 stats 3 more magic power than him? If Pent falls behind, then Nino is like... God awful according to your own logic.
  15. Give to a kid that has procs, passes Wyvern which is fun.
  16. It's not impossible to use Nino, but Pent certainly isn't falling behind ever. Dude has like... 4 Con over her. Any time she uses something over Fire she gets AS loss, and Pent doesn't until he tries to use Elfire where he loses 2 speed versus Nino's whopping 6. Even at max speed, Nino ends up having the same speed as Pent, and the only way for her to be faster is to use Thunder tomes (which are pretty sweet, but still). Getting Nino kills isn't too hard, but she's still not going to be higher in level than Pent or get enough levels to truly surpass Pent or Erk. Even if she did get those levels, she'll never beat Pent's staff rank.
  17. Oh... I will cry tears of ... Rage? I don't know what they will be, but I won't be happy. You can't have Gohan come out of the woodwork only to get clocked out immediately.
  18. The love for Soren x Ike is that the game never actually does anything to dispel it really. Come around to Path of Radiance, and you see that they really care for each other. And like you said, Ike doesn't really seem to understand romantic feelings or anything, but Ike always treats Soren differently from everyone else. He notices things about Soren that no one else does, and Soren notices things about Ike that no one every does (like the eye twitching or Ike noticing Soren being upset when they reached Begnion). In the tower, if you managed to get both an A in PoR and then RD, they have a special conversation if you take Soren to the tower, and no other A results in that for Ike, something that's generally done in the games when there is a "pushed pairing" IE, Hector has a special conversation with Lyndis in 7, and Eliwood has a special conversation with Ninian as well. Soren refuses to serve anyone else but Ike at the end of the game if he's not paired up with Ike, these are things that lend itself to such a pairing. I think Elincia x Ike would have more votes if you could honestly get an ending for it. Honestly because of the localization team, I always head canoned that Ike and Elincia DID have a thing going, and the reason they are so cold to each other is because they broke up... Pretty badly, and I honestly say it's because Ike didn't want to be a noble and wanted Elincia to elope. It didn't go well. I then use that as the excuse that Ike leaves the continent post RD. It kinda helps me especially if you think of Ike probably being invited to Elincia's wedding and seeing the woman he loved getting married and realizing that he's not getting her ever again. It also gives Ike a more human element because it's the first time Ike "loses" and can't do anything about it because he can't just take his usual method of charging in and punching people and the problem is solved. It's really the only way I can really make it seem less grating for Ike to just pack his stuff and leave.
  19. Revelations. Because all of the paths are kinda bad storywise, but at least Revelations has a "feel good" feel to it. And I kinda like the idea of being the "I can't tell you" idiot character.
  20. I wouldn't give that to Nino. She can save your EXP ranking if you're going for a S rank.
  21. If they were going to do it FE4 styled, the Conqueror arc would probably be done away with, and replaced with your party being killed by Grima with Morgan being the new avatar and Lucina being the new "Chrom." with everyone else hooking up somewhere inbetween or before that point. Oh, and Maribelle, Ricken and Robin would probably be the only other "special" major blood houses.
