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Everything posted by Psych

  1. yeah but with his nerf Caitlyn/MF/Kog/maybe sivir or trist are a much better pool Cait is always safe, Kog is in meta some how, and MF has the highest ADC winrate, but you could trade her for Draven depending who you work with better
  2. What if you just throw the new versions of the characters in with the old ones and have a huge party?
  3. Who's drafting turn is it? We still have some pokemon left and I'm putting off starting till then
  4. Could be in kelvin Also I'm gonna be on my phone emulator so no pics unfortunately
  6. Lich Bane is core on AP Ez, and stuff like Rabadon, Zhonya, and Void Staff is good too I prefer CDR boots over MPen for him and like grabbing a tear, considering you want to spam spells more and you don't have auto attacks to fall back on when they are down, as opposed to AD EZ
  7. I saw the ragequit one and thought what's your favorite chapter for each game? Mine are FE4: Chapter 7 FE5: Chapter 12 FE6: Chapter 7 FE7: Chapter 16x/17x FE8: either Chapter 5, or Chapter 9 Eirika, or Chapter 10 Eirika, can't decide FE9: Chapter 9 FE10: Part 3 Chapter 3 FE11: Chapter 10 FE13: Chapter 6
  8. i thought we were drafting till everything was gone
  9. Psych

    Dungeon World

    Would anyone be interested in a Dungeon World session? It's more of a tabletop style game but I could try to host it either through IRC or on here with a little modification. http://book.dwgazetteer.com/introduction.html You can look at stuff there. I want to try and GM a session even though I don't really know what I'm doing.
  10. thank you for giving a name for it
  11. the fuck is up with that formating
  12. *DEAD* as·cet·ic əˈsetik noun noun: ascetic; plural noun: ascetics a person who practices severe self-discipline and abstention. *DEAD*
  13. yeah, but I can use a second seedot for cut/rock smash so idk if eclipse doesn't pick it, then I know who my flyer is and then I can take someone like carvanha and give Sharpedo Rock Smash/Strength/Dive/Waterfall while I use Mudkip for primary water type duty
  14. what can I even take for rock smash + strength now I guess I can just catch a second seedot and have it use cut and rocksmash or something meant to edit, not double post
  15. yeah i'm surprised people want anything after the 5th gym
  16. ECLIPSE NO ECLIPSE BAD I want carvanaha but I can't take him because you need surf to get the good rod first wow thanks Seedot and Slugma
  17. eventually you have to lean into the wind and go with the 'psych is dumb and not playing a gambit' gambit
  18. yeah because saying things like this make you look good you're intentionally not bringing up specifics because there are none
  19. we have like 15 minutes and a large portion of my wagon aren't here which doesn't sit well with me cam even said he'd rather have a tie until a little before the deadline and then voted me
  20. will people stop saying i'm dodging questions when they aren't saying what questions i'm dodging? point them out
  21. I don't know why darros is voting me considering he can't seem to pull up a situation where I dodge a question
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