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Posts posted by Tiny_Manakete

  1. 1. How are you doing today?

    2. Exactly how tiny are you?

    3. Greatest prank you've pulled?

    4. Have you played/downloaded my game?

    5. Impression of me?

    1.) I'm doing quite finez I'm very tired but thank you!

    2.) I'm only 5'3", so not exactly small.

    3.) The only prank I remember being great brining in a broken TV to my dad and said that it was ours... I don't usually pull pranks :c

    4.) I have not.

    5.) Never spoken with you, but I appreciate that you put in a lot of time with your game and published it, which is amazing.

    Five games you really enjoyed playing?

    Would you ever read a visual novel?

    Opinions on donuts?

    whats your favorite donuts?

    Least favorite thing about Fates?

    1.) Fates, Punch Out, Spirit Tracks, Ocarina of Time, and Dragon Quest IX are the ones that stand out to me. Other close games are any Professor Layton game.

    2.) Yeah sure.

    3.) Donuts are one of the best pastries known to man

    4.) Powdered, glazed... Anything with chocolate.

    5.) I guess some of the plot can really be dragging, not much else. OH YEA I DISLIKE NYX

    Opinions of Falcom.

    I've never played any Falcom games.

    [spoiler=not questions, too much music]Melodeath means Melodic Death Metal. Some examples follow:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUwkvx4EZhAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2jnzU0pxiESome Folk Metal examples:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksbkj-dDpJw&t=0m30shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?0v=v74AP-_JgQoObviously not a completely representative sample, and there's always bound to be genre straddling, so w/e. Not all Melodeath will contrast between clean and growls, for example, not all folk metal will use the more exotic sounding instruments, etc. You need to listen to Metropolis Pt 2: Scenes from a Memory, and ASAP (listen in track order, it's important). I'll forgive your mistaken choice in the Blind Guardian question if you do.

    6) Who got you into metal and how?7) Thoughts on the songs linked in this post?

    6.) My brother got me into it... I just heard him blast some metal in his room, and at first I wasn't too keen on it, but then he forced me to listen to more and yes.

    7.) I couldn't access the last video on FolkMetal, but I found Omen to be quite enchanting and hauntingly beautiful. Definitely gonna be listening to more in the futureee Dalriada's was also somewhat relaxing to listen to, and I really enjoy the singers flow like wow. I might enjoy FolkMetal more, to be quite honest. Also I am listening to Metropolis as requested, I will get back to this later

    normal ears vs pointed ears?

    Pointed ears pls
  2. 1) Opinions on Melodeath?2) Opinions on Folk Metal?(Examples can be provided if you are unfamiliar with the subgenres)3) Spiders: great invertebrate, or best invertebrate?4) Would you smooch a ghost?5) How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?

    1 + 2.) Never heard of them, though I think I've heard a small bit of FolkMetal... Can't remember.

    3.) Best invertebrate.

    4.) Aww yeah

    5.) No clue.

    16. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

    17. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

    18. Forgiveness or retribution?

    19. First and current impressions of me?

    16.) I'd guess a passive ruler.

    17.) Hmm... Legal naturalism.

    18.) It honestly depends on what they did, although forgiveness.

    19.) First: Someone who gave me a whole ton of Tiki themes! Current: You're a very funny philosowhale, and I enjoy our conversations! We have some things in common, and sometimes you get really deep in topics we discuss. A great person overall.

    6. How do you plan to counter the decadent bourgeoisie today?

    7. Opinions on Dream Theater?

    8. Blind Guardian's A Night at the Opera or Nightfall in Middle-Earth?

    9. On a scale of one to ten, how metal are you?

    10. hi tiny lmao

    6.) Wait what.

    7.) Never heard of them.

    8.) A Night at the Opera.

    9.) Eh, I've only just recently got into metal, probably like a 5.6

    10.) ayy sup koa

    16. Impressions, I guess.

    17. Have you played any Spyro the Dragon games?

    18. Do you like Star Wars?

    19. Pizza or steak?

    20. Salty or sweet?

    16.) I honestly haven't discussed much with you. I think I saw a bit of you around the Forum Games, but you seem pretty nice imo.

