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Everything posted by BBM

  1. April Fools is only before 12, and the modification was made after. >_>
  2. Sorry, what happened to make Priscilla go way over, Serra go all the way to bottom, and Lowen down to lower middle? Probably other changes, but those were the most noticeable. Erk and Guy went down to middle too. I agree with Arena way down.
  3. BBM

    FE4 Noob

    No, Beowulf isn't too good until promotion, unless he gets the Hero Sword, which might not be bad to pass down to Delmud anyway. Beo's better chip damage than your cavs in any case. Eh... giving the Elite Ring to Ethlin wastes it for Chapters 4 and 5, but it gives Leaf Elite right off the bat, letting him promo quicker, which I prefer to a Celice who's promoted earlier, especially as Celice will have a better time buying it than Leaf.
  4. BBM

    FE4 Noob

    If you're going to go with JamkaxBriggid, use SylviaxClaude. Jamka!Patty sucks too badly to get any money to give to Laylea. Holyn!Patty, on the other hand, can get money, because she can use the Hero Sword and has Lunar Sword as a skill, which will make her an okay chip damage dealer. Then, kill Sylvia off in Chapter 5 if you pair her accidentally, to get Laylea. I always end up doing so. TiltyuxAzel is okay, I suppose. Another option, although it's a very hard pairing and the kids are difficult to use, is Fin. Fin leaves at the end of the chapter that she joins in though, and she joins near the end in the other end of the map. The kids get Prayer, Wrath, and Pursuit. So basically, you get them down to a few points of health, which isn't hard, Prayer kicks in to boost dodge, so that they don't get hit, and then they double and critical. Prayer only lasts for one turn though, so you have to heal them and then get them back down again.
  5. There really are a lot of depressing death quotes in RD. Renning: Flesh that has died once...does not fear dying again... Makalov: I knew this would be how...the dice would fall... Forgive me, Marcia... I'm...such a bad...brother... Vika: ...In the end...my dreams... were left unfulfilled... The people...of the desert... Someday...they will be...free... Tanith: Fear no manner of death. Mourn only that you are powerless to change it... Shinon: Ugh... This is...such a crock... What a...boring way to die. Co...Commander...Greil... I... I... I'm... Bastian: ...Here shall I cross... from this world...to death's dry kingdom. I always suspected...that it would come to this. Skrimir: Ugh! I will not fall! No matter what happens...I-- Ranulf: Skrimir, stop playacting... You're a better soldier than that... Skrimir... No! Wake up!!! Please... Please!
  6. No, because Saleh doesn't do anything Lute doesn't, even trained, while L'Arachel trained is amazing. I'm just stating her opinion, btw, I agree that she's massively overrating L'Arachel.
  7. BBM

    FE4 Noob

    It's not about ranked runs. It's about reliability for a first-time player, and Holyn!Faval is more reliable, because he has 100% hit, which is the only thing any Faval ever needs from his dad. Pursuit is a class skill he'll always get, and Ichival comes from Briggid. That's a 40 Mt plus Strength attack twice, which I'm pretty sure is enough to kill any non-boss unit. I mentioned the two isolated instances because they're the only ones in those two chapters without Wyverns, who even the worst Faval can kill easily. Faval doesn't need Continue. If it isn't activated on the first hit, it doesn't even do anything, because bam, the enemy is already dead. Same with Charge. They're useless. It's the TC's choice in the end. All your mounties are actually good in the second gen, provided they have good parents. The sword kids need either a Leg Ring or more exp to keep up, or it doesn't matter that Noish!Lakche has a better chance at killing, because she's badly underleveled and behind everything. These are all your good mounted units, with a p by them if they get a horse only after promo: Celice (p), Delmud, Lester, Fee, Arthur (p), Oifaye, Aless, Leaf (p), Nanna, Fin, and Altenna. Are you seriously telling me, even without ranks, with all these cool mounties, that you're going to play slowly to let the sword kids fight? When you could just blitz it and be finished quicker with just the mounties? Also, remember that the swordkids have to use lolMagic swords for 2 range, and have to take counters often. Lex gives them better defence than Holyn or Noish do, plus Ambush, which most people forget about. Lex is a good father for anyone, not just the swordkids. Delmud becomes hax, for example, with Lex as his dad, the Pursuit Ring, and a better sword. He's a mobile tank; easily your best one-range combat unit. Then Arthur and Tinny can try their hand at Ambush+Wrath+Elite for ownage with extra EXP. They'll need a Magic Ring later on though. Lex!Patty can try the Ambush+Sleep Sword gimmick in the Arena. Lex!Fury is supposedly pretty good as well. I wasn't questioning not using him for Aira, but not using him for anyone at all. You're wasting Elite.
  8. The argument is that Saleh is redundant, while L'Arachel is not.
  9. I keep the g in Begnion silent. I thought it was supposed to be pronounced like a French word.
  10. BBM

