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Elite Lord Sigma

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Posts posted by Elite Lord Sigma

  1. I'd like in on this. However, I have a question first. You state Lehran is free for use in Radiant Dawn, yet you can't recruit him without deploying the Black Knight in 1-E. Would you get a turn penalty for using the Black Knight then?

  2. Having an Avatar with a certain secondary class set marry a unit with the same class set as their base class set isn't the only way to figure out analogous class sets. You could also have a child whose mother has a base class set that matches one of those first two class sets and simply use a Parallel Seal. By this logic, you could figure out Mercenary's analogue by having Sophie mothered by Luna, for example. Gurei having Kagerou as his mother could be used for Ninja, and so on and so forth.

  3. So, after spending a lot of time playing the game myself, I have answers for a few of the questions on the original post.

    First, I can confirm that Eponine receives Spellcaster if Nyx is her mother:


    Second, I can also confirm that Villager CAN be inherited from Mozume.



    The most interesting development, however, arose when I recruited Lutz after Arthur married Belka. If you guessed that Cavalier would be his third class set, it turns out that you were wrong. His third class set is actually . . .


    . . . Pegasus Warrior.


    So, taking these new facts into account along with what Keyser said about pairing Nishiki with Orochi, I think the inheritance rules can be revised to read as follows.

    1. Each child's first class set corresponds to the default class set he or she has when first recruited.

    2. The second class set is inherited from the child's set parent. If the child's first class set is not the same as the set parent's default class set, then the child will inherit the parent's default class set.

    3. If the child's first class set is the same as the set parent's default class set, the child will instead inherit the set parent's alternate class set. A special case for this rule is Shigure, who starts as a Pegasus Warrior. Since Singer is a class exclusive to Aqua/Azura, he will instead inherit the Rod Knight class set from her.

    4. The child's third class set is inherited from the child's variable parent. If neither of the child's first two class sets are the same as the variable parent's default class set, then the child will inherit the variable parent's default class set.

    5. If either of the child's first two class sets are the same as the variable parent's default class set, the child will instead inherit the class set analogous to the variable parent's class set.

    The examples above, along with the example of Orochi marrying Kamui that was mentioned in the original post, make it clear that the game has some sort of system that creates certain pairs of class sets. These pairs seem to consist of one class set from Hoshido and one class set from Nohr for the purposes of child inheritance as well as Kamui's spouse using a Marriage Seal. From the information we have so far, it seems that two such pairs are Spellcaster <-> Dark Mage and Pegasus Warrior <-> Wyvern Rider. The analogous class sets seem to perform similar roles to one another. As such, a preliminary list could be written based on this conjecture.

    Samurai <-> Mercenary (unconfirmed)

    Oni Savage <-> Fighter (unconfirmed)

    Lance Fighter <-> Knight (unconfirmed)

    Ninja <-> Outlaw (unconfirmed)

    Spellcaster <-> Dark Mage (confirmed)

    Pegasus Warrior <-> Wyvern Rider (confirmed)

    Priest/Priestess <-> Rod Knight (unconfirmed)

    Herb Merchant <-> ?????

    Cavalier <-> ?????

    Bowman <-> ?????

    That should settle most of the questions.

  4. Even if Takumi were the most poorly written character in the series, I would still use him because he's arguably the best archer in the series and can murder enemies everywhere. That he also is one of the better developed characters in the game elevates him to one of my favorites.

  5. One other thing I would add is whether children can inherit Dark Prince/Princess (besides Kanna), Fox Spirit (besides Kinu), Garou (besides Velour), or Villager.

    I can confirm that Shigure cannot inherit Singer from Azura, but CAN inherit Dark Prince from the Avatar. I don't know if other kids can inherit the Dark Prince set.

    I've heard from multiple sources that Dark Prince/Princess can be passed down to any child, and I've heard from another member here that the same applies to Fox Spirit and Garou. I think it is unlikely that the same restriction would apply to Villager given these cases, but I have seen no definitive proof either way.

  6. I wanted to gather all of the information on class-changing and inheritance in one thread. This is what has been figured out so far.


