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Everything posted by Tiny_Manakete

  1. 17,825 Very true. Morgan is always OP. Gangrel!Morgan is just... Yuck.
  2. 17,817 I see where you're coming from cx Plus Underdog/Aptitude + Pegasus Knight class to pass down [Galeforce] + Nah! + Morgan!? -breathes in air- Too good to be true.
  3. 17,810 Oh yeah! Libra!Brady is alright. But just have Donnel pass down Aptitude and... Boom.
  4. 17,806 Just that one skill man... And Libra!Brady~
  5. 17,803 Ricken!Nah? I run Donnel!Nah.
  6. 17,796 -quietly gives both to Morgan-
  7. 17,792 Would Slow Burn be the better option? And Aether is cool.
  8. 17,786 All the more reason to get it!
  9. 17,784 One of my fav skills tbh
  10. Underneath your bed! Why is a raven like a writing desk?
  11. 17,722 But it's true! I'm a small person.
  12. Banned for too many Hector Emojis. I have nothing against Hector
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