    FE4 Noob

    He doesn't need Continue if he hits both times though, which he will do against any non-boss unit with Holyn as his dad. Continue is pointless overkill damage-wise. He'd rather be able to hit stuff. Do you know, with both parents at 30, Jamka!Faval at base fails to clear 100 hit with Ichival (no leadership/charisma/lover bonus)? Before even accounting for enemy dodge? That means he can miss. His Continue rate is 31%. He has something like a 1% chance to miss and not proc Continue, and therefore not kill. Holyn!Faval has a 0% chance to miss, and therefore not kill. Doing less damage, but enough to kill, and never missing > Overkill damage, and missing every now and then. Besides, even if Patty is never downright amazing no matter who her father is, Holyn!Patty curbstomps Jamka!Patty rather badly, and even if he doesn't use Patty, you can't just ignore that.
  11. BBM

    FE4 Noob

    Sorry, I'm not sure what you were trying to say here. That Faval gets Continue? Why does he need a third shot with a 40 might bow in the first place? Besides, Chapter 8 is mostly all Wyverns, which he can take with his Silver Bow, forget Ichival or Continue, except for Ishtar. And guess why Faval can't beat Ishtar effectively? Because he can't hit her! If my Holyn!Faval had hit rates in the 60s at the most (can't really remember) against her, Jamka!Faval's hitting her less. Continue doesn't help this much. Chapter 9 is also mostly Wyverns, except for that Dark Mage castle he has no reason being near, and Hannibal's guys. Then Chapter 10 has no wyverns, but he still doesn't need Continue, especially now that he's beaten the Arenas in 8, 9 and 10, along with whatever kills he picked up in the actual chapter. Just those three arenas get him to level 17, actually. And the higher level he gets, the more Jamka!Faval falls behind in hit, because Holyn gives 70% more Skill. That's massive. The only stats he beats Holyn!Faval in are Strength, which Faval hardly needs, and a small lead in Luck. I guess that gives him slightly higher dodge, for whatever that's worth, considering he's an Archer who shouldn't be attacked very often. Yay for Continue? EDIT: Also, no Lex? Anywhere? He's your best father, discounting Levin for a mage kid. He gives great defences and Elite, even if he can't pass any weapons down.
  12. BBM