  22. It does actually. Veteran Lucy snowballs more with it than GF Lucy. Veteran Lucy can begin gaining levels immediately towards the scenario whether she turns into a pegasus knight or a Great Lord in chapter 13. Instead of having GF, and leveling up slower in Ch. 13, Lucy can catch up and match / be on par with your team faster than GF Lucina. GF chaining isn't even that great, because only Lucina has a proc skill at this point to ensure reliable kills. People forget that you need to actually kill stuff for GF to even work. And that "reliable" is still iffy because Aether's proc rate is so low. The best thing to have is most definitely Veteran because walking gods goes further than GF. Especially on Luantic mode. The main reason Robin is so good in Lunatic is primarily because of Veteran enabling him / her to gain like 6 levels in the first chapter without so much as a couple of kills. Seriously, play a game without Robin having Veteran, and the game completely changes how good Robin is. They aren't much better than Chrom paired up with Sumia or Sully. They'd actually have more bulk on the account of not having your Robin skip a ton of levels to grab GF early on. Instead you have Robin have to put up with lances in axe land with less bulk at the most unstable portion of the game where you can't use S rank pair up abuse to stat wall your way to victory. You're hardly going through mid-late game with it with Veteran. If Robin can get it that fast on weaker enemies, what makes you think the Lucina can't with stronger enemies why gaining EXP at an accelerated way? Even if you low man with just Chrom and Robin to get GF levels, it's still in your best interests to pass Veteran down to Lucina than GF. Even if you pass GF to Morgan. GF is so overrated it's not even funny. It absolutely isn't. You lose 1-2 range to deal with constant 60-70% hit rates on your end and 40-60% hit rates from enemies in the early game, and eating considerably more attacks to the face-- and lose the ability to deal criticals at the most vital moment-- when you don't have an uber unit that can back anyone else up... IE, a mother Robin helping her children on support with extra stats and dual strikes later on in the game. People honestly overrate GF and dump on male Robin because of it, and it's kinda strange. Getting 3 units with Veteran > having 3 units with GF. In Lucina's case, getting Veteran in a "pass GF" scenario requires her to depromote anyways which IMO is more damning than just getting it with the unit itself or just not using the skill.
  23. Honestly, it's not much faster to have Robin pass GF. Robin would need -> level 10 tactician -> Second Seal or Master Seal, and then another set of 9 levels and then a Master Seal, and then 14 levels to get GF. Meanwhile, Lucina needs 0 levels to immediately promote to Great Lord, and only 9 levels to 2nd seal, and another 14 to get GF. Robin needs at minimum 9 + 9 + 14. Lucina in the Veteran scenario needs 9 + 14. Veteran Lucina > GF Lucina. Because getting a free level every kill > more kills. Low manning may reign king, but the EXP formula in Awakening is stupid, and 50% + EXP results in a net profit, and the more people that have it, the better. Meanwhile, Robin passing Veteran means that Robin can instead focus on gaining more levels to pass stronger base stats to Lucina which means that it's easier to kill and snowball with her. GF Robin sacrifices far more for the team than Veteran Lucina as more people can gain levels and not become completely useless. If you're going to pass GF, you may as well use Sumia to do it so at least Robin can not screw over his/her internal levels and waste money if you're lowmanning. Money is fairly easy in Awakening, but there's no reason to waste it.
  24. And we specifically know that because of Binding Blade at that where they are just regular weapons that any person that trains hard enough can use them. Ike becomes a good fighter because of what Greil taught him and the drive to defeat the black knight. You aren't born a good fighter. That's something that you have to refine. Whether that be through sparring with others, getting a teacher, or just fighting. There's something that has to hone that instinct. Physical strength, while needed to be a fighter, is not the only component of being a good fighter. But it is! Ike isn't any stronger than any normal human, and we see quite a few people that are stronger than him, or just as strong. So his strength isn't actually special at all. Just like Mist's magic isn't special at all. Mist even tries that at one point claiming "I can fight too, I'm the daughter of general Gawain," and the person honestly takes it as a joke, and why wouldn't they? She's a girl that walked out on the battle field with a scarf and a mini-skirt. Mist also isn't reasonably powerfully talented as a caster either. Stat wise I have nothing, and no one mentions her powers in the story which leads me to believe that she's not very remarkable in combat. If she has more magical prowess because she just so happens to be a child of magical parents, that's fine. However, as I stated before, if that's something that can happen for anyone, then it's not a special thing. Otherwise it is. Perhaps she's like Lilina from the Binding Blade that had great magical aptitude but unlike Lilina she chose to use conventional weaponry. If that's the case, then there's not much reason to bring attention to the fact that she has good res unless you think it's important.
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