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Posts posted by LastSaber

  1. 18 hours ago, Whai said:

    What kind of method did you use ? it might help.

    Do you have "Enable Cheats" checked ?


    Yup, I've ensured that it's been checked off multiple times.

    Honestly, there's nothing really scientific between just throwing one version or another of the code I'm looking for and seeing what sticks.

    15 hours ago, pineapple21 said:


    I agree with Whai. Knowing how you got them to work could help determine how to fix it. It also just could be a version / region difference. Could you screenshot the info tab under the game and send it here? 

    Right click on game -> Properties -> info (Your save game file path is here so you may want to crop that out or blur it)


    Also, another thought, are you adding these under the "Gecko Codes" section or the "AR Codes" section? I use all of mine under the "Gecko Codes" section.

    Attaching the screenshot for reference.

    I did add this particular code under the Gecko tab, yes. It seems to be a shared Notepad document that also hosts any AR codes I'm using, but I always do a check on what code I'm using and enter it under the appropriate tab.


  2. 23 minutes ago, Whai said:

    To get x4 EXP add 0x0800 to the value :

    Gain x2 EXP (Universal) :

    04120830 57E30E3E

    Now add 0x0800 :

    04120830 57E30E3E -> 04120830 57E3163E

    Gain x4 EXP (Universal) :

    04120830 57E3163E

    You can do it again :

    04120830 57E3163E -> 04120830 57E31E3E

    Gain x8 EXP (Universal) :

    04120830 57E31E3E

    You can only multiply by 2 (1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 8 -> 16 -> ...) so you cannot have x3 EXP.

    Try this code

    20B5411C 50320A46
    4A000000 80B5FE10
    600000CA 00000000
    3A000038 FFFE0001
    92010000 00000039
    86000000 00000001
    94010000 00000039
    E2000001 00000000
    4A100000 00000050
    62000000 00000000
    E0000000 80008000


    Like with the other suggestion offered to me, I tried yours and got similar results. The durability's still behaving as it normally would. Is it some kind of offset issue, maybe?

  3. 13 hours ago, pineapple21 said:

    Here is what I use to make Weapons and Items Infinite.

      Hide contents

    20B54158 8070F8BC
    08B5FE49 00000001
    01270050 00000000
    E0000000 80008000


    Tried your suggestion, no change. I know it's supposed to not only make weapons and items unbreakable but essentially remove the durability counter completely a la Ragnell or Alondite, and the durability is still behaving as normal, so it's really got me confused.

  4. I've been trying to get the Infinite Weapons Use Code (listed below) to work with no success whatsoever.

    20B5411C 50320A46
    A8000000 00000001
    4A000000 80B5FE10
    600000CA 00000000
    3A000038 FFFE0001
    92010000 00000039
    86000000 00000001
    94010000 00000039
    E2000004 00000000
    4A100000 00000050
    62000000 00000000
    E0000000 80008000

    I've gotten most other codes I wanted to use to work after a little effort, but this one has left me stumped and I'm uncertain what to do to get it to function.

    For reference, I'm on Dolphin 5.0, playing on 16:9 and on a 1.01 game.

    It's not a lot to go off of, but hoping for a little help figuring it out. Cheers in advance.

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