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Elite Lord Sigma

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Posts posted by Elite Lord Sigma

  1. I thought of something else related to magic weapons. Let's say that a Wind Edge goes up against a Venin Axe. The former has an advantage as a sword against an axe, but the latter has an advantage as a dark weapon against an anima weapon. How exactly do the triangle bonuses and penalties work in a situation like that?

  2. Ilyana gains +5 DEF on promotion. She has the highest defense in the entire game aside from Brom. That should tell how you how she functions. Her offence is shaky though and she's reliant on crits. I do like Wrath on her.

    Her main worry is avoiding magic weapons. Both dark weapons and wind swords have WTA on her and she's especially at risk of boing doubled by anyone using the latter. But, she also has free Shade, which means enemies will often not target her even with that.

    As for Druids? I've never gave them a staff so idk. That said, I've found that the game can crash fairly often if any class is given an animation they're not supposed to have (outside of magic types). So for units like Astrid she has no animation with them as it stands -- it's not worth it. Which is fine since it's staves. It would only matter if you counter attack with it.

    Ah, I see. With Thunder magic not having awful hit like it does in vanilla FERD, I could definitely see Vantage/Wrath working well on her, assuming that there's enough capacity for both skills to be equipped. I take it that her weakness to magic weapons means that magic weapons will actually show up often enough to be worth taking into consideration.

    As for new weapon animations, Astrid's existing animations for attacking with a lance would probably be fine if you could somehow substitute the staff in for the lance, or you could try to use Mist's animations as a base and apply them to Astrid's model. Then again, I'm no modeler, animator, or programmer, so I wouldn't know how much effort this would actually take.

  3. Do note that a forged thunder tome would still give them an okay 2 range option. Otherwise they're just locked out of magic triangle control, which isn't too detrimental. High DEF / bad RES just means they have better things to do than fight other magi.

    Giving them access to other types takes away their distinctness. I'd have to weaken their strengths to balance for that which may end up not making them much different from other mages.

    Thaumaturgy are miracle workers by definition, so I'd thought it would fit fairly well. Same with Shaman in some different context (more relevance than GBA shaman for instance.

    I suppose one could just think of Thunder as the Hand Axe/Javelin for Thunder magic. Come to think of it, I probably feel that way only because the playable parts of this version of the hack thus far don't really go far enough into the game to see how Ilyana functions as a Thor Knight.

  4. I'd like to comment on how Thaumaturge is a fitting name for one of Micaiah's classes, even considering some of the dialogue changes you have made and might be making. The only few changes that I have reservations about are the magic weapons and Warmagus being locked to Thunder magic, but I'll have to play the new version of this hack first.

  5. At first I used Thunder Knight (Which I could go back to) but Thor Knight just looks/sounds cleaner.

    Other names seem a bit too extravagant. And some names like Electroubadour sounds like they would be Staff/Thunder users or something.

    'Thor' just seems to be a reasonable term to me considering Thoron. Do keep in mind that the class name in itself is meant to emphasise the durability/movement of the class. Thunder Knight is the most direct name you could give it. Thor Knight is basically just shortening that. But could be Storm Knight or Bolt Knight etc... I just prefer Thor but it's a reference to the S tome that you unlock from it.

    But could be Storm Knight

    I might be crazy, but Stormtrooper, maybe? Or perhaps Shock Trooper? Or maybe you can just ignore both of them for being silly puns?

  6. If Valkyrie is going to be the name for Astrid's Tier 3 class, will it still be used for Mist's Tier 3 class as well?

    Also, if it helps you uncover the underlying problem, I'll describe to you how I obtained the files for the Riivolution patches I've been providing. First, I used Dolphin to extract all of the files from the ISO. Next, I used WinMerge to compare the files' binary data to determine which files had been changed. Each of the files was then placed in the appropriate folder(s) with an identical name to the folder(s) extracted from the ISO. With the XML patch I provided, Riivolution would then replace the appropriate files in-game. The disc ISO has two partitions; most, if not all of the altered files are in Partition II. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the black screens and crashes when loading maps, but that's all of the information I have.

  7. I have the necessary files uploaded for the V2.0b patch as well. For ease of access, I'll post both links in this message.

    V2.0a: https://mega.nz/#F!i8lRmZ5D!TEeKl1wjLC6lMsiwIojEpQ

    V2.0b: https://mega.nz/#F!Xg8lwZSA!IMrCQ6LguniyOqhSj1Pu6w

    EDIT: You'll also need this XML file for Riivolution to recognize the patch. Place it directly into the riivolution folder. If that doesn't work, create a folder named "config" in the riivolution folder and move the XML file there.