    17.) Again, I've played one when I was small. Don't remember much, sorry.

    18.) Yeah, I've watched the episodes when I was little and would stay up all night dicussing them with my brother, although I can't say I find an interest in it as much as I used to..

    19.) STEAK

    20.) Sweet

    Do you like the sound of your own voice (both literally and metaphorically speaking)?

    I've been told that I sound like a duck when I scream, and I don't necessarily like to speak up, so no.

    6. What animal would you be?

    7. What would your ideal home be like?

    8. If you could have one elemental power, what would it be?

    9. Something you would change about life?

    6.) A snake, or a bear!

    7.) A simple house, with just enough rooms; not too many so that I have no clue what to do with the empty rooms, but enough so that it can support friends/family etc.. Probably a nice forest too!

    8.) Probably Wind.

    9.) Eh... Nothing noteworthy about my life that I want to change, but I guess to try and stop being such a lazy bum?

  3. 1. Greetings

    2. What special talents do you have?

    3. Favorite instrument?

    4. What compelled you to join SF?

    5. ImpressionsIf you've seen me before

    1.) Greeting

    2.) Hmmm.... Nothing note worthy...

    3.) A tie between the flute, Oboe, and piano.

    4.) Just a spur of a moment, happened on a whim, etc.

    5.) Haven't seen you too much before... Maybe we should know each other better!

    1. Impressions I guess!

    2. What makes Sacred Stones your favorite FE?

    3. Are you interested in trying Tales of the Abyss at some point?

    4. Favorite console?

    5. Do you like reading books?

    1.) We don't have conversations much but you seem really interesting to be friends with, talk to me more ; w ;

    2.) I guess the story is simple yet enough to follow, really interesting cast of characters, the mechanics are kinda what got me back into the whole fiasco of FE, some of my favorite pieces are from the game...

    Just a lot of good things about it

    3.) Sure!

    4.) The DS or NES

    5.) Yeah, sometimes if I've had a stressful day its good to unwind with a book!

    11. Favorite Zootopia character?

    12. Least favorite FE?

    13. Have you played any Crash Bandicoot games?

    14. Favorite game console?

    15. Do you like platformers?

    11.) Probably Nick or Flash.

    12.) Don't really have a least favorite... I guess Awakening is kinda down there.

    13.) I played one when I was really tiny. Never played one since then.

    14.) Again, DS or NES.

    15.) Platformers are pretty okay, I get frustrated when I can't seem to get over that one hole or things gets in my way >:T

  4. What made you interested in wanting to try out Samurai Warriors?

    Would you like to descent into sword boy hell with me when you're more free?

    Favorite class in FE?

    What Tales games have you played?

    any other Tales games you want to play some day?

    1.) because you guys are slowly driving me insane about this game and it looks cool

    2.) Yeah sure why not

    3.) Snipers! Or pretty much anything that wields a bow~

    4.) Only Vesperia and Symphonia

    5.) Probably Tales of Graces once I complete Vesperia

  5. 1.) Hi?

    2.) What's your favorite video game soundtrack?

    3.) Obligatory impressions question here?

    4.) How was your day?

    5.) Hi


    2.) I really enjoy Shadow of the Colossus's soundtrack, but I also love Explorers of Sky's as well

    3.) Very... Standoffish, and closed off. Not to say that you're not impolite or kind, since we have some pretty cool conversations together. Although, maybe you could try opening up a bit more to people?

    4.) It was fine, could be better...

    5.) SUP

  6. 6. Do you like rodents?

    7. Most recent film you saw in theaters?

    8. Favorite male FE protagonist?

    9. Favorite FE soundtrack?

    10. Least favorite FE character?

    6.) Yes, they're quite adorable and soft.

    7.) Zootopia.

    8.) I don't know, Ike? Path or Radiance Ike.

    9.) I believe it was called Rise Above!

