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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. It also goes up as you get older. It also doesn't work in many cases if you're super short or super tall.
  2. It is if only because the blood is what results in her having skills and abilities that normally cannot be obtained. If one can merely train and obtain them? Then no, it's not. IE, Micaiah's blood is special because it's what gives her the heron skills, and someone like Sanaki is special blood because she can give birth to someone that can have Micaiah's special powers, but someone like Titania, despite being a beast in combat, does not have special blood, because all of her skills and powers are from her own effort. IE, could some guy/gal next to Azura train with her and be every bit as talented?
  3. Con in Fire Emblem seems to be this weird combo of weight and unit size. Naturally, the larger a person is, the easier it is to lift something. A 5'5 person is going to have a harder time picking up a chair and walking with it than a 6 '1 person. Even if the shorter person is stronger than the taller person. It's hard to believe that EVERY knight is some behemoth of a man, but I can believe that his armor makes him heavy.
  4. Yes. We've gotten several other classes. Except wyvern riders.
  5. Go with Siggy then. Honestly I think Sophie's generally a little bit better. She generally has enough def and res but has a bit more speed.
  6. I honestly want a traditional normal lord. Like an actual lord that spends more time commanding rather than running up and stabbing people or being a plot device of sorts.
  7. Astra has attack / 2 and skill / 2 for proc rates. It's fine where it is now. It still has usage over luna for its defensive merit at any rate. Lethality actually requires you to be able to damage the person in regards, and many proc skills in Fire Emblem were glorified OHKOs. So I don't see how Lethality is broken. It's good that these things are being changed up like that. Canto being gone is because there's no good way to balance canto without seriously considering the balance of units. Canto is something that makes units that have good movement even better. Nullify is still in the game, it's just called a different skill, and to be honest, I'm not a fan of nullify. Savior isn't here because it has no use with the lack of rescue. Why would you want it? How would you use it in Pair Up? Galeforce isn't nearly as overpowered as people make it sound. For starters, it requires a successful kill. Canto is even more powerful. You see how annoying those gangs of social knights are in FE4? That's because of canto, not galeforce. Because if all of those units were galeforcing off of you, you've got bigger problems than the fact that they even have the skill if it's seriously threatening you. Galeforce was a problem in Awakening because of Pair Up + super death proc activations along with activation rates + Dual Strikes from possibly brave weapons resulting in a method where you could eventually hit a point where you could obliterate any unit reliably resulting in a person getting full movement twice. However, in a normal game? Galeforce is kind of a joke on characters outside of Robin. The changes in the game are for the good of the gameplay, and I'm glad that they are toning down on that nonsense. It's not fun to have an offensive fest like Awakening or RD part 4.
  8. Just use the pirate one and start by giving it swords.
  9. Agreed. The only time I actually got irritated by fanservice is actually Mass Effect 2, and ironically enough, it was the male fanservice that was annoying. The female fanservice that was done was at least optional and albeit hilariously done because you were making your character act ridiculous and the characters reacted appropriately to it. I know, I was just saying that it's one of those things that you can't really complain either way because we can't see what a male rider looks like versus a female. And yeah, I love RD's artwork. Characters look pretty solid without being overly flashy.
  10. I think it's more that it's jarring when it's seen side by side. Pegasus knights for instance are just Pegasus Knights and we don't see any male ones in the game. But here with the cavaliers , we get females that have one type of armor, and we get males with another type of armor... Which has always been a thing. I wouldn't really single out the Pegasi in this case because it's just something that's always been there. It's just now that the models are in 3D, we can see the entirety of their bodies outside of their upper body where we can no longer assume that the women are wearing armor all over. I'd take Marcia's RD outfit as a compromise though since lore argues that they can't be too heavy for people to carry so I can understand not being fully armored, but at least she has pants. Actually RD's artwork is probably just the best in that regard. Only girls like Mist are silly enough to wear dresses/skirts like that, and her stats stink!
  11. I'm hoping that the show is about a guy that has to battle his gambling addiction with Pachinko machines. He'll defeat his addiction by destroying the machine and be overcome with a curse that slowly kills him until he rebuilds the Pachinko machine. This requires him going all over the town gathering pieces of the destroyed machine until he can rebuild it. Thus ending the curse and saving the town from being destroyed because the machines were the only real form of income. Seriously, this seems really weird, but I think I'll give it a chance. I do like Castlevania, so it's hard to see it drag its feet around like this.
  12. It's got nothing on Dragon Age's fanbase. At least that Fire Emblem's fanbase hasn't hit the point of basically demanding every type of "ism" character into the game and basically stomping on every single person that dare disagree with the hive mind. Granted the shipping is a bit of control, but crazy shippers have always been a thing. Maybe I'm in the wrong areas, but all of the FE fandom has been pretty... Okay for me. The only part that annoys me are the crazy people that insist that Fates had the worst story conceived by mankind and will browbeat you into submission or just leaving if you try to discuss anything around the characters etc. The divide of the Fire Emblem fanbase isn't that bad, as it's clear that with crazy shippers and the like, it wouldn't even need to have it as a gameplay element and people will STILL do it, so all they have to do is keep boys and girls in the game that are rather cute and that side of the fanbase should be pleased. The gameplay junkies will be satisfied if we keep getting things like Conquest-- heck, even Birthright isn't too bad, and honestly, I hate to admit it, but a piece of me likes the crazy experimental nature of Revelations even if it does have a noticeable dip in quality. Perhaps I just have middling standards, but I'm not the type of game that has opinions that lean in a strong direction in either way so they talk to me. Among my friends, they know I'm the "Fire Emblem guy," and generally speaking any FE news is old news to me. I get along with them just fine.