    XML: https://mega.nz/#!7xECQRyB!lxGm-IANuVShTGm0PVVLI_3nAaIwheYs9N-AeqpOnlY

  8. Is anything up with Disarm in the demo? I only ask because I had to shoot a Bishop about 20 times with a capped SKL Leonardo before he finally dropped his Mend staff.

    Also, the demo black screened and crashed on my Wii when I attempted to proceed to Chapter I-6-2. I was able to proceed to the battle by reloading the base game and saving at the Adv menu, but I'm pretty sure the levels are all screwed up, as Fiona is at Level 9, Laverton is at Level 16, and the enemies range from Level 10-13 as opposed to the Level 16-17 enemies with some Level 4 second tier enemies thrown in. Any idea as to what could be causing this problem?

  9. Silver: Two of Lance/Bow/Staff at tier 3, or One and a movement boost for Geoff. Astrid gets hers early however (Staff tier 1). Oscar: Lance/Staff. Fiona: Lance/Bow. Geoff: Lance only +movement.

    Gold: Sword and Axes or Just one of those and a movement boost. Kieran/Renning being the former and Makalov/Titania being the latter.

    Every unit is unique from each other.

    I might be nice to Oscar and give him all 3, thinking about it.

    I'm not averse to just giving staves to Fiona instead though (maybe even tier 2). Rounding the Dawn Brigade up to 3 staff users might even be for the best. GM already have Rhys, Mist and Ilyana.

    I actually like these ideas, so long as Oscar's triangle attack is maintained.

  10. I was thinking before on making all Silver Knights having staves on tier 2, but 50 capacity and still capped at A for their weapon. While Gold Knights have more 10 more capacity and can get S as per usual, and get their secondary weapon instantly at B on promotion. Silver Knights get C.

    Thoughts on that?

    So basically, they sacrifice a bit of combat effectiveness for staves.

    I don't have an issue with this in terms of gameplay, but it doesn't really make sense in terms of character for someone like Geoffrey. For him, it would make more sense if he were to gain staves after promoting into a Silver Knight (because of the time he's out of the story working with Bastian), but this would also be difficult to implement when Oscar has the same starting class. Are you still planning on giving each Gold and Silver Knight different combinations of weapons upon reaching third tier?

  11. All right. I finished playing through Part I just now. I only noticed one technical problem and another potential issue as I played through. The former occurred in Chapter I-7. When I attempted to progress from base to the deployment screen, the game would freeze before loading the introductory scene of the battle. I was able to circumvent the issue by disabling Riivolution and saving the game at the preparations screen. The latter occurred when I promoted Meg. Her luck dropped from 2 to 0 upon promotion. I know she's meant to have a horrid luck stat, but is this change intentional?

    Those two minor issues aside, I'll give you credit; this patch is a huge improvement on the base game's Part I. Almost everybody played important roles on my team, and nobody really stuck out as too overpowered or dominant, nor was anybody lagging far behind the rest of the team. I look forward to what you have in store for the rest of the game; Radiant Dawn has always been one of my favorite entries in the series.

    [spoiler=Part 1 Final Stats]