    10.) Eh... Tharja?

  7. Your thoughts on on the otome masterpiece of 2016 known as Asagao Academy?

    A place in the world you always wanted to visit?

    Favorite units in Fates?

    What are the reasons you wanted to try out FE4?

    if you could form an EO style adventure party with six of your closest friends on SF, who would they be and what would their classes be as well?

    sub classes are allowed if you want to try it out

    1.) What is this and why does it exist

    2.) I've always wanted to visit Ireland, I don't know why

    3.) Hana, Charlotte, Hinata...

    4.) I just heard it was good, told myself why not, let's try it out

    5.)My closest friends? I wouldn't pick favorites >u>

    I am very insecure.

    Favourite video game of all time

    Can't say, but now that I think about it, it might be Professor Layton and the Curious Village. I alternate between many favorite games >u>

    11. Are there any areas of history you're particularly interested in or knowledgeable about?

    12. Do you have a favorite word?

    13. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

    14. What's your favorite animal? Not counting dragons.

    15. Have you ever been to Europe?

    11.) I'm usually interested in just Modern History, though I have an interest in Medieval Europe even though I know nothing about it

    12.) I am fond of the word "crikey"

    13.) Probably just stay here where I am, or live in Britain where some distant relatives live

    14.) Drats I don't know, besides the fondness of reptiles, probably a swan or a red panda.

    15.) Nope, never been there.

  8. Aww I don't dislike you either~<2

    1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

    2. What are your most common negative thoughts?

    3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

    4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

    5. What would the difficulty be set at?

    6. What type of weather describes your mind?

    7. What field of study would bore you the most?

    8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?

    9. What FE character do you relate to most?

    10. Is it worse to be overly self-confident or too self-loathing?

    Yay ; w ;

    1.) Probably just being a calm presence to others, or probably remembering a lot of things, but that also can be a weakness....

    2.) Hmm... Some of them are too personal to say but one of them is why am I so suspicious of everything or I'm just what people say I am, stupid

    3.) I think I've said Samurai Warriors, can't think of anything else.

    4.) Psychological, maybe adventure?

    5.) Hard/Expert Mode

    6.) Sunny, with a chance of clouds: Usually clear and thinking positive, though simple things can easily cloud the mind.

    7.) The medical field really sounds boring...

    8.) The violin, so many wonderful and beautiful pieces can be played on it.

    9.) Probably Marcia from PoR/RD

    10.) To be too self-confident.

  9. Greatest achievement in your life thus far?

    Hm... I guess meeting my desirable A1C that are considered to be normal human levels? Haven't done anything terribly achievement worthy but I'm proud of it~

    Okay now impressions of yours truly.

    Sukua are very cuddly.

    Currently, you are pretty nice to talk to, but you're a bit insecure, like me, and I think that your fondnes of sukus is kinda funny~


    You like touhou a lot, but that's not a problem man, and you get into some pretty smart and clever conversations from what I've seen. Your humor is odd, but it's interesting. You're slightly aloof, but eh, I don't dislike you~

    1. First/current impressions?

    2. Impressions of mafia?

    3. Favorite food?

    1.) Didn't talk with you too much to get an impression, but I don't dislike you.

    2.) Mafia looks interesting, with the strategy and psychology behind it... Kinda complicated.

    3.) Baked beans, no doubt. A close favorite is pasta.

    1. Do you collect anything?

    2. Favorite FE class?

    3. Favorite game genre?

    4. Which fictional world would you like to live in?

    5. Have you ever been to a convention?

    1.) I used to collect music boxes for a whike., and then I stopped. Currently I'm not collecting anything.

    2.) Hm... Snipers, or pretty much anything in the Archer class.

    3.) Pretty much anything with fantasy, but RPGs or Puzzle games, especially ones that make you think..

    4.) Pokemon is the first thing that comes to mind, sadly.

    5.) I've been to Comic Con last year.

