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Posts posted by Sebacore

  1. It's not so much earning favor as "I need beta testers, you guys know what you're doing/can code/paid good money so you guys can be my beta testers". I donated a large sum, and I'm going to be writing the main guide for FEXNA, which is why I have access. I gave a bunch of my friends access, but almost none of them are touching it (They're waiting for full release, or like Primefusion, would prefer to stick to GBA). Skitty is the only one currently working on a serious project, aside from Yeti. I have a couple like Roguelike Emblem and Phoenix Saga and Sacred Contention 2 that I work on a little bit here and there, but I'm saving the majority of my creative energy for after FE8CM. There are two other people, like PwnageKirby/Charlotte and Terra who are making their own silly games/test projects to get used to the engine, but they aren't at the same level as Skitty's project.

    Basically, Skitty is the only person aside from Yeti putting in actual effort on a serious project with FEXNA currently.

    Yeah I know I'm a complete noob and unknown but I decided I'm waiting for the release before starting anything. Spending my time working on plot and story ideas.

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