    Level: 20/1

    HP: 37

    STR: 11

    MAG: 20

    SKL: 18

    SPD: 19

    LCK: 26

    DEF: 14

    RES: 14


    Level: 15/6

    HP: 42

    STR: 17

    MAG: 3

    SKL: 17

    SPD: 25

    LCK; 16

    DEF: 11

    RES: 8


    Level: 15/4

    HP: 34

    STR: 20

    MAG: 5

    SKL: 25

    SPD: 20

    LCK: 17

    DEF: 13

    RES: 7


    Level: 16/2

    HP: 43

    STR: 20

    MAG: 2

    SKL: 18

    SPD: 16

    LCK: 11

    DEF: 13

    RES: 6


    Level: 20/5

    HP: 42

    STR: 6

    MAG: 15

    SKL: 20

    SPD: 25

    LCK: 19

    DEF: 13

    RES: 15


    Level: --/3

    HP: 36

    STR: 17

    MAG: 4

    SKL: 22

    SPD: 22

    LCK: 18

    DEF: 15

    RES: 7


    Level: 16/4

    HP: 49

    STR: 21

    MAG: 6

    SKL: 16

    SPD: 18

    LCK: 0

    DEF: 23

    RES: 10


    Level: 16/1

    HP: 36

    STR: 7

    MAG: 15

    SKL: 21

    SPD: 18

    LCK: 15

    DEF: 11

    RES: 7


    Level: 16/3

    HP: 43

    STR: 18

    MAG: 5

    SKL: 19

    SPD: 17

    LCK: 13

    DEF: 20

    RES: 11


    Level: 14

    STR: 11 --> 16

    MAG: 3 --> 4

    SKL: 14 --> 21

    SPD: 13 --> 19

    LCK: 17

    DEF: 11 --> 16

    RES: 12 --> 18


    Level: 17/1

    HP: 37

    STR: 18

    MAG: 3

    SKL: 18

    SPD: 17

    LCK: 13

    DEF: 19

    RES: 5


    Level: 14/4

    HP: 38

    STR: 15

    MAG: 11

    SKL: 20

    SPD: 19

    LCK: 14

    DEF: 16

    RES: 13


    Level: 9

    HP: 58

    STR: 14

    MAG: 4

    SKL: 14

    SPD: 12

    LCK: 12

    DEF: 11

    RES: 8


    Level: 7

    HP: 42

    STR: 8

    MAG: 7

    SKL: 11

    SPD: 13

    LCK: 18

    DEF: 9

    RES: 10


    Level: 28

    HP: 34

    STR: 3 --> 6

    MAG: 7 --> 14

    SKL: 4 --> 8

    SPD: 12 --> 24

    LCK: 21

    DEF: 5 --> 10

    RES: 12 --> 24

    Omitted: Tauroneo, Zihark, Tormod, and Nailah, as none of them gained any levels.

  12. As a follow-up to my last post, I decided to try to make this work on Riivolution myself. After some trial and error, several hours spent ripping all of the files out of both a vanilla ISO and a patched ISO, and comparing both ISOs in WinMerge, I was able to determine which files were altered and then get this patch working on my Wii. I've taken the liberty of uploading the needed files for other people's convenience. Just move the ferd folder to the root of your SD card, move the RDTemplate.xml file out of the ferd folder to the riivolution folder, and you should be good to go.


  13. This sounds like something I want to play, but my laptop can't handle Dolphin all that well. Is there any way to play this on an actual Wii? I've tried directly using the patched ISO files, but I get a black screen whenever I attempt to load them.

    EDIT: Disregard this post and read my next one. I have this patch working now.

  14. [T]here are still the questions of whether Female Kamui is the Exception to the "Father first, then Mother" pattern Inheritance seems to have and ,in the case she's not and it leads to a Class Overlap case, what would that mean to the Kanna from either Rod-Knight!Kamui/Joker or Priestess!Kamui/Asama considering Inheritance seems to recognize the Gender-split Class Trees and include the proper equivalents.

    I have an answer to the first question. Female Kamui is not an exception to the rule. When she married Silas with Cavalier as her alternate class set, Kanna was able to reclass into either Cavalier or Ninja. As Ninja is Cavalier's analog, it indicates that Silas was prioritized over Kamui.



    Also, for the sake of being thorough, I checked to see if male Rod Knights and female Rod Knights are treated as separate classes for a non-Kamui couple. After pairing Jakob/Joker and Elise, I found that Jakob could use Elise's Wyvern Knight class set and vice-versa. So, it would seem the healer classes are only treated as separate when analogous classes come into play.



  15. I have another report to make after some more fact-finding.

    Just as I thought, there are analogous classes that come into play when class redundancies in inheritance and marriages involving Kamui come up. To

    be brief, they are as follows:

    Samurai <-> Mercenary

    Oni Savage <-> Fighter

    Lance Fighter <-> Knight

    Bowman <-> Outlaw

    Ninja <-> Cavalier

    Spellcaster <-> Dark Mage

    Herb Merchant is the odd class out; the game would not permit me to have Midoriko use a Marriage Seal when I married her to a Kamui with Herb Merchant as his second class set. Oddly enough, this restriction also seems to apply to the Rod Knight and Priest/Priestess class trees, as I saw similar results when attempting to do the same with Sakura and Felicia as Kamui's spouse. My guess is that the game treats Priest and Priestess as different class sets as well as male Rod Knight and Female Rod Knight.

    Images are below.

    [spoiler=Reclass Images]









    While I was at it, I also decided to take a look at Kanna's reclass options after marrying Midoriko. The image below shows that she has access to Herb Merchant and Ninja. As such, it can be reasonably concluded that in an instance where Kamui marries a second generation character, the class set that the second generation character received from his or her set parent takes priority for Kanna's inheritance over the class set received from the variable parent.



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