  10. WHY U EVIIIIL~!? :^(

    Because I have been dubbed evil so many many times~

    6. Do you speak any languages other than English?

    7. Are you interested in history?

    8. Why did you name yourself Tiny_Manakete?

    9. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (e.g. The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings)?

    10. Do you more often find yourself with too much time on your hands or with too little time?

    6.) Nope, besides the usual French Class.

    7.) Yeah!

    8.) it was a spur of the moment username~

    9.) Only the Hobbit, but nothing else.

    10.) Hm... Probably too little.

  11. Just a fair warning I sorta suck at impressions so I apologize in advance if you're disappointed

    How does it feel to be Tiny Cool Kid for this week?

    your opinion on Fates?

    Favorite fictional character?

    impressions, if any

    1.)*Odin voice* So excited! but I'm actually quite honored and excited to answer any lovely questions anyone has.

    2.)Quite fun and relaxing, enjoyable characters and mechanics, could work a bit on plot

    3.)Hmm, can't say I have a favorite... I enjoy too many characters for them to be favorites!

    4.) First: You seem like a pretty kind person. Current: Same as above, but you're cool, funny, and really easygoing to talk to.


    1. Are you lifting the question limit?






    1.) yee sure why not

    2.) I haven't played it since I picked up Fates lol so I don't remember too much BUT I think I'm at the same spot

    3.) Flavio seems like the coolest person in the gang

    4.) Can't remember, but I think it was my Fafnir Knight of Flavio


    1. Favorite Fire Emblem protagonist?

    2. Favorite FE antagonist?

    3. Favorite video game of all time?

    4. Favorite movie?

    5. Favorite book?

    1.) Eirika

    2.) Lyon

    3.) Ooh, I can't say

    4.) Castle in the Sky or Howls Moving Castle

    5.) Bridge to Terrabithia

    First impressions ~?

    Are you a weeb ?

    Do you love the Powerpuff Girls Z ?

    Who's your favorite KH character ?

    Describe your personality ~

    1.) Very... Random. Haven't discussed too much with you, sorry.

    2.) Sure, I guess

    3.) Haven't watched it.

    4.) Maybe Aqua?

    5.) Uhh, I'd say I'm pretty quiet and not very sociable and absent-minded, but I can be pretty outgoing and random... and evil.

    1. Impressions of your wonderful senpai?

    2. Your favorite color

    3. What is your favorite reptile?

    4. Katanas like Vergil or Broadsword like Dante?

    5. Do you agree that you are chaotic evil?

    1.) First: Someone who apparently likes Devil May Cry! Current: Funny, Cares for his friends a lot, and you're fun to talk to. Also a bum.

    2.) Hmm, a very light purple.

    3.) Was this one of your harder ones My Chinese Water Dragon, Luci, or pretty much any snake, since they're so elegant and beautiful in color, though deadly.

    4.) Katanas like Vergil

    5.) Agree 110%

    Favorite story of any medium?

    Video game series you would like to try?

    Human values/traits that you value the most?

    Cake or pie?


    1.) No clue to be honest... I pretty much enjoy anything...

    2.) I should probably get into Samurai Warriors

    3.) Being trustworthy, and can make a person smile.

    4.) I'm more of a pie fan

    5.) Haven't talked too much with you, but I don't dislike you and you seem pretty okay. We should battle more often.

    How awesome are manaketes?

    Very awesome, very pretty dergons.

    Impressions of sukusuku hakutaku.

    They seem very cuddly.


    1. I forgot how we discovered I'm actually a whale, can you remind me?

    2. Do you have any interest in playing the older FE games?

    3. Why did you join SF?

    4. How is your knowledge of Roman history?

    5. Do you cycle?


    1.) Hmm, I can't remember much either, but I remember something about living in an aquarium and you exclaimed about being a whale? I have no clue.

    2.) Yeah, I wanted to play Genealogy of the Holy War for a while.

    3.) It just happened on a whim, and I wanted to find people that I could discuss it with

    4.) Little to nothing, sadly

    5.) If it's a nice day outside, yes, but not often

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