    1. Master Seals function identically as in past games.

    2. Parallel Seals allow a unit to switch to his/her alternate class (if unpromoted) or other promoted classes in either class set (if promoted). Unlike in Awakening, Parallel Seals do not reset level and cannot move a promoted character down to an unpromoted class.

    3. Marriage Seals allow a unit to change to the default class set of another unit with whom they have an S support. The same restrictions that apply to Parallel Seals also apply here. If the partner's base class is a special class (Dark Prince/Princess, Singer, Fox Spirit, Garou, or Villager), or if the two units have the same default class set, the seal instead grants access to the partner's secondary class. If the unit using the seal already has access to their partner's base class via another method (e.g. having the base class as one of their alternate classes), then the seal becomes functionally redundant. If a unit is married to the Avatar, and the Avatar has a second class set identical to his/her spouse's default class set, then the Avatar's spouse instead can reclass to a class set analogous to the Avatar's second class set. Other characters with a special base class (e.g. Azura/Aqua, Nishiki, Flannel, Mozume) all have hidden class sets that become available to their spouses should the spouse have a base class identical to the alternate class of any of these four characters (e.g. Takumi can reclass to Herb Merchant by using a Marriage Seal if he marries Mozume).

    4. Buddy Seals allow a unit to change to the default class of another unit with whom s/he has an A+ Support. The same restrictions that apply to Marriage Seals also apply here. If the unit using the seal is the Avatar, then they only need an A Support with a partner of the same gender.

    5. Eternal Seals increase the maximum level cap of a promoted unit by five with each use.

    6. Child Seals are held by a child unit recruited starting at Chapter 19 in any route. When used, they allow a child unit to promote to a class and advance to a level in accordance with how far the player has progressed through the main story. The child's stats are also increased by an amount appropriate for their level. For example, if Soleil uses a Child Seal after being recruited in her paralogue, she will be promoted to a Level 2 Brave Hero or Bow Knight if the player is at Chapter 19 in the main story. Soleil will receive normal promotion gains as well as stats appropriate for a single level up.


    1. Unlike as in Awakening and Genealogy of the Holy War, the children in this game are tied to the father. The only two exceptions to this rule are Shigure (Azura/Aqua's son) and male Kanna (female Avatar's son).

    2. Each child joins with a default class set of his/her own. If this default class set does not match the default class set of his/her father, then s/he will first inherit the default class set of that parent.

    3. If the default class set of the child matches the default class set of his/her father, the child will instead inherit the father's alternate class set.

    4. Finally, the child will inherit a class set from his/her mother. As before, if the mother's default class set is already available to the child by default or via inheritance from his/her father, the mother will instead pass down her alternate class set (including Aqua/Azura's hidden class sets as described earlier).

    5. In the rare instance where the child already has both of his her/mother's class sets (i.e. his/her default class set and the class set inherited from his/her father), the child will instead inherit an analogous class set corresponding to the mother's default class set.

    Analogous and Hidden Class Sets

    Should a situation arise where an analogous or hidden class set is needed as described above, they are as follows. Double tipped arrows indicate analogous classes, whereas a single tipped arrow indicates a hidden class for a given special class.

    Samurai <-> Mercenary

    Oni Savage <-> Fighter

    Lance Fighter <-> Knight

    Bowman <-> Outlaw

    Ninja <-> Cavalier

    Spellcaster <-> Dark Mage

    Singer -> Rod Knight

    Fox Spirit -> Herb Merchant

    Garou -> Outlaw

    Villager -> Herb Merchant

    Priest/Priestess and Dark Prince/Princess do not have any analogs nor hidden classes. A unit in a situation where an analogous class set would be needed involving a class that does not have an analog (i.e. any special class, Herb Merchant, or a healing class) would not be able to use a Marriage Seal or Buddy Seal at all.

    Unknown Information

    1. What classes Eponine receives if Nyx is her mother remains unreported. Since Zero and Nyx have the same two class sets, it remains to be seen whether or not Eponine receives a third class set to match the number of options available to the children of other couples. Eponine inherits Spellcaster in place of Dark Mage. See post #27 for proof.

