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Posts posted by Pretty_Handsome

  1. Don't like the game splitting so I'm just going to go with Hoshido as my sole version as I like the designs and because it'll be most like Awakening.

    Makes me wonder how they'll handle DLC outside the third story path as without a world map Nohr may have issues with doing it.

  2. I wish I wanted to choose Nohr due to more diverse objectives and all. But between it having the stupidity that is Camilla and Hoshido having the awesomeness that is Ryouma and overall better character designs... Yeah, I have to go with Hoshido and ignore Nohr. ...Or should I say ig-Nohr?

    Seriously, why couldn't both have diverse objectives and such?

    Well, they never said Hoshido wouldn't have some.

    Though the ability to grind naturally will make those things easier anyway.

  3. Just looking at the polls on SF, Nohr had TWICE as many fans as Hoshido did. And now on top of that, Nohr is confirmed to have more diversified victory conditions and a way to lower the difficulty. I think Hoshido needs positive attention a lot more than Nohr.

    That is irrelevant.

    Awakening is huge in the West, far larger than any other Fire Emblem game thus Hoshido will naturally be far more appealing to most NA FE fans as it's most like Awakening and a more straight forward story. Hence why they have to push Nohr hard compared to Hoshido as they know Hoshido is going to sell well.

    Only the hardcores seem to really want Nohr more because it reminds them of the old games.

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