    FE4 Noob

    Yes. It's not her stats. It's her weapon. Aura has a lol20 weight, and it's the only weapon she can use. She can't dodge anything, ever, and it's coupled with low durability. Of the top of my head, it's the heaviest non-broken weapon in the game (Broken Weapons weigh 30). The only good thing that can be said about Aura is that it's pretty strong and has 2 range, so you can weaken for others, which can be good in FE4, because enemies come at you in big groups, and even your good characters can't kill everything; ORKOing is unreliable in this game. I liked that about FE4, it made them seem like squadrons of an army sent out to beat you. Of course, Diadora leaves your army in Chapter 3... Speaking of that, in Chapter 3, sell all her stuff. Her daughter doesn't get inheritance. EDIT: Holyn makes Faval godly too. Jamka has shit for skill, and that's Faval's biggest problem. Skill is basically the only requirement for a good father for Faval. His class has innate Pursuit, and Ichival comes from Brigid.
  13. Well, I'd be interested if anyone else wants to join a second pool.
  14. That's true, Tana isn't in an archetype. So the only similarity to pick is the second peg. I considered Tate as well. Her or Fiora, at any rate. I could do Farina, but meh.
  15. I'm not replacing them with the people who have nearly identical growths. I'm replacing them with the ones who are of the same archetype. So even if Syrene's growths might be closer to Florina's, she's being replaced with Yuno. And Tana is of the same archetype as Fiora, not Farina.
  16. The one they give in the list of editors in the hacking faq. I can't make heads or tails of it. The mugs in no way affect their gameplay, so it hardly matters.
  17. Okay. So, new and improved list. Eirika- Lyn Seth- Marcus Franz- Lowen Gilliam- Oswin Vanessa- Florina Moulder- Saul Ross- Bartre Garcia- Dorcas Neimi- Rebecca Colm- Matthew Artur- Lucius Lute- Lilina Natasha- Serra Joshua- Guy Ephraim- Eliwood Forde- Kent Kyle- Sain Orson- Zealot Tana- Fiora Amelia- Wendy Innes- Klein Gerik- Raven Tethys- Ninian/Nils Marisa- Fir L'Arachel- Priscilla Dozla- Hawkeye Saleh- Pent Ewan- Nino Cormag- Heath Rennac- Legault Duessel- Percival Knoll- Canas Myrrh- Fa Syrene- Yuno Now another problem. I grappled with the rom editor for a while, and then realized I simply had no idea what to do, so someone will have to do it for me, and then send me the patch. Not sure if anyone has the time...?
  18. I'm guessing the second pool isn't starting until the first ends?
  19. I can never understand how people have Florina at a higher level than Kent and Sain at the end of LM. I don't like her, so I don't generally use her, but the one time I did, she was still only level 7, with the Cavs at 8. Also, do you need to 5 star Funds for the White Gem, or 5 star everything? Because it's impossible to 5 star Tactics and get Nils to level 7.
  20. A lot of the equivalents come higher leveled, and thus with better stats, though. I could use whichever one of the equivalents has the worse stat/growths, but I'll need to draw up a whole new list then. So should I simply fill in the blanks with FE6 characters, use all FE6 characters, or use whichever one is weaker? And should I change supports too? Although I don't know how to do that.
  21. The purpose of the hack is to somewhat see whether the FE8 characters are better, or the FE7 ones. After this, I'm going to do the reverse, although that may be impossible, because FE7 has more characters. Also, to clarify, I'm not replacing weapons, just stats and growths, so Moulder will still be a healer, even with Hector's growths and stats. But he'll actually be a boulder. :P Any hack past that is beyond me. Actually, even this is beyond me, I'm still trying to figure out how to use the editor. I'm woefully inept at this stuff. I also contemplated replacing Myrrh with Ninian, but then who do I replace Tethys with? I don't want to use one character for two people. I could use FE6 instead of 7, but then FE6 has too many characters, and every other person has two replacements, making it a bother to choose.
  22. Fiora also comes with an Axereaver in Hector's mode. Those Pirates are actually pretty good exp. She can sit there taking on the pirates coming at Merlinus from the top for some exp. Or she's also helpful in rescuing and dropping units in the forest infested area around Uhai, as long as you keep her out of range.
  23. I'm planning a sort of hack, where I change the growth rates, base stats, and level of the characters to their FE7 equivalents. However, should I simply swap the base stats and level, or try to balance it out with the difference in joining time, and more chapters in FE7? So basically, since I'm just not counting Lyn's Mode, and using the default stats for Lyn Mode characters, there are 23 chapters in FE7 Hector Mode, and 21 in SS, having the finale as one chapter in both cases. So I would take a stat from the FE7 equivalent, divide by 23, and multiply by 21. Then, take the character's level and do the same thing. Then I'd lower the stat by the growth, depending on how many levels they lost. I have a feeling I'm making a mistake somewhere in my logic though, and I'm forgetting to do something. However, the main problem I'm now running into, is that a few people simply don't have an equivalent, or could have two. For example, there are three healers in SS, but only 2 in FE7, so Moulder is left out. These are all the people in SS, with their equivalents, in case I'm making a mistake somewhere. Eirika- Lyn Seth- Marcus Franz- Lowen Gilliam- Oswin Vanessa- Florina Moulder- I'm tempted to use Hector, but... Ross- Bartre or Dart? Garcia- Dorcas Neimi- Rebecca Colm- Matthew Artur- Lucius Lute- Erk Natasha- Serra Joshua- Guy Ephraim- Eliwood or Hector? I'm leaning towards Eliwood. Forde- Kent Kyle- Sain Orson- I don't think I'm going to match him up, as he's only there temporarily. Tana- Fiora Amelia- No idea. Innes- Louise Gerik- Raven Tethys- Ninian/Nils Marisa- Karla? She'd get a crazy stat bost though... L'Arachel- Priscilla Dozla- Hawkeye Saleh- Pent Ewan- Nino Cormag- Heath Rennac- Legault or Jaffar? Duessel- Guh... Isadora or Wallace? Knoll- Canas Myrrh- No idea. Syrene- Farina, I guess, although the switch between prepromote and unpromoted is a bit iffy. I could do Vaida. I could just leave Amelia and Myrrh alone, I suppose...
  24. No, they'll kill in the beginning, at least, and a Magic Ring can help. FinxTiltyu can also work, if you manage to pair them. You have to get them to low health, so basically after they get hit once, and then Prayer and Wrath kick in to raise dodge and critical. And they have Pursuit, to ensure kills after Wrath stops OHKOing. It's a hard pairing though, and annoying to set up for the kids, as they have to get weakened and healed every turn, since Prayer only lasts for one turn.
  25. Hey, you're right. I'm too lazy to change the post though.
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