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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I don't know you, but if I was wearing nothing at all, I'd rather rock a guitar.
  2. The only games where I might, I repeat, might say General is better than Sniper is FE5 and 8. 5 has Ronin and Tania, and lolRonin. Dalsin can probably be argued against Tania pretty well since neither has any huge skills or other bonuses. Tania has E bows at base, so Brave is a long way off. And while Dalsin can Brave it from base and is a great capture bot with it, you could give it to Brighton and tear shit up. Also only indoor lances. LolXavier. 8 is just because Neimi should always go Ranger, and while I think Gilliam is a better GK and Amelia some sort of pally, Gilliam is also pretty decent as General, and Innes always just seems so lackluster.
  3. I know you probably won't listen to this but...:P Dean, Linoan, Reinhardt, Cyas, Olwen, and maybe Miranda could be easily put in what with having certain castles, or Dean and Linoan involving Arion. Cyas and Reinhardt could come in when you end up fighting Ishtar. Olwen could be with like Tinny. Maybe Xavier somewhere too. Fergus could do something what with the whole Beo thing. Or maybe Eriyos. Dagda, Marty, and Tania could also fight if you run into some bandits on the way to Hannible since that's around where Purple Dragon Mountain. Shanam could probably come in somewhere. If you have Mareeta, have Galzus. :P Fee, Misha, and Karin Triangle attack? Karin and Misha come in when you recruit Sety? Since your maps are bigger, if you add a forest or something, maybe the Dandelion gang? Sara (Female Druid 8])? Otherwise it's looking really good. Patty and Faval have to meet Evayl D:
  5. The yellow stuff in the Shrine was Swamp, which is coming up soon in Celica's route. They damage any non flying unit by 5 HP each turn. Be careful of them, and get your units out of it. Just send the peggies on Celica's route to kill the swamp bosses cause that will get rid of most of all the units. (Hint: Lots of summoners. ) The Shrine is a huge gaunlet of fights to get you to a chest. There's like...6 or so. Also, when you see the chest, go around it. Don't go in front.
  6. What are you talking about? Leaf's sprite is obviously Roy.
  8. Or you can go hit on Yosuke. Group Date Cafe! (This was a horrible idea...)
  9. She comes with Auto Aura, and while I've never gotten her high enough for Ragnarok, she gets Angel. Integrity was having quite a bit of trouble with monsters and isn't training the clerics high enough to get them Dear.
  10. That's not true. Get a degree in Poetry first ERL.
  11. Their style seems almost identical. I thought Lumi drew her avi and sig for her at first.
  12. The only reason I could think of is so Pahn isn't getting fatigued 24/7. Lara would still go to dancer, but even if she can steal, she can't supplement Pahn that much if at all.
  13. Yeah, but you're more likely to use her on Alm's side. Before you go to the final chapter and fights and stuff, I suggest you take: Alm: Silk Grey Clieve Python if you can't revive Dyute Luka Ryuto if Cliff doesn't get Arrow in time/Promote soon Matilda Teeta Zeke Celica: Jenny Kamui Catria Palla Est Norma Dean May 10th slot Your first ten in each party will go to the final chapter, and when Alm first enters the temple you'll have to walk through black walls again.
  14. If you feel daring enough, since Lakche and Skasher are fine, give the Hero Sword to Patty. Or the Prayer sword through the breaking method. I stil suggest the Pursuit Ring to Tinny. Though if you give it to Leaf, maybe end up with the Elite Ring to Tinny if not Patty.
  15. If Bal is doing Levin Tiltyu, maybe give it to Tinny, since she can't use Tron before promo so won't be doing much. Lex Tiltyu, maybe Arthur in that case.
  16. If you really want the Speedwing and you have Heather, I'd say just steal it from a DB unit in eithe 3-7 or 3-F. Though, by then you could just wait for Part 4 once convoys merge.
  17. Arena Phases are fine at the current speed, I think. The only time I'd like them faster would be for someone like Dew who's chipping 1's or Sylvia or Fin with Prayer and Sylvia takes forever and a half.
  18. Magic RIng gives all magic 5 range. And Dyute killer. >_> She can be recruited if you had killed the boss before her and she'd have warped out.
  19. Ether, you can not give Lumi a lap dance either.
  20. ETHER! This is not that kind of establishment! We could get closed down! Go work at that "Massage Parlor" down the street called FE4.
  21. The peg sisters are always good Integrity. And another thing. TRIANGLE ATTACK. Also, promoted Cat and Palla do super effective damage to all monsters. And people that aren't fliers will get hurt for like, 5 HP when they're in the yellow swamp stuff in the next few Celica chapters. Just send the Fliers to kill the bosses and you should end them soon. You're gonna hate Bigils. Don't leave Mila's Temple until you recruit Norma. You have to walk through black empty walls to get him as well as that chest you found.
  22. Can I suggest something? Make Veld a Dark Druid (Maybe give him Nergal's tome, Iunno) and have him warp out once Johan is recruit or something of the sort.
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