    2. Following the logic outlined above, another odd case pops with Lutz if he has Belka as his mother. Lutz starts as a Wyvern Rider and inherits the Fighter class set from his father, Arthur/Harold. However, these two class sets also happen to be Belka's two class sets. I would think Lutz would thus also inherit the Cavalier class set from Arthur/Harold, but I'm not 100% sure about this particular scenario. It turns out that Lutz actually inherits Pegasus Warrior, not Cavalier. See post #27 for proof.

    3. The exact mechanics of using a Marriage Seal with the Avatar as a unit's spouse remain a bit murky. Namely, the Avatar gives his second class set (which is chosen by the player during character creation) to his spouse by default. However, if this chosen class set matches the default class set of his/her spouse, it remains unclear what happens if the spouse uses a Marriage Seal. I have read one report of Orochi being able to reclass to Dark Mage after marrying an Avatar with Spellcaster as an alternate class set, so more research needs to be done. There a system where classes are considered analogous to each other. See post #80 for evidence and more information.

    4. If the Avatar marries a child character, the order of priority for classes seems not to have been reported. If Kanna has a parent whose base class matches the chosen alternate class of the Avatar, it remains to be seen whether the class set that parent inherited from the mother or the father is passed down first. The class set received from the constant parent has priority. See post #80 for evidence.

    5. The Villager class remains a bit of a mystery. I have read reports that Mozume cannot pass this class to a husband or buddy via Marriage Seal or Buddy Seal. However, I have not seen any definite information as to whether she can pass Villager down to her children. Villager can be used by any of Mozume's children. See post #27 for proof.

    6. Whether or not growth rates are determined using the same formula as in Awakening (Father's growth rates + Mother's growth rates + Child's growth rates)/3 + Class growth rates) is yet to be discovered.

    7. Whether or not there is a limit on the number of times a unit can use an Eternal Seal has not been reported.

    So, there remain a few mysteries to solve, but it seems that the community at large almost has everything figured out. Let me know if I missed anything.

  7. So, are Marriage and Buddy Seals essentially redundant if the character using them already has access to their partner's base class? For example, if Saizou marries Hana, will he still only get the Samurai class branch from using a Marriage Seal considering he already has it as his alternate class branch?

  8. So, I'm back with a few more questions about class inheritance, this time concerning specific pairings.

    First off, with Arthur x Belka, does Lutz inherit the Cavalier class set? By the logic used to pick class sets for children, Lutz would first inherit the Fighter class set from Arthur, but this would leave him with both of Belka's class sets already. I'm assuming Lutz does inherit the Cavalier class set, but I just want to be sure.

    Secondly, has anybody figured out if Eponine gets a third class set if her mother is Nyx? Since Zero and Nyx have the same two class sets between them, I don't know what she would inherit for a third class set.

  9. So, has anybody figured out whether the Villager class line can be inherited this time around? I have the same question for Dark Prince/Princess, Fox Spirit, and Garou, even though the latter two only really apply to Shigure and male Kanna.

  10. I don't think the "other" prepromoted units getting three class sets is actually cheating at all. Since Parallel Seals can't demote units anymore, prepromotes get three class sets so they still can have up to six classes to choose from. However, this does give them more potential skills to choose from, but that's balanced out.

    Apparently, I hear most of the units listed there can't support with anybody other than Kamui, so they can't get more than one other class set via Buddy or Marriage Seals. As such, the units with wider support pools have more class set options to gain.

  11. This is probably wishful thinking, but since it's been shown beyond any reasonable doubt that children are in this game, I would prefer it if every character had a child tied to them and not just the father or mother. While this could be unwieldy depending on the size of the cast in each path and would be a pain in terms of getting all the supports, it also would be thematically appropriate considering how much of an emphasis family has in this game.

  12. I recently decided to give FE6 another go. While I was looking for the translation patch, I noticed that the translation had been revamped since the last time I played the game. I also came across DLuna's FE6 Redux patch, which I'd like to try out. The only issue is that the most recent version of Redux uses the older translation. While this isn't a huge problem for me, I'd still really like to try Redux with the newer translation. My cursory attempts to use both patches at once resulted in an unplayable ROM, so I now turn here. How exactly would I go about making both patches work together? Alternately, how much work would it be for me to try to "combine" the two together, and how would I go about doing so?

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