  13. Nothing wrong with that. Salutations. Enjoy your stay.
  14. If you're using the Avatar, I'd honestly make Lucina get Veteran and then make her get it herself. No joke, Veteran is that good in the main game. As for Sumia, it's not impossible, but largely not worth the pain to do.
  15. Yeah, and that goes without saying. The fact of the matter is that we still have to consider a world where we decide to use them. Otherwise we can't even begin to talk about characters that stand no real chance of being deployed under a standard playthrough.
  16. Exactly where "communist emblem comes around." It's easy to justify giving Kyze a speedwing if you're planning on using him because he sucks significantly less with it.
  17. Yeah, police don't need anymore power than they already have. And crime rates have not been "permanently going up." I'm sick of this garbage "X is happening and we have to stop it!" Please. How stupid do they think we are?
  18. Ryoma. Duelist Blow ensures that Ryoma is safer attacking than Xander, so he always has a better dodge chance on player phase than Xander ever could. The best thing that Xander could do to stop Ryoma is to have a Swordcatcher and fight against him, but getting doubled by Ryoma is bad news.
  19. Depends on what your replicate unit does. If it's a healer or a rally bot it's pretty good. I actually did my Birthright with 1 healer because of it. I bought Replicate for Corrin and then turned him into a healer. It was very good.
  20. Reclassing and grinding. Reclassing is something that I have always liked as an aspect in the series, and I think that it's only gotten better as it has gotten further in the series. Instead of just having a bunch of random classes, units are now individually given initial classes and secondary classes, and in Fates, they can acquire 2 new classes from marriage and friendship, which makes it potentially less restrictive than Awakenings, and more expandable as a concept outside of the children. Children get a less broken array of classes and instead receive 1 from their parent under all circumstances. It's nice. These tie into skill acquisition quite well, it also lets you tweak the growths of a unit a little bit to make them have slightly different stats as well as gives them the opportunity to grow a bit differently. It also helps to give units more differentiated skills even if they are in the same class. I like it. It's more individuality without having stupid things like "more skill for strength" and the like.
  21. Wow... I'm so there. I have to watch this.
  22. Boring or that I dislike? Because if it's boring, what makes a character boring to me is them not having any really interesting or meaningful interactions. IE, every "aloof" character in almost every anime ever. Where they are needlessly aloof to the point that it's jarring to watch them interact with other people if they even do, and most of the time their "tragic" reason for behaving that way isn't even that bad. For the most part, I don't like self-righteous characters. It's not enough for a character to simply believe their perspective is the correct one but they acknowledge that there are other opinions besides their own, it's characters that take a "I'm right you're wrong mentality for everything." IE, a character that always stands on some moral pedestal while knocking everyone else down. It's some of the reason I don't particularly like the Tales of Abyss cast because everyone in that game seems to suffer from that really badly (well there's one character that doesn't but I won't say which one because of spoilers). Whining can be annoying too as a trait. Because again, what warrants whining is all in perspective. So I don't want to see it if I can avoid it. Generally speaking, it's not often a personality of the sort that turns me away from a character, it's more so the responses characters have to other characters that ultimately make me not like a character. IE, if a character is a jerk but everyone appropriately reacts to them, the jerk can be entertaining. IE, Mr. Jameson from Spider Man is a huge jerk, but people react to him appropriately so he ends up becoming hilarious. When you have characters making decisions with no ramifications or the world seems to contort itself to ensure that the character is "right," it's annoying. What character in question are we talking about rewriting, because I can't say how I'd rewrite a character in general (if at all!).
  23. I agree, the individual money thing was just weird. I mean it kind of makes some sense, but it's ridiculous that you can't trade money. Like how stingy are these people? Haha.
  24. I'd say make it called the "scout" class as a compromise. Otherwise, I fully expect thieves to come back.
  25. Forge sucks in Fates not because of weapon durability, but because it just sucks. Weapon durability in Fates with that forge would be a disaster. Honestly, the gem system just makes forging a complete nightmare, and without visiting other castles, it's practically unusable. That's pretty lousy. Instead, I would rather the gems be used to be different sorts of buffs for the weapon, IE, Rubies buff attack, Sapphires raise hit, Pearls raise avoid. Emeralds raise the follow up attack. Stuff like that, that way, if they do keep things like Weapons having follow up penalties or things like that, you could say... Have a Steel Sword + 3 with Emeralds completely negate the -3 penalty for follow up attacks and instead make it neutral. Honestly the whole system needs a overhaul. For me, weapon durability started to become silly when Awakening and Fates allowed you to "fuse" weapons together that were breaking, and it does suck to carry a 5 durability sword around that takes up an item slot. It makes item management more annoying. It also has the tendency to make people horde items that are "rare" rather than just use them. So in the end of the day, people tended to use Iron most of the game. The idea of not having to buy the weapons constantly makes for more spending on other items like heart seals and the like. As it stands, Fates has more tangible differences between weapons, and instead enables you to use it forever after you have it. Think about something like Raijinto for instance. No one would really use it if just HAVING it gave you +4 strength. That's some of the problem with durability, it indirectly discourages usage of items. If we're going with a compromise for durability, FE4 had the best system hands down if you're having durability. It's ridiculous that you wouldn't fix your weapon over time and is the best video game to convenient compromise.
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